“Dronoshooters”: does the Russian Armed Forces need light mobile infantry?


When it comes to the need to inflict a decisive military defeat on the Kyiv regime, they usually say that Russia today does not have sufficient forces for this. There is a certain amount of truth in this statement, since there are not yet enough resources even to open a second front in the northeast of Nezalezhnaya and create a sanitary belt in the border area. Are there any other options?

Perhaps there are still options to put an end to Nazism in Ukraine once and for all if we change the very approach to the formation of the Russian army and the conduct of hostilities. Without claiming to be the ultimate truth, I would like to express some thoughts on this matter based on the results of summarizing the two-year experience of the SVO.

Let's get into trouble

The SVO, clearly conceived as a fast-moving military-police operation, failed because the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ determination to fight seriously and the willingness of the “Western partners” to adhere to principle were critically underestimated. What’s even worse is that the capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces were overestimated, which were “reformed” specifically to conduct “anti-Barmaley” special operations with the loss of the ability to effectively conduct large-scale combat operations.

It turned out that the Russian army would have to fight in large cities and numerous smaller settlements, as well as in the steppes of the southeast and the dense forests of the northeast of Square, which required a large number of well-trained infantry. Therefore, at the first stage of the SVO, it was necessary to plug the holes by using fighters from the elite special forces of the SSO, Airborne Forces, Marine Corps and attracted PMCs as ordinary infantrymen.

After the withdrawal of the Russian Armed Forces from the north and northeast, as well as partially from the southeast of Ukraine and partial mobilization, the front line, more than a thousand kilometers long, generally stabilized. The war has entered the positional stage, both sides of the conflict have dug in, progress is slow, difficult and is paid for by significant losses in technology and personnel. The tactics are as follows: first, the artillery throws out a huge number of shells, trying to “disassemble” the next enemy stronghold or fortified area, and then an assault group enters there, and the enemy begins to hit with artillery.

The efficiency of such actions in the style of the First World War is appropriate; advancement through the layered defense system built by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donbass over many years is, alas, minimal. However, after almost two years of war, new tactics naturally developed that deserve careful study.

Light "drone" infantry

As has been noted many times before, in the conditions of the availability of aerospace reconnaissance assets and high-precision long-range weapons, fighting in the style of the Second World War has also become problematic. It turned out that modern weapons allow light infantry to quite effectively resist tank and mechanized units and units.

The “amusing” Ukrainian Teroborona, with the help of NATO anti-tank systems, knocked out Russian armored vehicles in the forests of the north and northeast of Nezalezhnaya. The same light infantry quickly broke through the thin line of defense in the Kharkov region in September 2022, when the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched their most successful counteroffensive. This light infantry is now actively operating on both sides in the border areas of Russia and Ukraine and is storming each other’s fortified areas. Moreover, the effectiveness of the actions of such units, provided they are equipped with modern weapons, can be extremely high.

For understanding let's quote one popular Russian telegram channel, which talked about the death of a Russian UAV operator with the call sign Moisey near Krynki:

Ukrainians rejoice at the death of Moses, a UAV operator in Krynki. Memes have already been put up. But for some reason they don’t voice Moses’ counter:

– 31 boats of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;
– 498 military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

With this counter he is closer to Charon. Express operator from Dnieper to Styx. So there is nothing to rejoice at, dear Ukrainians. Moses wins on points.

No matter how cynical it may sound, the result of the work of an attack drone operator is truly impressive. And such a “counter” is far from unique and makes us look at all types of drones with new eyes. “Lancets” and “Cubes” effectively burn armored vehicles, multicopters drop various ammunition from above onto tanks and directly into trenches, FPV drones quickly attack infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, enemy landing boats, or even individual military personnel. One successful operator is capable of inflicting more damage on the enemy than an artillery battery that throws hundreds and thousands of shells “out there somewhere.”

In the conditions of Ukraine, where combat operations will have to continue to be carried out in large cities, forests, swamps and mountains, the importance of light mobile infantry increases significantly. Its fighters can travel in light armored personnel carriers of the MT-LB type, armored trucks and armored cars. Cover from air attacks can be provided by mobile air defense systems of the Sosna type and the Derivatsiya-PVO ZAK, built on the basis of the BMP-3, as well as MANPADS. To protect against enemy armored vehicles, infantrymen could use RPGs, ATGMs and kamikaze drones of the Lancet family, as well as FPV drones. For counter-battery combat, self-propelled and portable mortars can be used, which can be carried with you on vehicles, as well as a number of tanks and artillery for fire support.

