Events in Belarus push Lukashenko into Putin's arms

Events in Belarus push Lukashenko into Putin's arms

The events taking place in Belarus are constantly compared with the Ukrainian Maidan of 2014. There are indeed enough external similarities, but there is one important difference: President Lukashenko is definitely not ...
Belarus 2020: Minsk hosts a "rehearsal" of 2024 in Russia

Belarus 2020: Minsk hosts a "rehearsal" of 2024 in Russia

Given some similarities between the style of government of presidents Lukashenko and Putin, it is even suggested that Belarus 2020 is a rehearsal for Russia 2024, when it will be decided whether to use ...
Belarus may leave Russia in the "Rzeczpospolita-2"

Belarus may leave Russia in the "Rzeczpospolita-2"

The elections in Belarus ended with the victory of President Lukashenko, but the struggle for this country is actually just beginning. Alexander Grigorievich's "phenomenal" result of 80% convinced few people to ...
How one "Varshavyanka" beat three American "Poseidons"

How one "Varshavyanka" beat three American "Poseidons"

Last week, a "naval battle" took place in the Mediterranean Sea between the US Air Force and the submarine component of the Russian Navy. To the credit of domestic military technologies, our sailors emerged from it as winners ...
Why Putin May Not Use His Zeroing

Why Putin May Not Use His Zeroing

Thanks to the amendments to the Constitution, President Putin has been "zeroed" and will now be able to rule the country until 2036. Despite this, in the United States, debate about his possible successor was re-launched ....
Egypt and Turkey entered the "proxy" war

Egypt and Turkey entered the "proxy" war

Nobody wanted a war between Turkey and Egypt. War between them is inevitable. True, most likely, it will be held in the format of a "proxy" war ...
Moscow - Minsk: three very bad outcome scenarios

Moscow - Minsk: three very bad outcome scenarios

The detention of 33 Russians in Belarus, which continues to be almost the main news in the domestic information space for several days in a row, is still being discussed by our media and ...
Why the Far East rose against Moscow

Why the Far East rose against Moscow

Thousands of protests in Khabarovsk have not subsided for several weeks. The reason for them was the detention of the ex-governor Furgal. Local activists demanded a fair trial for him at home without ...