What could be the strategy of the election campaign of Vladimir Putin in 2024


A little more than six months are left before the next presidential election in Russia, which is to be held on March 17, 2024. Their fundamental difference from all the previous ones will be that they will take place against the backdrop of a hard-going NWO, the end and edge of which, alas, is not yet visible, unless offensive actions with decisive goals begin. With what program will our candidate No. 1 go to the polls?

Elections? Elections!

The fact that Vladimir Putin will nevertheless go to an extraordinary presidential term became clear after last March, functionaries of the Kremlin’s domestic political bloc, headed by First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko, held a special seminar for vice-governors on internal affairs. policy in the management workshop "Senezh". Details of the event later told RBC publication with reference to its participants.

It turns out that the Kremlin expects to get an even higher result than was shown in 2018, and the minimum indicators should be as follows - 75% turnout and 70% of the vote for the "main candidate":

The conversation was about the need for more than last time.

It is not difficult to guess who this person is, that he can so convincingly crush on the head any of his opponents admitted to participate in the presidential campaign. And, despite the fact that candidate No. 1 has not yet officially confirmed his participation, there is no doubt about his victory. However, this time even the "prime candidate" has some problems with message to the potential electoratethat should be discussed.

Achievements and bonds

The reason was the lines that caught the eye of the author somewhere in the open Telegram slides very reminiscent of a presentation and titled "Election 2024: Ideological Outline of the Campaign". From the point of view of an armchair political strategist, the theses given in it look curious.

What could be the strategy of the election campaign of Vladimir Putin in 2024

What's so interesting about it? It shows the undoubted achievements of the No. 1 candidate over the previous two decades of rule. Among them:

– Formation of the value basis of the state (amendments to the Constitution, protection of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values).

– Protection of traditions (ban on LGBT propaganda, radical feminism, etc.).

– Interreligious peace (absence of interfaith conflicts in the Russian Federation).

- An active youth policy (it's true, young people have really begun to be involved in recent years).

– Development and support of the family institution (payment of maternity capital, support for large families, revival of the status of “Mother Heroine”, etc.).

– Support for the volunteer movement.

– Improving the housing situation of young families (family and subsidized mortgages, which really allowed many to acquire square meters).

– Support for socially vulnerable segments of the population.

– Availability of medical care.

– Infrastructure development and so on.

Without any irony, all of the above has a place to be, and these are quite real results of the presidency of Vladimir Putin. However, as noted above, the NWO has made major adjustments to the foreign policy situation and domestic political alignments in Russia.

Risk groups

Probably for the first time in modern Russian history, the phrase “disappointed patriots” was introduced into circulation, which we previously used in our own review of how the domestic patriotic community has changed in a year and a half of the special operation. The study states that "disappointed patriots" have turned from a "main candidate" support group into a risk group along with the so-called Westerners, or liberal-minded citizens.

Who are the "disappointed patriots"?

This social group includes retirees, military pensioners, network patriots and security officials. Most of them are men over the age of 35, with secondary specialized or incomplete higher education, non-working pensioners living in cities and large villages, receiving information from the Internet and television. Their claims to candidate No. 1 are as follows: insufficiently tough measures during the period of the SVO, lack of mobilization "in the Stalinist way", they want a strong state with a rigid power vertical and believe, God forgive me, that "the national leader is tired and cannot cope."

"Disappointed patriots" do not trust the president, feel dissatisfaction and even anger in the course of the NVO, and consider radical changes necessary. At the same time, the study notes the prospect of growth in the number of this social group from 4% to 15%, which is very significant, given their main occupation. It is proposed to solve the problem with “disappointed patriots” in the following ways: reduce their willingness to vote in protest in the elections, channel discontent in favor of the rhetoric of the Liberal Democratic Party, and continue to work out the patriotic agenda of “returning to their native harbor”.

Who are the "Westerners", also referred to the risk group?

These are our liberals, whose name is Legion, supporters of Western values, who do not support the SVO, are dissatisfied with the situation in the country and do not approve of the policy of candidate No. essential. At the same time, "Westerners" are considered a group of constant risk, and "disappointed patriots" - a group of potential risk. Demotivation of participation in the presidential elections through various channels was also named as the main way to combat the protest voting of the liberals.

