Why Russia is hopelessly behind in the development of supercomputers

The day before, a world ranking of the best supercomputers was published. The first two places in it were taken by computers from the USA, the third - the creation of Chinese engineers. Russia, alas, did not shine in it, worsening its last year’s position. The Lomonosov supercomputer from Moscow State University generally fell out of the top list, Lomonosov-2 went down from 79th to 93rd place, and the supercomputer from Roshydromet from 283rd to 365th. What can this obvious lag behind recognized leaders mean?

What is a supercomputer, and why is it needed at all, in addition to “measuring the teraflops”? Simply put, it is a specialized system with extremely high computational performance, capable of simultaneously processing huge amounts of data. Initially, it was created for military purposes, but as it developed, it was widely used in the "national economy". Thanks to mathematical modeling, it became possible to save big money and time when developing new of technologies.

For example, with the help of a supercomputer, aircraft manufacturers can simulate and evaluate the operation of a new airframe without creating an expensive full-scale model or a promising jet engine. Automakers are able to calculate the wear of components and parts of vehicles. Computer modeling is used by prospectors in assessing the feasibility of developing deposits. The giant power of computers is used in pharmaceuticals, pharmacology and biotechnology.

Thus, it is obvious that supercomputers are becoming an integral part of modern economicswithout which high-tech development is unthinkable. The example of the USA and China clearly confirms this. The American Summit gives out a performance of 148 thousand teraflops, its rival from California - 94 thousand, Chinese Sunway TaihuLight with 93 thousand teraflops breathes in its back. For comparison, the most powerful Russian Lomonosov-2 located at Moscow State University is estimated at 2,478 thousand teraflops.

So why is our country lagging behind technological progress, despite “modernization” and “innovation”?

At first, Russia is heavily dependent on imports of foreign component base.

Secondlybesides polite curiosity, officials of relevant ministries and departments do not take a special part in the development of domestic supercomputers. “Lomonosov-2” Moscow State University had to do at its own expense on an initiative basis. University spokesman Vladimir Voevodin complains:

There is no constructive response so far. There is no official refusal, but the result will appear only when a real program for the development of supercomputers in Russia is developed.

Thirdly, for such super-computers in modern Russia there is not much work. Predict the weather, yes. But our economy is of a pronounced raw material nature, and it seems that the authorities are not going to join the real high-tech race with the United States and China.

That's why in a year or two, the country is likely to finally fly out of the Top 500 best supercomputers in the world.
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  1. 0
    20 June 2019 16: 43
    The world is on the verge of transition to quantum computers.
  2. +5
    20 June 2019 16: 49
    ... our economy is pronounced in raw materials ....

    According to the American Wikipedia, mining in the structure of the Russian economy is only 9,4% .. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_Russia#Structure_economics
    Americans certainly lie a lot. But they usually lie in their favor.

    Russia is heavily dependent on imports of its foreign component base.

    Well, and after that sprinkle ash on your head, too, is not worth it.
    Boeing, for example, no less seriously depends on the titanium parts produced in Russia.

    That's why in a year or two, the country is likely to finally fly out of the Top 500 best supercomputers in the world.

    Will not fly out. And it will rise even higher in this rating.
    1. 0
      20 June 2019 17: 16
      Quote: gorbunov.vladisl
      Boeing, for example, no less seriously depends on the titanium parts produced in Russia.

      It is a pity that the Boeing does not know this.
      1. +6
        20 June 2019 17: 25
        It is a pity that the Boeing does not know this.

        Boeing is still in the know.
        Perhaps you do not know?
        Then this is for you.
        Boeing receives from Russia 35% of titanium for civilian aircraft, holds the largest engineering center outside the United States in our country, and is building a second titanium billet processing plant. The cost of the company's procurement programs in Russia reaches $ 27 billion.
        1. 0
          20 June 2019 18: 05
          Quote: gorbunov.vladisl
          Boeing receives from Russia 35% of titanium for civilian aircraft, holds the largest engineering center outside the United States in our country, and is building a second titanium billet processing plant.

          Lucky Russia. Now we need to think about such a fat goose does not screw somewhere. For example, to Ukraine, where 40% of Soviet titanium deposits are located.
          1. +3
            20 June 2019 18: 18
            For example, to Ukraine.

