Why it’s time for Russia to decide on the tasks of the Black Sea and Baltic fleets


The next bad ones news came from the Black Sea. There, the Russian Navy patrol ship Sergei Kotov was attacked by a “wolf pack” of Ukrainian naval drones. Military correspondent Alexander Kots reported that one should not expect a happy ending in this story, and this was soon confirmed by many other popular wartime telegram channels.

Let us note that the Russian Ministry of Defense has neither officially confirmed nor denied this information, but the enemy’s Main Intelligence Directorate has already posted a video of a night battle between BECs and a certain ship that visually resembles Project 22160, to which the Sergei Kotov belongs. Next, I would like to express a few thoughts about what happened in the Kerch Strait.

How long?

It must be recalled that since February 2024, this is the third unsuccessful attack by Ukrainian unmanned boats on warships of the Black Sea Fleet. So, February 1 gave an unequal fight kamikaze drones small missile boat R-334 “Ivanovets” of the Russian Navy. And February 14 "received damage" as a result of an attack by a whole flock of naval drones of the Caesar Kunikov BDK. Now, on the night of March 5, the patrol ship Sergei Kotov came under attack.

The picture recorded from Ukrainian BECs and posted in the public domain by the Main Intelligence Directorate of Nezalezhnaya looks very similar: night, a lone warship and a “wolf pack” of at least 15 kamikaze drones attacking it from the darkness. Counter fire is fired at the BECs, but several still reach their target with appropriate results. Naturally, such a depressing sight makes any normal person want to help in some way, with good advice.

For example, recommendations are made to Russian admirals to install additional machine guns along the entire perimeter of the so far surviving ships of the Black Sea Fleet, not to drift at night, etc. However, attentive eyes saw additional machine gun turrets in the video recording of the night battle of a ship similar to the Sergei Kotov , mounted at the corners of the flight deck, on the wings of the navigation bridge, as well as along the sides behind the helicopter hangar. At the same time, the ship clearly did not stand still and, for better secrecy, walked with the lights turned off.

That is, it cannot be said that the command of the Black Sea Fleet did not draw any conclusions from previous losses. The problem is somewhat different. Such primitive methods of camouflage, apparently, do not work against reconnaissance assets of the NATO aerospace group. Even if you place large-caliber machine guns on the sides every 15 meters, as the Iranians do on their ships, the enemy in the person of Ukraine with the North Atlantic Alliance standing behind it will still be able to pick up the key to their defense system.

Let's say that next time a flock of not 15, but 25 BECs will go hunting. Or from fifty. In this case, attacks can be combined: simultaneously by air drones to overload the air defense system, sea surface and underwater ones. You won't be able to shoot back from the last of the turrets. What to do when Ukrainian F-16 fighters, guided by NATO, and F-18s already ordered by the Armed Forces of Ukraine with modern long-range anti-ship and anti-radar missiles begin to fly over the Black Sea?

Who is to blame and what to do?

Today's extremely deplorable situation is a direct consequence of the fact that The Northern Black Sea region remained under the control of Kyiv. The chance to reach Nikolaev and Odessa by land while the Russian Armed Forces were stationed in Kherson was missed, and now Ukraine, with the help of the NATO bloc, is terrorizing our Black Sea Fleet. For some reason, their “wolf packs” feel at ease even here in the Kerch Strait. The tactic of dispersing Russian Navy ships from the main naval base in Sevastopol did not really work.

At the moment the problem is not so much technical character, how much militarypolitical. Before demanding anything specific from the admirals, it would be nice to decide what the Kremlin really wants from the Black Sea Fleet. If the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces is still planning offensive operations in the Black Sea region, in which the Russian Navy can be involved in the landing, as fire support, or to supply the ground group on the right bank of the Dnieper, it must be strengthened as much as possible, including by transferring inland waterways of ships from the Baltic Fleet, which itself now finds itself in the crosshairs of the NATO bloc.

If no offensive measures are planned and the Kremlin is waiting for a “miracle” in the November 2024 US elections, the surviving ships must be withdrawn from the Black Sea to other waters. Here they will be systematically hunted until there is not a single combat-ready unit left afloat. And you don’t have to be Vanga to predict that the desired “miracle” will not happen. Is Russia really ready for such a shame?

