What will Europe do after the winter gas crisis


The largest energy crisis in recent years continues to develop in Europe. Due to the shortage of gas, some enterprises have already begun to close, the prices for electricity and hot water for consumers are growing. European UGS facilities are half empty, and all this is happening against the backdrop of the beginning of the heating season. The old world will have a hard time this winter. But what will happen after the crisis is over and the spring warmth returns? What conclusions will be drawn from what happened?

Undoubtedly, the EU leadership will make its own conclusions, and they may turn out to be very radical. Let's try now to imagine how the energy market can change as early as 2022.

Who is to blame?

First of all, they will clearly be looking for the main culprit, and, alas, Gazprom is ideally suited to his role, according to the Western world. The Russian monopoly does not even make much of a secret that it is supporting an artificial deficit in Europe in order to push through the permit to launch Nord Stream 2 more quickly. The situation is indeed not entirely unambiguous.

On the one hand, the state corporation acts strictly within the framework of existing contracts, without violating anything from the point of view of the letter of the law. Moreover, the fact that Europe, which was strenuously putting obstacles in the way of the implementation of the Russian-German pipeline, ended up without gas itself, there is a kind of "karmic" justice. On the other hand, Gazprom's actions, or rather inaction, is essentially the use of the gas pipeline as an instrument of economic and political pressure on Brussels, that is, the very “energy weapon” about the danger of which the American policy and their allies in the EU.

Perhaps tactically Moscow will be able to achieve its goal by launching Nord Stream 2, but strategically it will only lose from such an approach. They will not forget us and will not forgive such geopolitical pressure on the "civilized" West. For Gazprom, at best, this means that the European Union will insist on liberalizing gas supplies through the new pipeline network. In particular, 50% of the capacity of Nord Stream 2 may go to Rosneft, about which we will discuss in detail told earlier.

Moving away from the spot to the forward?

Most likely, the EU leadership will reconsider its attitude to the current gas pricing system. Recall that since the 60s of the last century, a model based on long-term export gas contracts (DSEGC) operated in the Old World. The price of “blue fuel” was indexed depending on the exchange price of oil, diesel fuel or coal. A take-or-pay formula was used, which was convenient for suppliers.

However, the crisis of 2008-2009 made big changes, when real market prices turned out to be lower than those in long-term contracts. Importers began to insist on market prices determined on exchanges. The cost of "blue fuel" is formed and varies depending on a variety of factors: weather, UGS filling, etc. In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic dropped stock quotes to abnormally low values, and in 2021, XNUMX cubic meters of gas at hubs set historical records.

So, what conclusions can the European authorities draw from what happened?

At first, it would be prudent to switch from spot contracts, which are valid for only a month, to long-term forward contracts, which cover a season, if not an entire year. Having contracted certain, calculated in advance, volumes of supplies, consumers will be able to hedge themselves, even if they lose on the difference in price.

Secondlyit is possible that the European partners will decide to increase the share of long-term contracts for gas supplies via the pipeline system.


It is also possible that the European energy crisis will force Washington to take radical steps to ensure the energy security of its ally in the Old World, NATO. There is no doubt that an active information campaign will soon begin against Gazprom, which will be accused of using gas supplies as a geopolitical weapon. American politicians will say that they, they say, warned the "cousins", but they did not listen to them, and that's how bad it turned out.

In exchange for Russian gas, the United States has long been trying to add its own LNG. But here's the problem: private companies themselves decide where to sell it. So it became more profitable in Southeast Asia, they sent their tankers there. And what can you do? The only solution would be to translate this question from economic into the political plane. The US authorities, if they wish, can take control of all gas exports, establishing a monopoly for the state corporation, making their own analogue of Gazprom. This is not welcome, but there is nothing impossible in it, if Uncle Sam so decides. In more detail, we are about some scenarios for the creation of the American "LNG-Prom" already told earlier.

Thus, following the end of the gas crisis in the EU, the following tendencies are visible: greater centralization of the energy market in the West while trying to impose a more liberal model on Russia as the largest exporter.
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  1. +1
    27 September 2021 15: 44
    On the other hand, Gazprom's actions, or rather inaction, is essentially the use of the gas pipeline as an instrument of economic and political pressure on Brussels, that is, the very “energy weapon” about the danger of which American politicians and their allies in the EU have shouted so much. ...

    What about the inaction of the US LNG? They promised to fill the EU with their gas and do not fulfill their obligations to bring down the EU economy - as their competitor? The United States is using gas as an instrument of economic and political pressure on Brussels.

