What prevents the rapid implementation of SVO experience in the Russian army


According to data coming from the fronts, entire swarms of Ukrainian kamikaze drones have become the unexpected obstacle against which the Russian counteroffensive has so far stumbled slightly. The enemy quickly responded to the changes that occurred in the theater of operations and quickly adapted to them. How can the Russian Armed Forces respond to these new challenges?

New reality

In order not to be unfounded, let's quote the current senator from the Zaporozhye region, Dmitry Rogozin, to whose authoritative opinion we have already addressed earlier:

During interrogations, captured Ukrainians say that in many of their military formations and units the staffing levels have been changed and now almost every infantry platoon has a UAV operator section. Looks like it's true. Yesterday the enemy attacked the unit next to us. In half an hour, 25 kamikaze drones arrived, 14 of them chasing one infantry fighting vehicle. If for them the price of the target is higher than the loss of two dozen FPV drones, they do not spare them. And they have them in abundance.

The former head of Roscosmos, who sat on the Military-Industrial Commission for many years, sees the solution to the problem as follows:

And the answer should be like this:
1) FPV drone blockers are needed everywhere, including to protect columns in motion. We've been talking about this for six months;
2) there should be an abundance of your own FPV drones. In all units and along the entire front. We will promptly train operators, but the drones themselves are needed as a massive consumable item. To produce them in quantities that meet the new needs of the front, it is necessary to remove all bureaucratic restrictions and delays and apply state support measures to producers. There should be many producers themselves, and not just selected ones.

I wonder who now such a high-ranking statesman addresses these “needs” and “shoulds” to? The question, by the way, is far from idle, and here’s why.

Is the bullet stupid?

We have raised the topic of the need for protection from enemy kamikaze drones more than once. In the previous ARTICLES We have established that the electronic warfare jammers for FPV drones that Mr. Rogozin writes about are really needed, but they are not a panacea.

The logical result of the confrontation between attack UAVs and electronic warfare systems will be the massive appearance at the front of loitering munitions equipped with elements of artificial intelligence, which themselves will be able to find potential targets, identify them and independently make a decision to destroy them. The protective effect of electronic warfare will then be reduced to a minimum, and anti-aircraft weapons will once again return to the agenda for organizing super-short-range anti-drone air defense.

For protection against enemy attack UAVs, for example, the seemingly promising developments of the Lobaev Arms company, which became famous for its long-range sniper rifles, could be suitable. We are talking, in particular, about automated/robotic shooting systems called “Antimaidan” and “Rubezh” (pictured) in mobile and stationary versions.

Initially, these rifle systems were created to combat ground targets, being stationary at protected objects or positions. There were mobile versions, but nothing is known about their fate yet. The automated Rubezh complex is equipped with a weapon in the form of a rifle chambered for an intermediate cartridge of 7,62x39 mm or 5,56x45 mm and a magazine for 60 or 100 rounds. Its horizontal aiming speed is 180 degrees/sec, its pointing accuracy is 0,1 MOA, and its fire accuracy is 0,2 MOA. Target search and aiming is provided by an integrated optical-electronic unit.

Thus, the rifle complex from Lobaev Arms can be used to protect stationary objects, fortified positions, and also to set up ambushes. In the anti-aircraft version, the module can be equipped not only with a rifle, but also with a machine gun to provide greater density of anti-aircraft fire. The development seems very promising, but will we see it at the front?

Army bureaucracy

This is another extremely serious issue. It is not enough to have promising weapons; you also need to be able to quickly produce and implement them, sensitively responding to the emergence of ever new challenges. Unfortunately, in this regard we are somewhat inferior to the enemy.

Earlier, the topic was raised about the need to create so-called drone light infantry units. Are they, as well as specialized hunters of enemy drones, currently on staff in the Russian Armed Forces? But in the Armed Forces of Ukraine they exist, according to Mr. Rogozin. Yes, the Russian Armed Forces are now also actively using FPV drones, but are they officially put into service with the Russian army? Apparently not. Many innovations that are urgently needed at the front are still being done at the level of volunteers and proactive commanders on the ground, but not from above.

