To replace covid: monkeypox "walks" around the planet

To replace covid: monkeypox "walks" around the planet

It seems that “coronavirus passions” have recently subsided (Rospotrebnadzor no longer promises the beginning of a new wave, and due to lack of demand, the production of vaccines “Kovivak” and “Epivaccorona” has been suspended), so ...
In Germany, again talking about the atomic bomb

In Germany, again talking about the atomic bomb

Readers of the German Focus magazine commented on the magazine's arguments on the possible creation of an atomic bomb by Berlin. It is noteworthy that the topic itself was put into circulation, allegedly as a response to ...
Children in Germany began to be taught to hate Russia

Children in Germany began to be taught to hate Russia

After a coalition of pro-American political forces came to power in Germany, anti-Russian propaganda intensified significantly. Now it extends to children who have been taught to hate Russia and...
Why Ukraine is difficult to call a Nazi state

Why Ukraine is difficult to call a Nazi state

The project "Ukraine" - there is a project, of course, anti-Russian and even Russophobic, but it is definitely not Nazi in the full sense of the word. Why? Let's figure it out....