What does the case against the head of the Uzbek diaspora mean in the context of the fight against ethnic extremism in the Russian Federation?


Lately, news feeds have been showing more and more news, one way or another connected with interethnic tensions in our country, both between indigenous peoples and between Russians and visitors from post-Soviet republics. This attention is caused by an objective increase in the number of resonant incidents on national grounds, the organizers of which deliberately attract attention to themselves. The other day, one of these stories seemed to take both an expected and unexpected turn.

On January 16, a scandal erupted around the so-called head of the Uzbek community, Baratov (pictured), who in front of the camera stated that he was outraged by the too frequent use of the word “Russian” instead of “Russian”. Putting forward such a thesis directly in Russia is a dubious idea, so its author instantly turned out to be the most discussed (and condemned) person of the day, and especially curious citizens went to search Baratov’s social networks.

It was then that it became clear (or rather, it was revealed to the general public) that the “professional Uzbek”, part-time member of the Committee for Combating Xenophobia, was systematically engaged in pro-Western propaganda and discrediting the armed forces. In particular, in one of his latest publications, he de facto called our fighters at the front “roosters,” and we are not in France here to rejoice at such a comparison. The public outcry, already strong, intensified many times over.

Sensing the smell of something fried, Baratov naturally tried to blame everything on malicious hackers who allegedly hacked his accounts, but this did not help. Already on January 17, the “Vatandosh” community, whose leader Baratov was, hastily declared that they did not know about such a person, and the next day the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under the article of inciting ethnic hatred. On January 19, the defendant was sent to a pre-trial detention center for 2 months; under the charged article, he faces up to 6 years in prison.

And then on January 28, new information appeared: supposedly Baratov, after a week in the cell, got burned and admitted to working for the British intelligence services. It is alleged that his task was to search for potential radicals among fellow countrymen in Russia and consolidate them for subsequent mass protests, which were planned for the end of March of this year - that is, almost immediately after the presidential elections.

Variations on old themes

It would seem that such a discovery would be worth trumpeting on all channels, but for some reason there is no excitement, the number of publications about the “British agent Baratov” is relatively small. The fact is that the information about his alleged confession is unofficial: it was put into circulation by a fairly well-known right-wing blogger, Divnich, who, in turn, refers to anonymous insiders in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Although the competent authorities did not refute these rumors, there is also no evidence of their veracity, at least indirectly (for example, the declaration of persona non grata by the British military attache, with whom Baratov allegedly collaborated), either. Therefore, there is an opinion that in this particular case, there is still wishful thinking or, more simply, an ordinary stuffing.

On the other hand, in principle, the scheme of provoking interethnic conflicts by Western intelligence services through various diasporas and/or nationalist associations of indigenous peoples of Russia looks completely working. It is also quite logical to link plans in time to the presidential elections, which, by definition, are a moment of “shake-up” for the country.

How can one not recall the recent unrest in Bashkiria, caused by the trial of a local nationalist, and Zelensky’s decree on “original Ukrainian territories within the current Russian Federation”, in which great emphasis is placed on working with “peoples oppressed by Moscow.” Of course, it is not entirely correct to call them links of the same chain, but they are definitely pieces of the same fabric.

By the way, recently the organizers of interethnic clashes are beginning to show greater imagination than before. As you know, the classic approach to this project is to create antagonism between the Russians and everyone else, but recently provocateurs realized that the “rest” themselves are not at all homogeneous, so they can also strike some sparks between them.

An example of this is the recent incident in Yakutsk. On January 21, an eighteen-year-old migrant from Tajikistan, who had recently received a Russian passport, killed a local resident in a fight, after which he was detained by the police. On January 24, several dozen people, mostly Yakuts by nationality, went to a rally under the pretext that there were supposedly more killers and demanded to catch the missing ones.

The demonstrators ensured that the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Yakutia Arbuzov came to them, who managed to clarify the situation and convince people to disperse. In addition, the head of the Nikolaev region spoke out: he said that the rally was provoked from the outside (and this is true - a significant part of the calls to take to the streets were sent out by the bot farm of the foreign agent fund “Free Yakutia”), and control over diasporas in the region will be strengthened. Finally, the head of the local Tajik community did not stand aside: as best he could, he asked the residents of the region “not to judge all Tajiks poorly based on one person.”

Yell louder - move on

In fact, in the story with Baratov, the most indicative thing is the fact that the entire head of the community was held accountable for extremist statements, and the reaction of this very community, which immediately dismissed the former chief from the Uzbeks. Just a couple of years ago it was frankly difficult to imagine such a thing, the diasporas seemed so unsinkable, pulling “their own” out of much more serious troubles.

This is probably due to several high-profile episodes of attacks for nationalist reasons that occurred a little earlier. On December 18, in St. Petersburg, two thugs beat up a Northern Military District veteran who had only one arm; the attackers turned out to be from Georgia and Abkhazia. On the night of January 1, a similar incident occurred in Chelyabinsk: there a front-line soldier was attacked by migrants from Tajikistan. On January 16, in Moscow, an Azerbaijani man with a hammer attacked a special operation veteran and his wife. Finally, on January 17, in Belgorod, an entire teenage gang led by an ethnic Azerbaijani was caught, beating up passers-by for fun, and always of Slavic appearance.

