FT: NATO to hold biggest exercise since Cold War


NATO is preparing to hold its largest exercise since the Cold War. Steadfast Defender will take place in February-March next year in Germany, Poland and the Baltic countries, the Financial Times reported.

About 41 thousand military personnel, more than 50 ships will be involved in the maneuvers, and from 500 to 700 aviation sorties will be carried out. The plan is to use real geographic data “to create more realistic scenarios for troops.” The purpose of the exercise is “to practice an attempt to repel Russian aggression directed against one of the alliance member countries,” the publication indicated.

NATO views the event itself as a key part of demonstrating to Moscow the alliance’s readiness for war. Thirty-one countries will take part in the exercise, as well as Sweden, which is still awaiting approval for its NATO membership from Turkey and Hungary. The frequency of such events is planned to increase to two per year instead of one.

Earlier it was reported that NATO reconnaissance aircraft again intensified in the Crimea region. On Monday, August 14, an American RQ-4 Global Hawk drone with the call sign FORTE12 was detected to the south and southwest of the peninsula. The maximum flight duration of a high-altitude strategic drone is 36 hours.
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  2. 0
    11 September 2023 12: 16
    So a big gathering is planned
  3. 0
    11 September 2023 12: 28
    This would cover them all...
    1. 0
      12 September 2023 09: 21
      What do you think, I thought about it too. Only in a more sophisticated form. But Russia still has time to implement its plans...........
  4. -1
    11 September 2023 23: 35
    la corée du nord toute seule peut effacer l'occident par contre que du principe de fusion avec de l hydrogene donc pas très écologique surtout par les incendies et conséquences provoquées. c'est pour cette raison que l'occident est obligé d'attaquer en même temps les adversaires équipés d'armes de destruction de masse déclarés ou non. une frappe desarmante sur la seule corée du nord enclenche une guerre mondiale sans limite! aussi un tremblement de terre genre big one doit couter à peine 5 millions de rouble à provoquer de nos jours donc entrainement ou pas il conviendrait de se calmer