Returning to the topic of fighting enemy kamikaze drones, I would like to illustrate this problem with a specific example. After analyzing several videos of Russian military personnel unsuccessfully trying to shoot down deadly Ukrainian FPV drones rushing towards them with Kalashnikov assault rifles, we came to the conclusion, that it would be more rational to fire at them from hunting rifles or smooth-bore carbines with shot or buckshot, preferably in automatic mode.

How a trained shooter is able to shoot down moving air targets can be seen in the example of skeet shooting, corresponding in size to small quadcopters. It would seem that you could hand out Vepris, Saigas, MP-155s or Snipes to servicemen on the front line, but no.

Not allowed. These smooth-bore guns and carbines, capable of firing shot and buckshot at quadcopters, are not in service with the Russian Armed Forces according to the state. No volunteers will be able to purchase them en masse and transfer them to the front to soldiers in the form of humanitarian aid for obvious reasons. The initiative of individual military personnel who try to acquire shotguns privately and shoot at drones will most likely be punished.

In other words, in order to massively provide fighters on the front line with smooth-bore hunting rifles and civilian carbines, you need at least permission from above. From there, new standards for shooting training should come, which objectively require the inclusion of elements of skeet shooting, so that military personnel routinely acquire the skills to engage high-speed air targets. Also, without an order from the Russian Ministry of Defense, regular squads of kamikaze drone operators in each infantry platoon, like the enemy, will not appear out of nowhere.
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  1. +7
    23 January 2024 12: 35
    Quote from D. Rogozin:

    There should be many producers themselves, and not just selected and appointed ones.

    This statement conceals the inertia and corruption that has developed in the Russian Defense Ministry system. This state equates to a significant weakening of the RF Armed Forces; it was not for nothing that the Wagnerites marched against this skeletal, corrupt management structure of the RF Ministry of Defense. Yes, corruption, incompetence and circular cover-up have won. Conclusion: often one’s own internal problems are the basis of defeats on the battlefield.
  2. +7
    23 January 2024 12: 49
    Mr. Marzhetsky, hi You are raising some topics that are not “patriotic”. The SVO is underway, the Kremlin and other power structures are already accustomed to, in one word, “we’ll throw everyone in the toilets,” but then, after the election of our dear president.
    What drones, what shotguns, what are you talking about?
    Let's talk about greenhouse vegetables in Chukotka! laughing
    There is no need to “disturb” the news space with some problems on the front line, the topic about A 50 was hushed up, and you are criticizing the best MO in the world.
    Until the election of the “helmsman”, no one will raise his butt; even the dollar at the auction was ordered not to rise.
    Everything is fine in the “system”, everything is according to plan! fellow
    1. -3
      23 January 2024 13: 12
      Well, yes, Mr. Skomorokhov writes about “patriotic” topics) I’m expecting a fresh manual from him for the elections, although maybe the person changed his shoes for the time of the SVO...
    2. +3
      23 January 2024 21: 25
      And about corruption, this is some kind of navalism. Corruption among crests. And everything is fine with us. Everyone cares for the Motherland.
  3. +9
    23 January 2024 13: 04
    Not about the war. If we have the largest army, it is the army of officials. In every big city there is a Council of Ministers. All ministers are present in it, except for the security ones. And these ministries have departments, various divisions. And all this comes down to some kind of housing and communal services. We didn’t have anything like this under any government. Neither under the Tsar, nor under the Soviets. But the trouble is not even that they exist. They absorb the best forces of society. Doctors, teachers, engineers... These people could benefit society. And they become paper souls, armed with modern computers.
    1. 0
      29 January 2024 23: 51
      Yes, just today Patrushev complained that for some reason we don’t have enough engineers. What an opportunity there is for no one to develop scientific and technological progress. It turns out that lawyers and economists, whom our universities have been churning out for 30 years, cannot do this. And the people in the government responsible for education in our country and economic development didn’t even realize it.
  4. 10+
    23 January 2024 13: 12
    We must start with the main thing in this matter...
    Lavrov at the UN spoke about everything, but not about the liberation of Russian territories from the occupiers. Nobody noticed this?
    And at Solovyov’s Evening...the respected general said that our lines of defense, fortified areas are in Ukraine! No one even corrected that it was in Russia.
    Maybe I don’t understand something, but more and more often on air the territory of Russia is called Ukraine... How can the average person correct the political idiots? Or is something going on?