The most reasonable solution seems to be a change in approaches to the implementation of the JEE to more decisive ones, with strategic goals and objectives. This will allow the patriotic public to rally around their president, becoming his faithful support. One of the quite realistic options on how to turn the tide of the war in our favor over the next six months or a year, was described literally the day before.
41 comment
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  1. +2
    26 July 2023 13: 16
    That we should build a house, we will draw, we will live.
  2. -6
    26 July 2023 13: 21
    in general, it is better to postpone the elections for a while.
    1. +3
      26 July 2023 20: 38
      You should be more careful with such ideas - in this situation, in case of any problems with the rating of the current leader, the next CBO will begin for ... some years. Just to cancel or at least postpone the elections.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +1
    26 July 2023 13: 25
    I think that for the remaining time, it is best for our President to choose a successor and pass on all his experience to him and for some time insure him for some time in some post in the Security Council ... It is clear that it is difficult to abandon one's work of life and pass it on to another, but different not given, it will only get worse ... We already see the difference how tough the president was during the Chechen war, where he promised and did soak in the wipe and is now soft-bodied and pliable, whom Westerners sometimes lead by the nose, as with the Minsk agreements and the same grain a deal, with replies for crossing red lines .... It’s just that at some point, due to already advanced age, I don’t want to see such a strong and smart President in the role of a mad Biden, because. age is unforgiving. We all watched Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko ...., Yeltsin in a hospital with a heart .... Our enemies subtly feel the nuances of health and other things, they will provoke, put pressure, ruffle nerves and do dirty tricks even more so that the elderly president is tragically mistaken in geopolitics and for the Russian Federation to go downhill ... A strong and intelligent person is simply obliged to leave on time, leaving and preparing his successor so that the elite does not fight and arrange coup d'état. Well, who can adequately cope with the role of the President now, well, one or two miscalculated, it seems that Moscow Mayor Sobyanin stands out for his efficiency, copes well in terms of the level and scale of tasks and problems, Medvedev showed his stagnant sixth, the rest have not yet grown to the level .
    It is not sad, but the time has come to pass the steering wheel to his successor and you can just be there and still benefit people. The environment that is now around the president is unhealthy, and as soon as Putin gives up, they will fight and there will be grief .... Russia should rely on the PEOPLE, and not on a bunch of billionaires Top managers of banks and companies.
    1. +4
      26 July 2023 15: 10
      Moscow Mayor Sobyanin stands out for his efficiency, he copes well in terms of the level and scale of tasks and problems, Medvedev showed his stagnant sixth, the rest have not yet grown to the level

      deflection counted, migrants and liberals applaud you for campaigning in favor of their "candidates"
      1. -5
        26 July 2023 16: 47
        Well, here’s another wise guy who showed up ... If you at least somehow understood something, such as migrants, liberals, then you could still open your mouth and click with a bread slicer ... And who, you will work for migrants at construction sites and clean for Muscovites their manure, no, etc. He has real results exceeding all previous figures by hundreds of percent, and in all areas of the city, and most importantly, there is not a single fact of corruption and theft against him. Moscow has become the best and most comfortable city in the world. And Moscow is several times larger than some states, such as Finland and others ...
        1. -3
          26 July 2023 18: 57
          In 2020, it was Sobyanin who was the protege of those forces that were planning a coup d'état with the removal of Putin.
          1. -4
            26 July 2023 19: 56
            Nonsense concocted on purpose.... This is from the same opera as about Putin's palaces, yachts and billions, though no one found anything, but some left a sediment in their brains. As one moron who hyped it all up in the media put it....

            Yes, it was a hypothesis, but, of course, I have no evidence. This is precisely a reconstruction, it was built on the basis of an analysis of Putin's behavior ... that there was a change in the style of behavior of the first person and the government as a whole.