Exactly the same question should be asked regarding the prospects of the DKBF. After Finland and Sweden joined NATO, the Baltic Sea became virtually “internal” for it. Now, to the previous potential threats to the Russian fleet in the Baltic, a new, completely real, and not hypothetical one, emanating from Ukrainian BECs, may be added. Yes, they won’t get there from Odessa under their own power, but sea kamikaze drones can be delivered to the Baltic by other means and released to “hunt” from chartered civilian ships.

In connection with the above threats, it would be most advisable to remove the corvettes and patrol ships located there from the Baltic Sea and transfer them to the Northern and Pacific fleets of the Russian Federation. There they will be of real benefit than simply dying at the pier as a result of an unexpected attack by fifty fire ships. Small missile ships can easily be sent to the formed Ladoga flotilla, where they will be safe from attacks by Ukrainian BECs and will be able to launch missile strikes with Calibers.

Regarding the fate of the Baltic small landing ships and anti-submarine ships, it should be decided taking into account plans for the Black Sea region. If there is a desire to fight to maintain Russia’s presence in the Black Sea and reach Odessa, then they need to be transferred there. If there are no such plans in principle, it would be more expedient to transfer them also to the Northern and Pacific fleets. In the closed waters of the Black and Baltic Seas, it will be necessary to remain mainly “mosquitoes” - compact, high-speed and “biting” boats, which will need to be given priority in the new geopolitical realities.
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  1. +5
    5 March 2024 17: 35
    I have said and am ready to repeat that the main problem is not at sea, but in the brains of our “valiant” admirals, who are still unable to understand that simply installing additional weapons on the sides is not a solution to the problem. There is an urgent need to establish a watch service, install mine-resistant nets at parking lots, and have a sufficient number of modern round-the-clock and all-weather detection and target designation equipment. And the strangest thing is that such detection tools exist. They are used to the fullest by videoconferencing systems; each attack helicopter has a multi-channel all-weather electronic optical station. Only admirals are on their own wavelength.
    1. +1
      5 March 2024 17: 57
      The problem being is that they haven't installed the extra weapons or implements a way to drag buoys behind the ships to protect the propellor's. The Ukrainians also seem to know when and where the ships will be at real time time's, there is either a mole or someone is being very predictable.
      1. +2
        6 March 2024 17: 16
        This “mole” in the person of the American satellites constantly hangs over the World Cup waters and broadcasts images for the Ukrainian Armed Forces 24 hours a day. Depriving kaklov of a source of information is 50% of success in protecting kaklov and their camp sites.
    2. +3
      5 March 2024 21: 04
      Quote: bug120560
      I have said and am ready to repeat that the main trouble is not at sea, but in the brains of our “valiant” admirals

      To begin with, it would be a good idea to remove from leadership those whose children live abroad or have foreign trade connections, not to mention direct relatives in Ukraine.
      Even small balloons, with motion, sound, etc. sensors. hanging above the water (without dead zones) can warn of an attack.
      Definitely, each attack is interconnected with the activity of NATO air controllers, which means they are also a marker of increased attention for defense.
      And it’s time to create minesweeper drones and hunter drones. One way or another, it is not possible to resolve the issues of landing without solving the issue of mines.
    3. 0
      5 March 2024 21: 54
      Well, since attack helicopters have OLS, let the helicopters support the ships. One in the field is not a warrior, as they say.
  2. +2
    5 March 2024 17: 51
    This means that we need a flock of anti-fire ships, launched from a ship, or from a helicopter at a long distance along the course of the “wolf pack” and controlled from the same helicopter, or from a drone. Fight fire with fire
    1. 0
      5 March 2024 21: 58
      We need a detection system first. A flock of BECs needs to be detected at least 20 kilometers from the ship. And only then you can send a flock of anti-fire fighters to the meeting. The main thing is to know when and where to send them.
    2. +2
      6 March 2024 08: 47
      You are writing about something that doesn’t exist and needs to be created, but the problem arose yesterday, and it needs to be solved urgently, at least today. No helicopter can hover in the air 24/7. Methods of combating torpedoes in the fleet have existed since the advent of these same torpedoes, and a drone is the same remote-controlled torpedo. Although the torpedo has higher stealth and moves underwater, the BEC is still on the surface.
  3. +2
    5 March 2024 17: 53
    In WW2, the American ships had batteries of anti-aircraft MG's stretching down the sides of the ships for aircraft attacks; Russia needs to outfit their ships with the same. They are trying to fight off swarms of drones with a few heavier gun placements. There seems to be no one in charge of implementing a defensive doctrine for this threat.
  4. +8
    5 March 2024 18: 21
    Or maybe it’s time for the military-political leadership to generally decide on goals and objectives regarding the fate of the outskirts. And all these denazifications and demilitarizations are just ridiculous
    1. 0
      6 March 2024 17: 10
      Who is to blame and what to do - so it’s a national Russian pastime to look for the guilty and appoint the worst among everyone except oneself, but the results are always the same, though it’s not the 37th right now, but...!
  5. +4
    5 March 2024 18: 22
    This boat with a cannon and a pair of machine guns was, rather, designed for border patrol and patrol service in peacetime. After all, experience in BEC attacks and countering them should already have been accumulated. For some reason I remembered

