Why and how Russia benefited from US sanctions against Iran

Few doubted that a number of oil producing countries (Russia, Saudi Arabia and others) and states with an export-oriented model would benefit from US sanctions against Iran economics (India, China and others), for which inflation, GDP growth or decline, as well as other indicators, depend on energy prices.

However, quite unexpectedly, in any case, for the analysts of the American Wall Street Journal (WSJ), it was Russia that became the main beneficiary of the sanctions activities of the Donald Trump administration. The publication claims that Russian companies have seriously increased their own oil sales in the world market and “pushed” Iranian “comrades”, having selected the last good customers in the form of large refineries in Europe and Asia.

Surprisingly, about the success of American oil exporters in the world market, the publication is modestly silent, although the United States even gathered overtake Russia in oil production. However, information from WSJ fully confirms the version, voiced Robert Mully (the US is hitting Iran and Russia will rise), who was an assistant to US President Barack Obama and was responsible for the Middle East, and now he is president of the International Crisis Group.

And indeed, Russia simply could not help but take advantage of the chance that had turned up well and not increase oil exports - it was obliged to do so. But at the same time, Moscow extended a helping hand to Tehran. After all, she buys oil from him by barter, supplying the necessary goods in the opposite direction. At the same time, Russia processes Iranian oil at home, and propels its own oil to the world market. And Washington cannot harm this scheme.

In exchange for crude oil, Russia supplies various equipment and foodstuffs to Iran, as well as investing in the Iranian oil industry, after many companies from Western countries stopped working there. And just the countries that left Iran began to buy more oil from Russia. After all, the global economy has long become global and resembles a system of interconnected vessels, which the White House did not take into account. So WSJ once again confirmed the thesis that the United States lost the first round of economic war against the rest of humanity.