            Unfortunately, this is not an analysis, not political science, not an expert assessment. And this is just a demonstration of heresy ...
            1. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +2
      27 July 2023 19: 45
      Quote from KLN
      I think that for the remaining time, it is best for our President to choose a successor and pass on all his experience to him and for some time insure him for some time in some post in the Security Council ... It is clear that it is difficult to abandon one's work of life and pass it on to another, but different not given, it will only get worse ... We already see the difference how tough the president was during the Chechen war, where he promised and did soak in the wipe and is now soft-bodied and pliable, whom Westerners sometimes lead by the nose, as with the Minsk agreements and the same grain a deal, with replies for crossing red lines .... It’s just that at some point, due to already advanced age, I don’t want to see such a strong and smart President in the role of a mad Biden, because. age is unforgiving. We all watched Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko ...., Yeltsin in a hospital with a heart .... Our enemies subtly feel the nuances of health and other things, they will provoke, put pressure, ruffle nerves and do dirty tricks even more so that the elderly president is tragically mistaken in geopolitics and for the Russian Federation to go downhill ... A strong and intelligent person is simply obliged to leave on time, leaving and preparing his successor so that the elite does not fight and arrange coup d'état. Well, who can adequately cope with the role of the President now, well, one or two miscalculated, it seems that Moscow Mayor Sobyanin stands out for his efficiency, copes well in terms of the level and scale of tasks and problems, Medvedev showed his stagnant sixth, the rest have not yet grown to the level .
      It is not sad, but the time has come to pass the steering wheel to his successor and you can just be there and still benefit people. The environment that is now around the president is unhealthy, and as soon as Putin gives up, they will fight and there will be grief .... Russia should rely on the PEOPLE, and not on a bunch of billionaires Top managers of banks and companies.

      Sobyanin can handle it, yes.
      1. -5
        27 July 2023 20: 04
        You first organize everything like Sobyanin in difficult Moscow, so that people and businesses earn money, so that everything works like clockwork, this managerial talent is also needed in public administration, but you give everything, give it ... but you won’t do anything, you’ll do nothing, steal, ruin and go bankrupt. There have been and are so many problems in Moscow that a dozen regions do not stand next to each other ...
        And the fact that there is a shortage of specialists in the same medicine across the country and such problems are chronic is a big fault of local bureaucrats and negligent princeling governors who work only for themselves. The president is soft-bodied, does not take decisive measures, which means you need to learn from the experience of successful leaders of large regions, and write down that Moscow does not pour money from the sky, it earns itself and gives a lot to the RF budget, from which they scold and support subsidized negligent regions that can just scratching the tongue and nothing more.
  4. +2
    26 July 2023 13: 37
    I hope not with a treacherous agreement with the enemies of Russia, painted in the colors of alleged victory. Although he can.
  5. +9
    26 July 2023 13: 40
    What difference does it make what he promises there again? Has it really not become clear in a quarter of a century that this is ordinary banal chatter? Well, at least something of what was loudly announced in the past years - has it been done? Yes figs there. Therefore - what does it matter to us, who and how much will draw for whom? The result is already quite obvious.
    1. 0
      26 July 2023 18: 59
      For some reason, I see that in a quarter of a century our country has changed a lot. Or are you so young that you don't remember what happened twenty or twenty-five years ago?
      1. +1
        27 July 2023 09: 45
        I remember what happened 40 years ago and how these KGB scum ruined a great country.
      2. +1
        27 July 2023 12: 12
        Almost any country can say this about itself. Just civilizational development)
      3. +4
        27 July 2023 19: 52
        Quote: Carmela
        For some reason, I see that in a quarter of a century our country has changed a lot. Or are you so young that you don't remember what happened twenty or twenty-five years ago?

        It would be strange if it had not changed. At the price of oil for 100 cu. And all these changes were flushed down the toilet. And at the same time, Russia is somewhere in 60th place in terms of living standards. Behind Georgia, the Baltic states and Morocco.
  6. -13
    26 July 2023 14: 33
    Until the age of 36, we all need not worry. And health will allow - and further. We must look at things soberly - we have a strongly traditionalist society. Learn history - over the past 450 years in Russia, not because of death / coup / coercion, two rulers voluntarily withdrew from power - Yeltsin and Medvedev. On the second - questions) Well, that's the kind of country we are. This is not bad - this is our way, our civilization, our mentality.
    1. -6
      26 July 2023 15: 26
      Minus, minus ... only there is nothing to object to in fact ..
      1. 0
        31 July 2023 20: 56
        I didn’t minus ..... I remembered from the movie "Kin-Dza-Dza":

