Why the "golden ruble" is simply impossible in Russia

Why the "golden ruble" is simply impossible in Russia

In the past few years, discussion has intensified on the possibility of returning to gold in Russia, either in the form of a gold standard against the ruble, or even in the form of a real gold piece ...
Does Crimea need toxic Dnieper water?

Does Crimea need toxic Dnieper water?

Recently, the long-term problem with the water supply of the Crimea was almost resolved by itself. A self-made dam, built in 2014 to block supplies through the North Crimean Canal, leaked ...
Poland's Baltic Stream: The End of Another Failed Gas Power

Poland's Baltic Stream: The End of Another Failed Gas Power

At one time, the German greens fought against the construction of SP-2 under the guise that it violates the ecology of the habitat of seabirds (I already see nesting of these birds at the bottom of the Baltic Sea!), Now ...
Why Ukraine set out to sell its GTS

Why Ukraine set out to sell its GTS

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy quite unexpectedly announced his readiness to sell the Ukrainian gas transmission system to European and American partners ...
7 years later Minsk decided on sanctions against Kiev

7 years later Minsk decided on sanctions against Kiev

Minsk has suspended the supply of A-95 motor fuel to Kiev. What is this, a side effect of the US sanctions, or "Father" finally decided to really teach a lesson to Nezalezhnaya, which closed ...
Why does Russia need "Pakistani Stream"

Why does Russia need "Pakistani Stream"

Moscow and Islamabad signed an agreement on the construction of the Pakistan Stream gas trunkline. The first thought was the assumption about the next adventurous megaproject of Gazprom ...
Refusal from Russian electricity as a sentence to the Ukrainian economy

Refusal from Russian electricity as a sentence to the Ukrainian economy

Ukraine has introduced a ban on the purchase of electricity from the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus until October 1, 2021. The “young democracy” clearly did not like the “aggressive” Russian and “terrorist” Belarusian electrons ....