    1. -1
      5 March 2024 18: 38
      It's time to remember how Khrushchev solved a similar problem in 1962, as a result of which the Yankees removed their missiles from Turkey. Tap a woman's shoe on the UN podium!
      1. +5
        5 March 2024 19: 52
        Behind Khrushchev was the strength of a country with a powerful economy, an army, and allies. Where is all this now? Then the sound of the USSR leader’s shoe really frightened any enemy, but now all these “red lines” no longer even cause laughter. And after “70% of modern weapons” somehow turned into the T-55 and BMP-1, used by the Russian Armed Forces during the Northern Military District, doubts inevitably arose among our opponents (alas, not potential ones, but very real ones) - Isn’t the extolled combat readiness of our strategic forces the same show-off? If antediluvian drones fly to a strategic aviation airfield in the center of the country, then should we be afraid of our strategic nuclear weapons? Well, they carry “Yars” in parades, and for almost 10 years now they have been carrying “Armata”, and “Coalition”, and many other things. Aren't these "Yars" hollow? Where will the Strategic Missile Forces get a secure communications system if we haven’t been able to establish it in the Northern Military District for two years? And without communication, all these missiles will remain in the silos at hour X. The rocketeers simply will not know about it. Is there an early warning system if we, hundreds of kilometers from the LBS, in the depths of the country, often detect enemy drones only after the explosion of another gas storage facility? Will we also detect the launch of enemy missiles by warhead explosions?
        So tapping a rhythm with a shoe on the UN podium will not impress anyone these days. They will also drag you from the stands. By the collar.
  6. +1
    5 March 2024 18: 33
    until there is a no-fly zone over the entire western part of the Black Sea (from Crimea to Bulgaria), the Black Sea Fleet will melt before our eyes.....we need political will, but there is none!!!!.
  7. 0
    5 March 2024 19: 02
    The Black Sea, like other seas, requires close monitoring. Along our coastline, locator combat executive posts should be located from Abkhazia to Crimea with visibility to the coast of Turkey. This is exactly what happened in the USSR. All passing vessels must be recorded. And most importantly, we must be calm. Other things. Until we establish the departure locations of the Aerial Drones, many actions remain meaningless. The same goes for maritime drones.
  8. +3
    5 March 2024 19: 40
    There is a war going on, the death of people, equipment cannot be avoided, but the Black Sea Fleet is some kind of “karma”, it seems that the General Staff doesn’t even know what to do with the ships and where to hide them! request
  9. +1
    5 March 2024 19: 43
    15 Ukrainian uncrewed boats in the Kerch Strait... They weren’t discovered when they sailed there from near Odessa? I read in the Ukrainian media that there were 5. Is there at least one as a trophy to study? And they will decide a lot about who and what they need.
  10. +1
    5 March 2024 19: 50
    There is simply no need for a “high seas fleet” either on the Black Sea or in the Baltic. Due to geographical features. There are more than enough coast guard ships and patrol aircraft.
  11. 0
    5 March 2024 19: 53
    The Black Sea Fleet is of interest for its combat effectiveness. Complete absence of watchkeeping in wartime. The fleet is led by none other than the Cossacks.
    1. +3
      5 March 2024 20: 15
      Not really. Apparently, not only was there a watch, but they also sounded the combat alarm. After all, they fired back - that means they were serving. It didn't help, yes...
    2. +1
      6 March 2024 01: 52
      What kind of laxity? Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin would have ordered the punishment of those responsible for this. In 1941, he threatened to punish even for the fact that the IL-2 was not produced enough. am
      1. 0
        6 March 2024 17: 24
        Quote: Thunderbird
        What kind of laxity?