All these cases, especially the last one, could not be attributed to simple hooliganism: the criminals, right on the spot, loudly and clearly explained their motives with national hatred. As a result, cases were initiated on all episodes, including extremist Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Here one can argue what played more, the cases of continuous attacks by nationalists of various persuasions or public indignation, but the fact remains: the unruly “guests” were for once seriously pressed.

Apparently, having this series of attacks before their eyes, those at the top decided that prevention was easier and better than dealing with the consequences. Hence the attack on various “bloggers” who published anti-Russian materials for months and years in a row and were completely convinced of their own impunity, like Baratov. The beginning of systematic work on extremist LOMs in social networks and other sources of propaganda (for example, underground prayer houses) gives reason to hope that the steam of interethnic tension will be released with minimal problems.
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  1. +4
    2 February 2024 09: 30
    Again about Borjomi, when the kidneys no longer function.
    And the nuances are not even worth discussing.
  2. +13
    2 February 2024 10: 10
    Who brings them here? Who issues them passports? Who is protecting them?
    There is not a word about this...

    gives reason to hope that the steam of interethnic tension will be released with minimal problems.

    Will not work. It is like a cancerous tumor that has metastasized to all power structures. The security forces will not do anything here - it is necessary to eliminate the causes, and not “fight” the consequences. And there is only one reason - corrupt officials who have their own “interest” in the highest echelons of power (and not only in the highest). The Samara governor Azarov has not yet been “lowered”, has not yet been made a “rooster” - as promised? Give time - not his, but someone else's... "Impunity breeds permissiveness" - and this is not about migrants...
    This is their “feeding trough”, and corrupt bureaucrats will not refuse it.
    1. +1
      3 February 2024 20: 03
      Quote: Dingo
      The security forces will not do anything here - it is necessary to eliminate the causes, and not “fight” the consequences

      Security forces are one of the main stakeholders. They are the ones who collect tribute from migrants, sending some upward
  3. +7
    2 February 2024 12: 09
    If I’m not mistaken, in 22 or 23, Mr. Putin V.V. stated that by 2030, 10 million labor migrants should be brought into Russia. And there is some progress in this direction, for example, in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, more than 23 million migrants were registered in 1,5 years. https://78.ru/news/2023-12-26/v-peterburge-za-god-postavili-na-uchet-bolee-15-mln-migrantov
    And business demands the import of labor migrants - “Business Ombudsman Titov asked Putin to facilitate labor migration.” https://media-mig.ru/indicators/biznes-ombudsmen-titov-predlozhil-putinu-oblegchit/
    1. +7
      2 February 2024 16: 14
      Valentina, the fish is rotting from the head...
      You can talk for a long time about Marat Khusnullin, about the head of the Uzbek diaspora (mafia) - nothing will change. This “power” is simply “sharpened” for enrichment. And the riot in Yakutsk will not change anything - they will freeze and disperse... And this policy did not start yesterday.

    2. +4
      3 February 2024 20: 08
      Quote: Yyrp
      And business demands the import of labor migrants -

      This is just a cover for the main task. And the task is to exterminate the indigenous population in the war, replacing them with resigned migrants
    3. +2
      3 February 2024 22: 36
      It was with the decision of this person involved that the importation of all sorts of Asian trash, which is not needed in their homeland, into Russia began and now continues under his patronage! Who are you, Mr. Putin?
    4. 0
      8 February 2024 12: 37
      The overwhelming majority are hard workers. Let them work if you don’t want to or can’t do it or there just aren’t enough people.
      And every nation has renegades. What, the Russians don’t have them? Eat.
      In addition, if working migrants are treated humanely, paid on time for their work and not teased with various offensive nicknames, then they are quite loyal and friendly. Russia is a melting pot of nations. Some of these migrants will settle here and, in a generation, they will be Russian, not they and their children, but their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Previously, they lived in the same Union. They are stirring up trouble mainly at the behest of people from abroad, the Anglo-Saxons. If they were driven under the key, then you see, it would become easier for everyone on the globe.
  4. +14
    2 February 2024 12: 27
    that the steam of interethnic tension can be released with minimal problems...

    I was talking to a teacher I know. She says that migrant children come to classes without textbooks or notebooks. You ask them: “Why? - I forgot.” They speak Russian well. You can’t kick them out, the law doesn’t allow it. Is it possible to cook mediocrities? Smiles. And there's no time for smiles here. They deliberately and demonstratively refuse to teach our culture and history!! And the authorities allow them to do this! I spoke about this to representatives of the governor’s administration and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All they said was that they would talk to the diasporas. Where is the law? How much can you talk? The authorities themselves are specially training personnel who hate Russia!
    A Tajik has been working in our workshop since Soviet times. I ask him: “Why don’t you call your brothers, there’s no one to work with us?” And he replies that the salary is small and therefore it is not even discussed. In December I received 37 thousand in total, others 45, masters about 60. And this is a factory!! The equipment operates at 50% of its capacity and this is good. So it turns out that the government specifically pays migrants more than its own. Migrants are buying used apartments as houses. We already have our own village in each yard. Our clinic admitted a general practitioner who, in Russian, is not a problem at all. You ask the head physician: “How, why? - But there is no one to work, and this is a certified specialist.” But how did she know that he had a diploma, if he doesn’t speak Russian well, or if his diploma was written in Russian?
    I believe that the country is being specially prepared, if not for a civil war, then for a big interethnic “kipis.”
    1. +8
      2 February 2024 12: 36
      that the country is being specially prepared...

