About edition

The online edition Reporter covers current political and economic events in Russia and the world, and publishes news on technologies and social issues.

URL address: https://topcor.ru

This resource may contain 18 + materials.

Email address of the editors: [email protected]

Periodicity: daily free

Editorial staff

Editor-in-chief: Ruslan Kristallovich
E-mail: [email protected] (not for press releases)

Proofreader: Natalia Ermilova


Senior correspondent: Andrey Punko
Correspondent: Grigory Tarasenko
Correspondent: Alexander Zbitnev
Correspondent: Sergey Vasilenkov
Correspondent: Andrey Elistratov
Correspondent: Nikolai Gritsai
Correspondent: Angela Abramenko
Correspondent: Vasily Tisha
Correspondent: Oleg Znobishchev

Departments "Politics", "Economics", "Society", "Techno"

Browser: Alexander Neukropny
Columnist: Mikhail Tokmakov
Columnist: Alexander Sizarov
Browser: Sergey Marzhetsky
Columnist: Viktor Anufriev
Browser: Alexey Pishenkov

The opinion of the editors may not coincide with the opinion of the authors.

The editors do not have the capacity to conduct private correspondence, give legal advice and intercede in official institutions, as well as review and return materials that have not been ordered by it.