        That's because you say what you don't think and think what you don't think, so you sit in cages .....
        1. 0
          31 July 2023 22: 10
          You understand that this will change in a century. Best case scenario. Or maybe that won't be enough. The mentality of our people - nothing can be done about it. As the barin says, it's true. Today we are building churches, tomorrow we are throwing priests from the bell towers, today for nationalization, tomorrow for privatization, today for turnover, tomorrow for "stability", there is God, there is no God .. Last year's poll was very indicative - 70% will support the President if he will say "war to the bitter end" and the same 70% will support if the President decides that the time has come for peace. "You can see better at the top" - this is the main thing and irreplaceable. And who would not sit "above". Criticism begins after the next character leaves power. This is what sits at the genetic level in our minds. It is useless to fight it - it must be accepted.
    2. 0
      31 July 2023 07: 33
      Quote: Strange guest
      Until the age of 36, we all need not worry. And health will allow - and further. We must look at things soberly - we have a strongly traditionalist society. Learn history - over the past 450 years in Russia, not because of death / coup / coercion, two rulers voluntarily withdrew from power - Yeltsin and Medvedev. On the second - questions) Well, that's the kind of country we are. This is not bad - this is our way, our civilization, our mentality.

      This is our backwardness in creating such laws, under which a change of ruler does not change the structure of society. And for this, society should be content. The ruler is not an ayatollah, as in Iran, but an ordinary manager.
      1. -1
        31 July 2023 22: 18
        Is the ruler in Rus' an ordinary manager? No, he is the ayatollah. Spiritual leader. That is why "for the tsar", Stalin, we will rally around the President. Well, the British did not shout "for Churchill", but the Americans "for Roosevelt". And we were screaming. In Rus', the head of state and the state itself are one and the same. We say Lenin - we mean the party, we say the party - we mean Lenin. Nothing changes. It is in the mentality of the people. Yes, and why? What are the prerequisites? This is a very conservative mechanism. And very inertial. That is why the successor will also be President for life. This is his desire and the desire of our people. You can't fool history. After all, the rulers do not fly to us from outer space - they come from the people, flesh and blood, what the people are - such are the rulers. We are not ready for responsibility and are happy to hand over the reins to anyone who is ready to take them. As long as you don't take responsibility for anything.
        1. 0
          1 August 2023 12: 09
          Quote: Strange guest
          Is the ruler in Rus' an ordinary manager? No, he is the ayatollah. Spiritual leader. That is why "for the tsar", Stalin, we will rally around the President. Well, the British did not shout "for Churchill", but the Americans "for Roosevelt". And we were screaming. In Rus', the head of state and the state itself are one and the same. We say Lenin - we mean the party, we say the party - we mean Lenin. Nothing changes. It is in the mentality of the people. Yes, and why? What are the prerequisites? This is a very conservative mechanism. And very inertial. That is why the successor will also be President for life. This is his desire and the desire of our people. You can't fool history. After all, the rulers do not fly to us from outer space - they come from the people, flesh and blood, what the people are - such are the rulers. We are not ready for responsibility and are happy to hand over the reins to anyone who is ready to take them. As long as you don't take responsibility for anything.

          Are you seriously equating Stalin and Putin? The first built factories and ensured technological independence, the second exhausted the domestic passenger car industry and civil aviation along with astronautics
          1. 0
            1 August 2023 12: 35
            I don't measure them by their accomplishments. There is no talk about this. I'm talking about the relationship of the Russian people with the ruler. Whatever he is, he is always right. This is the tradition. The irremovability of power and obedience to it is in the blood of a Russian person. I do not undertake to discuss what it is connected with. I'm just stating an obvious historical fact. Even Nicholas was not thrown off by the people, but by a handful of conspirators. Like Peter, and Paul, and Khrushchev, and Gorbachev. What we observe, we write) In general, the Lord endured, and he commanded us. This is our main Russian bond.
  7. 0
    26 July 2023 18: 08
    Don't sleep, catch mice...
  8. 0
    26 July 2023 18: 19
    In general, as always, for all the good, against all the bad, without specifics
    When criticized everywhere, for example, for the reduction of hospitals, doctors, etc. - simply stated - "- Availability of medical care."
    And so for each item.
    All the same, they will consider it as it should, they will choose who they need.