        Yes, under Stalin they wouldn’t have pounded on the keyboard giving out advice, and the taiga would have been weeded hand-to-hand, of course, by those who would have survived - and this would have been fair, but now the taiga, which has not been weeded since 1953, is tired of waiting
      2. +1
        6 March 2024 18: 47
        Stalin simply demoted Admiral Vladimirsky in rank for the loss of three destroyers. From vice admiral to rear admiral.
        The commander of the detachment of ships, a captain of the 2nd rank (the destroyer division was completely lost) was not involved in punishment. Was transferred to another position
    3. +2
      6 March 2024 08: 52
      Why do you offend the Cossacks?
  12. +7
    5 March 2024 20: 52
    Surface UAVs are not capable of searching for ships and require target designation from someone. It was again some kind of NATO UAV. This is exactly what we need to fight against. The leadership of NATO and the West, through the hands of the Kakels, act on the principle that if 15 UAVs fail, then 25 will cope. The destruction of any ship is a matter of time of inaction. This is what needs to be addressed. Shoot down the Global Hawk UAV and the like, as well as destroy a couple of NATO ships and let them think.
    1. -1
      6 March 2024 01: 55
      This is the right proposal: give the Houthis zircons, and let them destroy NATO ships!
  13. +1
    5 March 2024 21: 00
    logical, verified and smart article, I fully support the respected author who offers a balanced and wise decision, large surface ships have nothing to do in closed seas, but they are needed on the oceans
  14. +2
    5 March 2024 21: 18
    It's an everyday thing to panic.
    2 years of SVO against the Russians (According to GDP), did they really think that, like the Brazilians of the Papuans in football, they would defeat the Papuans with one goal?
    Well, pack tactics performed by boats have been known since ancient times.
    It is rather surprising that the Ukrainian Armed Forces attempted to attack with 1-2 boats earlier...
  15. +1
    5 March 2024 22: 05
    As long as Russia has KOs, the Baltic Fleet is simply necessary. Giving up the Baltic Fleet means giving up Kaliningrad
    1. +2
      5 March 2024 22: 13
      It’s not true, the Baltic fleet is easily replaced by coastal and aviation assets, and the second is to change the ship composition of the Baltic fleet, which should become a mosquito fleet. The Japanese are full of all sorts of drones, too, and in the time of the great Stalin, there were two separate fleets, the Kamchatka and the fleet of the Sea of ​​Japan, because the distances there are almost twice as large as between the Baltic and the Black Sea
  16. +4
    5 March 2024 22: 33
    The attack on the ships of the Black Sea Fleet is under the close control of US reconnaissance aircraft that circle in neutral waters, which means they are directly involved in the attack. You can safely shoot it down. Why isn't this being done?
    1. +1
      5 March 2024 22: 46
      And therefore they will shoot down the units in response. This tango is danced by two people.
      1. -1
        6 March 2024 02: 00
        They have already shot down 3 A-50 reconnaissance aircraft. Do you really think that horses are guiding drones?
      2. -1
        6 March 2024 17: 49
        Quote: Strange guest
        And therefore they will shoot down the units in response. This tango is danced by two people.

        This is too difficult for (many) to understand... winked
  17. +4
    5 March 2024 23: 15
    At the moment, the problem is not so much of a technical nature as it is of a military-political nature.