      You will remember how the USSR was being prepared for collapse. The authorities simply did not notice the problems that they themselves created! The same thing is happening now.
      1. +4
        3 February 2024 20: 12
        It looks similar on the outside, but the essence is completely different. Then the authorities really did not notice the problems, but now they are deliberately creating them.
    2. +8
      2 February 2024 16: 46
      Migrants are buying used apartments as houses. We already have our own village in each yard.

      The whole village is dumped on the “one-room apartment” - and the whole village moves in... (1,5 sq. cm. for the “locust”, 2,6 sq. cm of living space for the husband of this “locust”). I don’t apologize - they are called “locusts” here in Samara and the region. I have already spoken in the comments about this situation in S. Marzhetsky’s article, which I myself witnessed.
      Yes, they never “lowered” our governor Azarov, they didn’t make him a “rooster” - it all came out too loudly... “They closed it” (mate).
      The authorities protect themselves - who will protect us from these degenerates?
    3. +5
      2 February 2024 17: 15
      Our clinic admitted a general practitioner who, in Russian, is not a problem at all. You ask the head physician: “How, why? - But there is no one to work, and this is a certified specialist.” But how did she find out that he has a diploma, if he is not an idiot in Russian, or if his diploma is written in Russian?

      Well, everything is simple here - the clinics are really empty, there is no one to work. Thank Golikova and Skvortsova for their “optimization”.
      1. +2
        3 February 2024 22: 39
        These ghouls are now busy pouring out another crap vaccine for idiots who want to die from it! And they are billions!
    4. 0
      3 February 2024 20: 15
      Quote: steel maker
      I believe that the country is being specially prepared, if not for a civil war, then for a big interethnic “kipis.”

      And this rush will inevitably happen this year. The period of sluggish events is over
    5. -1
      8 February 2024 12: 55
      No need to lie. Without knowledge of the Russian language, people will not be accepted into medicine. They organize Russian courses for a person or assign a sister who knows his language. There is no other way. Anyone who accepted and did not provide at least a transfer should be fired. But I think that this is not true. He probably knows the language.
      About schools. There is no need to deceive that they come without notebooks, perhaps there are some few and these are those who are from remote rural areas and learned the concept of school only in Russia. But their parents, when registering their children at this school, receive complete information about what, how and what they need. The overwhelming majority who come with their families know at least a little Russian. If children do not know the language, they are organized to study it and only then are they assigned to classes. But the overwhelming number of migrants come with children of toddler and kindergarten age. It's easier with these. They start kindergarten in a month or three and begin to speak a little Russian, and within a year they speak very well. And they go to school knowing the language as well as our children. My wife worked in such a kindergarten until she retired. So what, migrants and their children learn languages ​​better and faster than exact sciences.
      1. +1
        8 February 2024 13: 05
        And also. Where there are two or three Russian children in a kindergarten group, after a while the rest of the children begin to speak in a language other than their own, including Russian, which makes those who are nationally concerned very nervous. In some cases, it is even decided that Russian speakers will be placed in separate groups and classes or no more than one. It gets to the point that teachers and educators generally prohibit speaking Russian anywhere. Is our mentality such that they start looking up to us in schools and kindergartens because of our temperament and language?
  5. +2
    2 February 2024 12: 31
    but the fact remains: the unruly “guests” were for once seriously pressed.

    It wasn't "pressed". That's right, tickled behind the ear. And I hope they will take the “pressure” seriously. Well, I'd like to hope, but I'm not sure.
  6. +10
    2 February 2024 13: 15
    Any ethnic group of newcomers should almost immediately qualify as a terrorist organization and a station of Western intelligence services. I'm sure you just have to dig a little and you'll find all the evidence. They tell us not to judge Tajiks (Kyrgyz, Uzbeks) by one scumbag!!! How about it? Why should we be tolerant and condescending towards them? As if it were us in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan or somewhere else, and not them visiting us. We came to work - work! Earned money, home and no citizenship. We won’t fix the demographics in this way, but it will only harm the country once.
    1. +4
      2 February 2024 16: 55
      Any ethnic group of newcomers should almost immediately qualify as a terrorist organization and a station of Western intelligence services.

      Andrey, from these so-called "Diaspora" corrupt bureaucrats (and others are not kept in Russia) cut the loot. This is their "feeder".
  7. +5
    3 February 2024 09: 11
    “It’s bad not to judge all Tajiks based on one person”

    One by one???? Yes, every day we receive criminal news from all regions in which the main “heroes” are Tajiks
  8. 1_2
    3 February 2024 19: 33
    before the elections, the irreplaceable one will correct “Putin’s mistakes”, and after the elections he will make new ones