Russian "Lancets" destroyed the S-300 launcher and a number of other Ukrainian equipment


New footage of the successful use of Lancet kamikaze drones by the Russian army has been published. This time, domestic drones hit the Ukrainian S-300 anti-aircraft missile system, the Polish Crab self-propelled gun mount, the Gvozdika self-propelled gun mount, and the Giacint-B artillery gun.

For some time now, Russian Lancet kamikaze drones have become a real nightmare for Ukrainian army units. Domestic drones equally successfully hit artillery guns and self-propelled gun mounts, Tanks и fuel trucks.

It is difficult to calculate the exact losses of the Ukrainian army from the actions of the Lancets, but it is obvious that they are already counted in dozens of units of various equipment and a large number of personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

It is noteworthy that the countermeasures taken by the Ukrainian side against the actions of Russian kamikaze drones did not bring the expected result. For some time now, Ukrainian artillerymen, for example, have begun to stretch metal nets over their guns. This was supposed to be an effective defense against the Lancets.

However, the effect of this innovation was very short-lived. Russian drones have begun to use new tactics. Now they attack the camouflaged guns of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the rear and in most cases destroy them along with crews and ammunition.

The modernization of the Lancet drones, which resulted in an increase in the mass of explosives that the drone can carry, allows it to destroy even heavy armored vehicles. In a word, now not a single unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine can feel protected from Russian kamikaze drones.