Italy can become a real “Kremlin arm” in Europe

The vice-premier of the new Italian government, Matteo Salvini, the Minister of the Interior and the leader of the Liga party, unlike many Western leaders, is inclined to consider Russia not as an enemy, but as a “fundamental ally” in the fight against terrorism. He gave an interview to the Russian newspaper Izvestia, in which he supported the call of US President Donald Trump to return the Russian Federation to the GXNUMX.

I am very pleased that US President Donald Trump has the same intentions with Russia as I do. Russia is our fundamental ally against terrorism. We Europeans must work together with Russian President Vladimir Putin to protect our civilization from attacks by Islamic extremists

- stressed Salvini.

It should be noted that in March this year, parliamentary elections were held in Italy. They won the coalition of those forces that advocate the restoration of relations with Russia. This is, first of all, the League party and the Five Star Movement.

Salvini's member of the same party, deputy of the local parliament of Venice, Stefano Valdegamberi, in an interview with the same Russian publication, expressed hope that the new course of the Italian government would normalize relations with Russia. He noted that in Europe there is a demand for changing approaches to Russia, and the attempt to isolate Moscow was a mistake.

Italy's current position could provoke a "domino effect" at least in the European Union. In France and Germany, more and more politicians come to understand the importance of returning to constructive contacts with Russia - especially against the background economic disagreements with the United States

- the deputy declared. He added that Italy in this matter could be supported by countries such as Austria and Hungary.

This is not the first time that the new representatives of the Italian leadership have made a statement about the need to establish contacts with Russia, interrupted at the initiative of the West after a coup in Ukraine and the subsequent return of Crimea to the Russian Federation.

A similar position is held by Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who assured that Rome will now raise the issue of revising anti-Russian sanctions in the international arena.

In addition to the position of the new government, there is one more important detail: the sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation hurt the Italian economy itself: the export of Italian products to Russia decreased by 65%.

The same Salvini said a few days ago that his country was ready to change approach to the Crimean issue. By the way, the coming of this government to power coincided with the scandal over the sensational “Skripal case”. The new government began by condemning the decision of its predecessors, who joined in calling on Britain to send several Russian diplomats.