    The problem of the Black Sea Fleet is still organizational and technical. This fleet, unlike NATO, currently does not have the ability to control the entire Black Sea, which is why it receives painful blows and suffers unjustified losses. Until we have technical means, and with them the ability to monitor around the clock everything that happens not only at sea, but along the entire coast of Ukraine, in its ports and bases, the situation will not change. We must see and hear every movement of the enemy, as NATO countries do in relation to our Black Sea Fleet and army, constantly using AWACS aircraft, UAVs, reconnaissance satellites and other technical equipment for this. They know everything about us, especially at night, we are like blind kittens. We must change the situation and make sure that the Black Sea Fleet and Aerospace Forces know about this already at the moment the drones leave the launch sites, control the route of their movement and take measures to intercept and destroy them. This is the main issue, we will solve it, there will be no problem with these drones. Our aircraft will intercept them and sink them on the march. All other measures are also needed, but they are secondary.
    1. +6
      6 March 2024 02: 08
      The General Staff knows perfectly well what is needed, but cannot do anything, since science and industry have been destroyed and looted, and the engineering and technical personnel have taken up the trading business. While our fleet is being destroyed, Putin is engaged in pre-election PR, he went to Stavropol to look at tomatoes, you would think that he understands them.
  18. +1
    6 March 2024 08: 12
    As long as they wage war against us, and we respond within the framework of the Northern Military District, everything will be so.
    And everyone knows who it depends on.
  19. +1
    6 March 2024 10: 30
    Thus, on February 1, the small missile boat R-334 “Ivanovets” of the Russian Navy gave an unequal battle to kamikaze drones

    Dear author, the Ivanovets MRK has a total displacement of 500 tons and a length of 56 meters. Width 10. Engine 32 thousand liters. s., main armament 4 Moskit missiles with a launch weight of 4÷4,5 tons, length 10 m, diameter 0,76, crew 41 people. If our small boats are like this, then what are the big boats?
    In fact, our missile boats in terms of displacement have almost grown to the small missile ships of Project 1234 - 700 tons of total displacement. 60 m length, 12 m width, 60 person crew. 30 thousand l. With. Accordingly, it was logical to transfer them to the rank of small missile SHIPS. This includes prestige, stars and money. The commander of a boat or the captain of a ship, you will agree, sounds different. I understand why the MRK is being renamed a boat, but it’s a shame for the crew, and for the ship too.
    1. 0
      6 March 2024 16: 50
      Quote from Pembo
      If our small boats are like this, then what are the big boats?

      It seems they were called that way back in the USSR.
      1. +1
        6 March 2024 21: 26
        You can call "Ivanovets" a missile boat. But if Ivanovets is listed as an MRK according to the staff list, then it has been transferred to the rank of small missile ships. And if this abbreviation, in order to downplay the scale of the loss, is deciphered as a small missile boat, this is an obvious fraud. He's not small. There are simply no bigger boats.
  20. 0
    6 March 2024 12: 48
    Why it’s time for Russia to decide on the tasks of the Black Sea and Baltic fleets

    For the current management, who have received a “label” to manage LLC RF, this is a troublesome task. But paper will endure anything.
  21. +1
    6 March 2024 14: 30
    The main problem is the lack of effective weapons against uncrewed small high-speed fireships. So the first thing to solve the problem is to take the fleet “to hell in the middle of nowhere.” How to decide, day and night, to create, mainly high-precision and effective, following the example of the creation of anti-tank ATGMs, which “cut off the oxygen for MBTs” and are now used as self-propelled guns with the option of sorties for direct fire.. So also for the BEC of fire ships, in the presence of effective detection and destruction, the problem will be solved.
  22. 0
    7 March 2024 00: 55
    What to do? Admirals - retire, grow strawberries, and hire Houthis instead!
  23. 0
    7 March 2024 11: 40
    just take an example from Iran...
  24. 0
    7 March 2024 12: 12
    They say that war will prompt the maneuver. The water strike drones that threaten our fleet have proven highly effective. Russia should also have similar ones, only even more advanced, powerful and autonomous. And they should be located in all external waters of the country.
    The success of marine drones is due to the ability to provide radio invisibility at the junction of two media - air and constantly fluctuating water. By slightly “sinking” a drone with an external snorkel and painting it with radio-absorbing paint, you can reduce its visibility, which is undoubtedly already being used.
  25. 0
    23 March 2024 05: 12
    asymmetrical response like the Bolsheviks in the 1920s with their mosquito fleet