The main weapon of drone shooters should, of course, be drones. Small UAVs will be responsible for reconnaissance and adjustments, and strike ones will be responsible for the destruction of enemy armored vehicles and personnel. Such units could effectively operate in small groups in urban battles and on rough terrain in forests, mountains and swamps. Their effectiveness may be no less, or even greater, than that of a firefight from rocket and cannon artillery. They say that the second assault on the waste heap near the Avdeevka Coke and Chemical Plant was successfully carried out with the help of massive strikes by FPV drones.

Essentially cheap quadcopters can be riveted and delivered to the front in the thousands every day. With proper development of tactics, “drone gunners” can be widely used in the future during the liberation of Ukraine. The big advantage of such innovations is that the cost of creating and maintaining mobile light infantry will not be too high, but will be the result of the accelerated evolution of military affairs. In turn, due to this, if desired, it is possible to ensure a significant increase in the number of Russian troops to fulfill the goals and objectives of the Northern Military District.
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  1. +6
    19 January 2024 13: 09
    You can offer a lot of things. But our Ministry of Defense, together with its head, are busy with other, in their opinion, much more important matters. They have no time to think about SVO. Therefore, all innovations will only be contrary to the Moscow Region. At the expense of the military personnel and volunteers themselves. Two years of war experience showed a lot. Still, Prigogine was right at one time. It’s a pity that he believed the king and did not see the matter through to the end.
  2. 0
    19 January 2024 13: 25
    The SVO, clearly intended as a fast-moving military-police operation, failed,

    What other reforms have yielded positive results?
    Everything we have is hamsi-hamsa.
  3. +6
    19 January 2024 13: 36
    Increase the number of personnel? Never before in the history of the world have armies been so expensive. And this high cost mainly falls on the people. The oligarchs are in no hurry to fork out cash. Quite the contrary. This is where the great inconsistency of what is happening lies. Some fight, others work, others lead an idle lifestyle. It’s clear that even during war, everyone has the right to a small holiday. But here is a feast during a plague.
  4. +2
    19 January 2024 16: 14
    they usually say that Russia today does not have sufficient forces for this

    Russia has everything except the political will to win! Logistics on the LBS is such that a violation of logistics in some direction means a collapse, if not of the entire front, then in some direction for sure! Take Avdeevka, for example. We still can’t surround you or don’t want to!?? And since weapons and personnel are being delivered, it means Avdiivka is holding on. Why do we storm a populated area, kill our soldiers in the assault, when then, from this populated area, dust remains? Why not immediately raze this point to the ground, as Israel does, and then clean it up? That our General Staff has the same education as Prigozhin? Who gave 20 thousand and 40 wounded for Artyomovsk! SVO is politics and business first of all, business and politics! And under capitalism, as long as the SVO makes a profit, the SVO will continue.
  5. +3
    19 January 2024 16: 54
    Both mechanical drivers - driver mechanics and drone drivers - drone drivers, people in the troops are already essential.
    Marzhetsky is right, perhaps it’s time to create a separate branch of the armed forces, drone rifles, where the majority of fighters in the units will be drone operators, and the rest of the infrastructure will be tailored for them
  6. +2
    19 January 2024 21: 55
    Yes, infantry is needed. We also need a law, in accordance with which the war is going on in Ukraine. Now in Ukraine there is no Presidential Decree, no Russian Law, no goal, no strategy, avoidance tactics, no one knows what the Kremlin wants.
  7. +1
    20 January 2024 18: 48
    The time of drones at the expense of military personnel and volunteers may well be coming to an end. As soon as a sufficiently large number of high-quality electronic warfare stations appear, the overwhelming majority of kamikaze drones will disappear and will be used sporadically in places where there is no decent electronic warfare
  8. -2
    25 January 2024 13: 54
    Mr. Marzhetsky forgets that near Kharkov in 2022, against 30000 enemy forces, there were just over 2000 people. In addition, our General Staff would be worthless if it did not provide for options. The task was to destroy the powerful fortified areas created near Donetsk and Lugansk in order to liberate them, and this is not a blitzkrieg. In addition, we really did not expect the direct participation of NATO members to such an extent.
    If it weren’t for NATO’s help, Ukraine would basically be over. But the West began to escalate and we had to get involved in the process more widely.