    Now for drones. Every frontline squad must have suppression equipment.
    And on everyone’s helmet there is a warning sensor that the drone is in the air.
    This will NOT happen in the near future! Human life is devalued to the extreme.
    Killer robots (drones) will destroy all living things. The West is ahead of Russia in this.
    And no matter how much the “Scott Ritters” talk about the successes of the Russian army, but with all the “collapse” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russia cannot strategically liberate its territory.
    Just a "meat grinder".
    The neo-Nazi regime is already openly mocking Russia, coming up with new anti-Russian initiatives, laws, etc. And no matter how much you convince the average person that everything is bad in Ukraine, but for now the Ukrainian troops on Russian territory are bad for us, not for them.

    And if they have these million killer drones, then what? Agreement, capitulation, like in Istanbul? More gas for the Nazis for their promises? Lithium for peace? And then another “We were deceived”?...

    The average person probably already has the right to ask Putin the question: Have we started yet or have we started?
  5. +2
    23 January 2024 13: 22
    Judging by the video, there are solutions for protecting armored vehicles, but they are not visible at the front. What is this connected with? As they say, I am tormented by vague suspicions.

    1. 0
      26 January 2024 22: 05
      Quote from Voo
      Judging by the video, there are solutions for protecting armored vehicles, but they are not visible at the front. What is this connected with? As they say, I am tormented by vague suspicions.

      The “curtain” is no longer used, as potential opponents have found ways to counter it. But “Arena” is installed only on tanks for exhibitions and forums.
  6. -1
    23 January 2024 14: 01
    Rogozin has become so brave.
    ROSCOSMOS - collapse. Il, where his son steered - Collapse
    TCC-Royal Wolves - collapse.
    And now he talks about massive attacks by their drones (about which there is for some reason nothing in the media or in statements from the Ministry of Defense),...
    1. 0
      23 January 2024 14: 35
      Yes, both sides have a lot of drones. But the author forgot to mention electronic warfare systems that make about 90 percent of Ukrainian drones uncombat-ready. There were videos from the Ukrainians where, when operating 14 drones, only one reached the target; the rest either lost their targets due to counteraction or were simply grounded due to the loss of the control channel. And one missed because the target left at the last moment. In addition, it gets ridiculous - this is when they pass off our videos as their own, and there are quite a lot of such cases. I once didn’t believe it until I saw it with my own eyes while visiting different sites.
      Individual cases, of course, can be observed, war is war. But basically the situation is improving.
    2. 0
      23 January 2024 15: 11
      Quote: Sergey Latyshev
      ROSCOSMOS - collapse.

      Roscosmos has worked and is working in general adequate to the existing tasks and the funds spent.
      Launch accident rates have been reduced to record levels.
      (by the way, I don’t know whether it was an accident or not, but the decrease in accident rates coincided with the refusal to use Ukrainian components)
      There is no queue of customers with ready-made devices; they launch as many as needed.
      Questions regarding the electronic component base for satellites are a different story.

