Beating an eight-grader as a school teacher in Krasnoyarsk

With the massive availability of smartphones with video cameras, Russian society has previously discovered carefully concealed cases of relations between teachers and schoolchildren. With horrendous regularity, the media report incidents in schools in which children suffer. More recently, we wrote about how a labor teacher in the Voronezh region intentionally burned a 12-year-old boy with an iron. And so, the Russian Runet stirred up a similar story from Krasnoyarsk.

Pupils filmed as a young English teacher strikes first one eighth grader, then switches to another. The frames clearly show how the teacher hits the girl sitting at her desk in the face, she begins to cry. Classmates are trying to call the brutal teacher to calm, but these attempts end in grasping the latter with another eighth-grader.

The teacher takes her by the hair and begins to drag the children around the class, hitting her face against the desk and walls. The student screams heart-rendingly, but classmates, probably fearing for their own health, do not risk interfering in the fight.

According to local media, one of the girls had multiple abrasions, bruises and a concussion, the second (apparently the one who was sitting at her desk) escaped with a black eye.

The English teacher herself was fired, an investigation was launched against her under the article “Beatings”.
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  1. DPN
    April 18 2019 08: 52
    In fact, the children went to school to receive KNOWLEDGE. Now - to provoke a teacher, shoot and put on the Internet. Parents should be ashamed. It is enough to remember YOURSELVES YOURSELF as you yourself studied. Therefore, it is necessary to intercede for those who push knowledge into YOUR children, and leave the miracle of technology outside the walls of the CLASS. Only an uneducated person can offend and raise a hand against the TEACHER. He himself comes from the USSR, when there was no SECURITY and GRILLES on the doors and windows of SCHOOLS. So a big hello to the CAPITALIST society in which we live and prosper.