    Even Amer's swindler Butova was dragged into the Duma, for whom they did not vote ...
  9. +7
    26 July 2023 19: 57
    There are too many questions for the Special Military Operation that Putin has not answered and is not going to answer. Well, no, it's not.
  10. +8
    26 July 2023 21: 43
    Law is law. The presidential term is over, if you please, clear the place, but if the constitution is rewritten for a specific defendant 8 times, then this is disrespect for their people and the law. And if so, then what kind of president - such and the people, and there is nothing to divide the people into one and the other.
  11. 0
    27 July 2023 07: 59
    Candidate N1 is like a cherry on top of a cake, the point where all forces, towers and couloirs add up. It is necessary to start from the beginning, from the very bottom of this pyramid of power, then the System will give out a little bit of other people. For me, let N1 sit for now, and let the candidates for the throne show themselves. And now I absolutely do not want to see the situation as in the last elections, when Sobchak and Navalny figured in the candidates. Defamation. After all, the people can both lead and vote against the contrary ...
    1. 0
      27 July 2023 08: 42
      In passing
      Today, 07: 59
      Candidate N1 is like a cherry on top of a cake, the point where all forces, towers and couloirs add up. It is necessary to start from the beginning, from the very bottom of this pyramid of power, then the System will give out a little bit of other people. For me, let N1 sit for now, and let the candidates for the throne show themselves. And now I absolutely do not want to see the situation as in the last elections, when Sobchak and Navalny figured in the candidates. Defamation. After all, the people can both lead and vote against the contrary ...

      I agree with you, but only in part - Sobchak and Navlny are, of course, very odious characters, but how to relate to the person involved on whose behalf the election carousels rolled around Moscow? In addition, really worthy candidates are cut off long before the elections - that's why we don't see them.
    2. 0
      27 July 2023 12: 59
      Downvote? Funny))
      1. 0
        29 July 2023 09: 34
        Downvote? Funny))

        - no, I never vote against the contrary, just if something on the ballot does not suit me - I destroy it right there, at the polling station, and throw it into the trash can, not the ballot box.
  12. +2
    27 July 2023 09: 28
    We should finally show the will and determination to go faster to victory, and not be guided by the opinion of former partners, but today enemies. it would be nice in the economy to aim not to meet the requirements of the US and the IMF, but to start changing the laws written for us under the dictation of the CIA. We need the development of the country, not the impoverishment of the population.
  13. +7
    27 July 2023 09: 34
    The best thing that GDP can do is to retire and go to the country to catch carp. It is better to go to the country. Everything he could have already done.
    1. -1
      27 July 2023 13: 02
      I wouldn't get so excited. The next one will also come for life. And GDP understands this better than anyone else. Therefore, the choice of a successor must be taken very responsibly. To be sure that the successor will not ruin the country in three or four decades.
  14. +5
    27 July 2023 10: 19
    Quote from KLN
    And who, you will work hard at construction sites for migrants and clean up their manure after Muscovites, no, etc.

    The problem is that an ugly structure has been created in Russia - Moscow is a metropolis, and the rest of Russia is a colony of Moscow and Muscovites .. All large companies work in the regions, export profits from there to Moscow (another 2-3 cities), pay taxes in Moscow. As a result, Moscow is fattening, and the regions ....
    1. -1
      27 July 2023 12: 52
      Well, it's objective. And historically true. Read the definition of "empire".

      An empire is characterized by the fact that it consists of a center and a subordinate periphery. The empire is characterized by the difference in rights and principles of governance for the various territories included in it.

      So they wanted an empire? Got. But this state formation (as in principle any other) has its drawbacks. You just need to understand and accept it.
  15. -2
    27 July 2023 10: 38
    presentation-like slides

    Interesting. unless it's fake of course.
    This means that the authorities estimate the number of "disappointed patriots" at 4-15%.

    Taking into account the fact that many of them are pensioners, it is easier and more rational to stop the group than to please it in attempts to create a "faithful support".
  16. +4
    27 July 2023 15: 49
    and the minimum indicators should be as follows - 75% turnout and 70% of the votes for the "main candidate"

    You see, the elections have not yet passed, and the result has already been announced. The time when the tops cannot, and the bottoms do not want to live in the old way, has not yet come. That's why there is nothing for them to turn out. All the same, they consider it as they should.
  17. 0
    31 July 2023 01: 13
    Pamfilova, Ella Alexandrovna - Soviet and Russian politician and statesman. Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation since March 28, 2016. Member of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation since March 3, 2016. People's Deputy of the USSR.
  18. 0
    26 August 2023 22: 46
    Putin well done