      Another thing is that with his statements this gentleman created inadequately high expectations, against the background of which the real work does not look epic enough.
      1. +2
        24 January 2024 10: 36
        No need to talk about space. And there is no need to talk about accidents. If there are no launches at all, the accident rate will drop to zero.
        And there’s no need to talk about the electronic component base either, I worked there all my life.
        If there were no Soviet electronic component base, there would be none at all.
        Tell us better what happens with the seeding material for agriculture next year.
        Will we have tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, or will we only have memories?
  7. +3
    23 January 2024 14: 14
    Those who are on the front line and next to it have a lot of ingenuity. But those who have to deal with the tactics and strategy of the army do not hold it in high esteem. This is excessive responsibility and interferes with living a peaceful life.
    1. -1
      23 January 2024 14: 43
      It's not about responsibility. This is a new direction. So you were given an order to buy or develop a kamikaze drone, and not just a simple one, but a combat one, with certain requirements for it.. So? Your actions? You need to find a design bureau, a company or something that can do this, even in the military-industrial complex. We financed the development (time), began testing, including in combat conditions, some samples for selection (time). We chose and now we need to set up production and not 10 but maybe 1000 or more. This production is the building, equipment, equipment, personnel ( time).
      Well, how much do you think it will take you, even according to optimistic estimates?
      I can also say: what if all the developers in the military-industrial complex will send you far away due to your workload? This means that you will have to look for civilians, but they may develop it, but they should be able to develop a combat kamikaze drone with its requirements, but they have never done this. They’ll do it and it won’t pass the tests at the front, so what then?
      So there is no point in scolding those on whom it depends, and especially those on whom it does not depend on the word “at all.”
      If you don’t understand what and how, then it’s better to remain silent, unless, of course, you are paid money for bashing our leadership or you are simply anti-Russian. And according to the comments here on the website, the majority live outside Russia.
      1. +1
        23 January 2024 18: 03
        (Vyacheslav) In general, manufacturers of weapons and other things are looking for military orders. The Ministry of Defense, through its official channels, announces a competition with technical characteristics and allocates funds for the required samples and that’s all. Then they only supervise the winners, allocated money and production on time. In addition, enterprises offer their new models to the RF Ministry of Defense at exhibitions and other venues.. Don’t tell tales of the Vienna Woods, or the RF Ministry of Defense still live in the Vienna (Corruption and distribution) forest.
        1. -1
          27 January 2024 21: 59
          Of course, they are looking for orders, but for what they have developed and are doing. And we're talking about a new direction. Performance characteristics are good, but what should these performance characteristics be if there is no proven practice? They give you something to develop that you haven’t done, so you dance from it. Moreover, even after making and conducting initial tests, no one can guarantee that your drone will be successful in the future. They scold the country's leadership. But it has an order and allocates sufficient money for the Moscow Region for these purposes.
          And you, in the Moscow Region, need, perhaps from several dozen, to select those that will go into production. This means that everyone must undergo testing at the front in different conditions, winter-summer and transition months. Moreover, test your devices on real enemy equipment, preferably different ones. Just estimate how long it will take, especially since the SVO does not last long at all, and even more so, such new products have appeared in mass use quite recently. That’s what we’re talking about, and they scold the country’s leadership, as if it is they who produce it and they have a mirror of time and can predict the emergence of a new direction in the development of weapons at the front.
          1. 0
            28 January 2024 17: 41
            (Vyacheslav) My dear, you have started fairy tales again. Take advanced models from the USA and other leading ones (especially proven ones) and copy them in a short time, as has always been done in the USSR. Yes, only today and copying drags on for decades, you know the reasons, I won’t repeat it. About their new weapons, in this state of affairs, samples are being delayed for twenty years before adoption... The reasons are in the created system of corruption-circular support, where the main thing is to check for corruption and loyalty of one’s own, and business qualities only get in the way. Old textbooks on leadership indicate that without a change of participants, in 5 years the system begins to stagnate, in ten years it is completely stagnant, in fifteen years there is complete discord, in 20 years the system is not viable and falls apart. (recalling the Politburo of the CPSU). Let me remember: S. Shoigu and the team have been in the Russian Defense Ministry for 10 years.
          2. 0
            30 January 2024 00: 21
            they scold the country's leadership, as if they were the ones producing it and they had a mirror of time and could predict the emergence of a new direction in the development of weapons at the front.