            Boeing will not leave Russia. And it is not the presence or absence of titanium reserves that holds it here (although they certainly are), but the Russian technologies for manufacturing titanium products.
            Since the days of the Union, we have been ahead of the rest in terms of titanium technology.
            1. -2
              20 June 2019 18: 21
              Quote: gorbunov.vladisl
              and Russian technologies for manufacturing titanium products.
              Since the days of the Union, we have been ahead of the rest in terms of titanium technology.

              Yeah. And in Ukraine, Soviet technology, therefore, is unknown to anyone.
              Tie up with your fantasies.
              1. +4
                20 June 2019 18: 32
                Tie up with your fantasies.

                I get it. Are the arguments over? lol
                But I will answer you anyway. There are no titanium processing technologies in Ukraine. Precisely those that are of interest to Boeing.
                The link I quoted says:

                They will allow the use of final products in aerospace engineering and in vacuum at temperatures up to 1000 ° C.
            2. -3
              21 June 2019 20: 25
              in terms of titanium technology, ahead of the rest

              - This is stupid, do not flatter yourself.
              1. +4
                23 June 2019 07: 40
                - This is stupid, do not flatter yourself.

                You dummy, unable to confirm her words with a more or less convincing argument. crying
        2. -1
          23 June 2019 13: 02
          Mister gorbunov! You urgently need to go to Roscosmos. There is another such optimist sitting. Together will be more fun. Good luck.
          1. +2
            24 June 2019 05: 41
            Mister gorbunov! You urgently need to go to Roscosmos.

            Like the previous balabol, you have nothing to say on the topic? crying
  3. -1
    20 June 2019 23: 54
    But what about the news about wonderful Russian supercomputers ???
    Every 2 months, it definitely goes here ....
    Do the authors lie then?
  4. 0
    21 June 2019 18: 11
    Quote: gorbunov.vladisl
    Will not fly out. And it will rise even higher in this rating.

    Glory to Gagarin, there is at least one optimist.
    I'm from the same
  5. 0
    21 June 2019 20: 24
    hopelessly behind in the development of supercomputers

    - Is it just that?
  6. +1
    21 June 2019 22: 51
    C-computers are toys for eggheads, you need to learn how to rivet processors yourself no worse (at least) than Intel ones - this is the real task!
  7. +1
    22 June 2019 06: 51
    Yes, because it is fucking no one needs: dead end!
    Perfectly! Sometimes you need to look - where the enemy is going.
    Just watch.
  8. -1
    23 June 2019 12: 57
    If only this were the backlog. . .
  9. +1
    23 June 2019 17: 09
    And what is so surprising. The USA is a superpower and, to a large extent, a locomotive of high technologies, Asian tigers, including China, are following with leaps and bounds. And after the 91st year, Russia has slipped to the level of a typical third world country, which sells raw materials and imports goods. Alas.
    1. -2
      23 June 2019 23: 53
      Quote: Greenwood
      And after the 91st year, Russia slipped to the level of a typical third world country, which sells raw materials and imports goods.

      It did not slip, but the USSR was always and was a third world country. But he slyly invented some unknown "second world". And so he proudly called himself the country of this second world.
      1. +1
        4 July 2019 21: 54
        In fact, this term was introduced bourgeois publicists in the 50s.
        And there were no countries of the 2nd world. There were countries of capital, countries of the socialist camp and countries of the "third world", i.e. non-aligned.
        Write some nonsense! Sorry...
  10. 0
    24 June 2019 18: 10
    I remember the early 2000s. First or second federal channel. The presenter proudly presents: "Another breakthrough in Russian science and technology. Now the world's best Russian programmers will get the world's best computers!"
    I remember what flashed through my head: "Truly, a pessimist is a well-informed optimist."
  11. -1
    25 June 2019 00: 38
    Never say never. Who seeks will always find
  12. 0
    2 July 2019 22: 47
    So what? Who cares? in toilets with trousers for generations to come, this is not some miserable chip for you. Life was a success, and then at least a flood.
  13. -1
    8 July 2019 15: 07
    You need to drink less hawthorn. Inhibits the gene pool.