Virtual Reality Captures the World

Technologies Virtual reality has been around for quite some time. During this time, they experienced ups and downs, but always remained quite unusual, with something from the category of "amateur". However, in recent years there have been serious reasons to believe that VR-technologies will nevertheless go into the mass section. Having received serious support from manufacturers of the entertainment industry, as well as with the development of computing power of personal computers, VR is becoming more accessible.

Nevertheless, the best, as you know, the enemy of the good, and having become more accessible, virtual reality technology is still not the cheapest pleasure. In addition to the need to have a powerful PC, the VR helmets themselves, although they are steadily getting cheaper, cost around 40 thousand rubles for an average sample, and a good one can cost two or three times as much. It was with this problem that Leap Motion decided to fight by launching its Northern Star project.

The development of Leap Motion combines the main qualities for most users, and it would seem, incompatible, qualities - low cost and high technical characteristics. An existing working prototype costs only about $ 100. Of course, the commercial version will cost more, but this is far from the $ 3000 that you have to pay for the same Microsoft HoloLens.

The main disadvantage of the new VR headset is its impressive size. The helmet consists of two 3,5-inch LCD displays with a resolution of 1600x1400 pixels, which provide a 95-degree vertical view and 70-degree horizontal, which is by modern standards quite a few. In addition, the hand movement controller shows itself very well, providing a very clear reading of the user's movements in the 180 degree hemisphere. Whether the Leap Motion project will shoot or not remains to be seen, however, the vector for the development of VR is clearly defined, and now it can be assumed in which direction this technology will go further.
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  1. 0
    10 December 2021 14: 44
    very interesting
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