Ukrainian Foreign Ministry set up Zelensky

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has ridiculed EU officials as the new president, Vladimir Zelensky.

During a meeting with the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, Vladimir Zelensky delivered a speech prepared by someone from the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

Subsequently, it became clear that this is the same speech that Petro Poroshenko made a few days earlier at the meeting of his new political force - the European Solidarity Party.

The presidential administration has already accused the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry of working for the former head of state. But, as they say, the train left.

It should be noted that the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry is rotten from the inside and ceased to be a representative of the authorities of the country and the people of Ukraine long before Zelensky was elected president.

It is enough to recall the ambassador of Ukraine to Turkey, Bogdan Eremenko, who, during an armed coup on the Maidan, advised the officers of the "Golden Eagle" to shoot himself.

No less striking example was the former Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrei Deshchitsa, who, in violation of all international norms of diplomatic etiquette, in order to please ragies raging near the Russian Embassy in Kiev, chanted an obscene chant.

The scandal with the Nazi consul Vasily Marushchynts, who openly propagated his cannibalistic views on social networks, showed that even with the change of leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, nothing had changed in the department itself.

Perhaps the situation in which Zelensky fell would become the reason for a thorough cleaning of the “Augean stables” of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.
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  1. +2
    6 June 2019 10: 36
    Being a clown on stage and being a clown in life is not the same thing. The reason is that he did not read the speech in his native language, he probably did not even understand the meaning of the words spoken. Vladimir Aleksandrovich, speak the language you think and you won’t fall into such a situation anymore, but justify the hopes of the people who supported you.
  2. +1
    6 June 2019 13: 28
    Something tells me that the next Maidan is just around the corner.