Able to repulse the enemy: What is the army of Belarus

Able to repulse the enemy: What is the army of Belarus

The situation in Belarus remains extremely tense. Mass street protests do not subside, in neighboring Lithuania there was an "alternative president" Tikhanovskaya, and in Poland - an additional ...
Three reasons why Turkey intends to keep Idlib for itself

Three reasons why Turkey intends to keep Idlib for itself

Military experts from the United States link these blatant terrorist attacks against the Americans and Russians, who are the main rivals of the Turks in the SAR, with the determination of the future status of Idlib occupied by them ...
Russian navy appears to be returning to Cuba

Russian navy appears to be returning to Cuba

The intensification of contacts along the military line between Havana and Moscow was noted. Does this mean that the Andreevskie flags will start flying over Freedom Island again? ...
Lukashenka's team has two traitors

Lukashenka's team has two traitors

The political regime of President Lukashenko is almost doomed. The second week of the ever-increasing mass protests showed that he had hopelessly lost the "street" ...
Lukashenka’s place will be taken by his first traitor

Lukashenka’s place will be taken by his first traitor

Now the moment has come when everything already depends not on the father, but on his environment. We look carefully! A situation of unstable equilibrium cannot last long. As the Minister for Foreign ...
"Civil War-2" may start in the USA in three months

"Civil War-2" may start in the USA in three months

Less than three months are left before the US presidential election. Their results will determine which further development path will take not only the "hegemon" itself, but the rest of the world. Question...
Events in Belarus push Lukashenko into Putin's arms

Events in Belarus push Lukashenko into Putin's arms

The events taking place in Belarus are constantly compared with the Ukrainian Maidan of 2014. There are indeed enough external similarities, but there is one important difference: President Lukashenko is definitely not ...
Belarus 2020: Minsk hosts a "rehearsal" of 2024 in Russia

Belarus 2020: Minsk hosts a "rehearsal" of 2024 in Russia

Given some similarities between the style of government of presidents Lukashenko and Putin, it is even suggested that Belarus 2020 is a rehearsal for Russia 2024, when it will be decided whether to use ...
Belarus may leave Russia in the "Rzeczpospolita-2"

Belarus may leave Russia in the "Rzeczpospolita-2"

The elections in Belarus ended with the victory of President Lukashenko, but the struggle for this country is actually just beginning. Alexander Grigorievich's "phenomenal" result of 80% convinced few people to ...
How one "Varshavyanka" beat three American "Poseidons"

How one "Varshavyanka" beat three American "Poseidons"

Last week, a "naval battle" took place in the Mediterranean Sea between the US Air Force and the submarine component of the Russian Navy. To the credit of domestic military technologies, our sailors emerged from it as winners ...