Germany pointed the US to the door

Following the United States' unilateral withdrawal from the Iranian Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) on May 8, 2018, erosion of Euro-Atlantic solidarity is occurring at an astonishing rate.

Recall that the United States, Iran, Great Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany adopted in July 2015 a Joint Comprehensive Action Plan that introduced serious time limits for the 15-year period for the Iranian nuclear program, guaranteeing its peaceful development.

However, recently US President Donald Trump criticized the idea of ​​the JCPOA, despite the fact that the agreement was implemented by the Iranian side and confirmation was received from the IAEA that Iran was fulfilling its obligations in the deal.

As a result, despite the protests of five international mediators - Great Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany, Washington withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan and announced its intention to restore sanctions against Iran, which seriously affect the interests of all states cooperating with Iran.

As the "Reporter" noted in the article "The Great Game has begun in the world", The United States, by unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA, virtually destroyed the international institutions founded in the bipolar era - the UN, EU, NATO and transformed world international relations into a multipolar world based on the free rivalry of single players - leading world powers.

One of the results of the U.S. decision was Britain's overt refusal to join the withdrawal from the JCPOA, which required at the same time to conclude a new agreement with the participation of Iran, China, Russia, other countries of the Near and Middle East, stipulating that London would try to maintain the successes achieved thanks to the JCPOA. The British demand actually means that the United States must either return to the JCPOA, or try to conclude a new agreement with states that under no circumstances will discuss a new version of the multilateral agreement after the US withdraws from the Iranian deal.

All participants in the JCPOA — Iran, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany — have confirmed their intention to remain within the framework of the agreement, despite the US withdrawing from it.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the day on May 10, Euro-Atlantic solidarity was subjected to yet another test. As expected, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Europe can no longer rely on the United States for protection, and urged European countries to begin to control their own destiny.

Gone are the days when the United States simply defended us. Therefore, Europe must take its own destiny into its own hands, and this is our challenge for the future.

- said Angela Merkel.

It is symptomatic that the call to no longer rely on Washington in ensuring EU security came from Berlin. Traditionally, apart from Russia, Germany is the most economically powerful state in Europe, and the EU at one time was created as one of the tools to overcome the Franco-German antagonism, which twice was one of the causes of world wars in the twentieth century, and replacing it with the Franco model -German cooperation.

Germany’s call to abandon reliance on the US contribution to European defense will almost automatically provoke similar statements by France, which will undoubtedly put NATO in the face of a serious crisis. The only question is how intensively this crisis will take place, and during what time the countries of Europe will plan and carry out the transition to an independent defense and external policy.
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  1. 0
    12 May 2018 12: 07
    Europe has rebelled against America, and this is not the case.