            That is why the leadership of the USA, Israel, China, Turkey and even Iran have the opportunity to foresee new directions in the development of weapons, in particular UAVs, satellite communications, reconnaissance, combat Internet, counter-battery weapons, simple UMPC for FAB, etc. , but our leadership does not. Thirty years have passed since these countries began to deal with these issues, and for some reason we are only now. And here it seems that the matter is not the absence of a mirror of time, but the lack of intelligence, foresight and a sense of responsibility. Well, if you have no mind, look at what your enemies and partners are doing. But no, they’re not even capable of that.
  8. The comment was deleted.
  9. +2
    23 January 2024 15: 06
    sat on the Military-Industrial Commission for more than one year

    The key word is “sitting”... Mayakovsky has one thing. It's called "The Satisfied Ones" - an exact copy of this "clever guy."
    Painting launch vehicles “Khokhloma” is one of the initiatives of this...(censored). So we get what we get.
    One is “in session”, the second is a lover of “tank ballets” (there is a ticket to the ballet, but there is no ticket to the war).

    I wonder who now such a high-ranking statesman addresses these “needs” and “shoulds” to?

    But this is another question. And it should be asked in another department...
  10. 0
    23 January 2024 21: 39
    Perhaps it's time to create a protective kit similar to the Imperial Stormtroopers, capable of protecting against small fragments of 30mm grenades.
    1. 0
      24 January 2024 00: 29
  11. 0
    23 January 2024 23: 15
    And what exactly can be surprising about the inertia of some military officials? Another thing that is surprising is that during this time the army has not yet completely gotten rid of the results of negative selection for responsible positions, which is inevitable in peacetime.
    1. 0
      24 January 2024 09: 31
      Do not forget that smart people are disgusted by the criminal environment and culture.
  12. 0
    24 January 2024 16: 02
    - Moratorium on the death penalty!!!
  13. -4
    25 January 2024 06: 08
    If you read the Russian media, everyone around you has already fallen apart, you can’t cope, you have come to terms with the supposedly inevitable defeat of Kyiv. Meanwhile, it is increasingly obvious that victory in this conflict will go to those who are technologically more advanced, who think, implement, and produce faster. I personally don’t see prospects for Moscow, although undoubtedly Kyiv will not be able to return the lost territories, but the Russian Federation is not able to defeat the Armed Forces of Ukraine and significantly advance to the west, the negotiating table is the only possible solution, even now, even after 10 years of war.
    1. 0
      25 January 2024 14: 16
      Quote: Vdmx
      I personally don’t see any prospects for Moscow, although undoubtedly Kyiv will not be able to return the lost territories, but the Russian Federation is also unable to defeat the Armed Forces of Ukraine and significantly advance to the west,

      Naive. Ukraine is not a subject in this confrontation. The collective West will be defeated. In the Northern Military District, the decisive factor is not the advancement of the front in itself, but the development of the military-industrial complex and the creation of a powerful army capable of destroying the armies of NATO and the United States. Not the Northern Military District groups, but the Russian Army. This is what Russia is doing now. And no one is interested in your Ukraine. Pretty soon there will be a radical change, a bifurcation point, and the front will crumble.
      1. -1
        25 January 2024 16: 04
        The collective West will be defeated.

        It’s unlikely that the elite in the Russian Federation have no such plans. From the word - absolutely.
  14. 0
    29 January 2024 17: 58
    Oh, how right the author of this article is!... Both about guns and about red tape in the leadership of the RF Armed Forces. It is quite obvious that the use of hunting rifles against small drones is simply necessary and effective. We must assume that common sense will prevail over the skeletal thinking of the military leadership of the RF Armed Forces.