    In particular, 50% of the capacity of Nord Stream 2 may go to Rosneft

    And this will negatively affect the western shareholders of Gazprom. They will receive 50% less profit!
    1. 0
      5 October 2021 01: 34
      Quote: Bulanov
      And this will negatively affect the western shareholders of Gazprom. They will receive 50% less profit!

      I beg you, this is Pan Marzecki, he always shouts the guard.
      Now it is oil, then about gas. Read the archive of his articles last year and the year before last.
      He's still Nastradamus, with a bias towards analytics.

      Geyropa will not do anything, and Pi-sy is also unable to increase LNG.
      The prices in Asia will be higher and all the LNG will float there (for that, it is poured into tankers), and the geyrs will again be on starvation rations, the Gazprom pipe will be groomed and lined.
      Gazprom has a pipeline, what else Geyrope needs.
      1. 0
        6 October 2021 09: 52
        I beg you, this is Pan Marzecki, he always shouts the guard.
        Now it is oil, then about gas. Read the archive of his articles last year and the year before last.
        He's still Nastradamus, with a bias towards analytics.

        And what's wrong, lad Roma?
        1. 0
          7 October 2021 18: 45
          Contact me - Mr. Roma, you can be a dear sir, or sir. (Your choice).

          Here is one of your panic articles.

          From the height of today, we can assess the conclusions given in it.

          Here's more:

          and more:

          There are many more of them. The Internet remembers everything.
        2. The comment was deleted.
  2. -2
    27 September 2021 17: 36
    in the fact that even if Gazprom sells less, there is nothing bad, firstly, this is a lesson for the Kremlin prisoners to sometimes turn on their brains, and secondly, more gas will remain for our descendants, maybe at least they will really be the masters of the national property, and not how now only according to the Constitution, but not in fact
    1. 123
      27 September 2021 18: 20
      the fact that even if Gazprom sells less, there is nothing bad, firstly, this is a lesson for the Kremlin prisoners to sometimes turn on their brains,

      Reducing tax revenues is good, because a lesson for the Kremlin prisoners? How many people who want to shit people just to get through to power themselves. Yes, you and the kyle need to study and recalculate gas fields on the tundra. Maybe in the coolness, the brains will start to work. I am also a guardian for the good of the people sad

      and secondly, more gas will remain for our descendants, maybe at least they will really be the masters of the national property, and not as now only according to the Constitution, but not in fact

      And what, you or your ancestors were already "really masters of the national property"?
    2. 0
      5 October 2021 01: 23
      Quote: rotkiv04
      the second, more gas will remain for our descendants

      Whose is it for you?
  3. +3
    27 September 2021 21: 58
    Some nonsense ... The EU began to roll a barrel at Gazprom a long time ago, the whole performance was that Russia, or rather a few high-ranking pro-government kovs, would want "for themselves now," and spit on common sense and the country's interests. It turned out almost like that. For a long time Gazprom supplied gas to the EU on "first demand", the EU is already accustomed to spread rot on the one hand and demand on the other. But thank God, in Russia they still decided to turn the page. On the one hand, it became clear that there would be no real competition with LNG, on the other hand, difficult gas is a scarce product, and there is nowhere to take it, and crazy ideas with "green" energy will sooner or later scatter in the wind ...

    So Gazprom is now finally acting in its own interests, and it doesn't matter what they think in the EU - they can freeze, and even die. They will have to solve their problems themselves, they can walk around the bazaar ... And it is time for Russia to stop accumulating gold reserves in cut paper, and it is time to start managing resources carefully and very carefully. Gas is not only fuel, but also fertilizers, plastics and other chemicals - it's time to use the entire spectrum. And the EU can go through the forest, Russia does not need to increase production, rather, on the contrary, it is easier to sell less and earn more on it than vice versa!
  4. 0
    28 September 2021 10: 30
    The US authorities, if they wish, can take control of all gas exports, establishing a monopoly for the state corporation, making their own analogue of Gazprom. This is not welcome, but there is nothing impossible in it, if Uncle Sam so decides.
    Well, at least he laughed heartily laughing
  5. 0
    29 September 2021 17: 31
    They will not forget us and will not forgive such geopolitical pressure on the "civilized" West.

    And then there is China and the eastern direction. And where will Evry take pipeline gas? Ukrov Russia will no longer contain. Putin said bluntly - Are we obliged to feed them?
  6. 0
    29 September 2021 21: 01
    In more detail: which enterprises closed due to a lack of gas ?, where and how much are the prices for electricity and hot water rising? Apparently, they have no crisis. Everything goes on under its own power. Some businesses are closed, some are opening, someone is getting rich, someone is going bankrupt. Why do we have to discuss all this. If additional volumes are needed, they will buy it.
  7. +1
    5 October 2021 20: 21
    Katz offers to surrender! ©