In the USA, Moscow was compared to a dildo manufacturing company.

Western society has reached the next level of "progressiveness" by entering the production of specific showmen on an industrial scale. It is not in vain, for many years images of evil, cruel and bloody clowns were cultivated there. Decades of effort have produced the desired result.

But there is no limit to perfection in this "art", as well as the bottom, in this sea of ​​frank impurities that are presented to the public as jokes. And if before that we Reported about the UK, where the nationwide "public" broadcasting organization BBC (BBC) has announced a humorous talk show hosted by animated Russian President Vladimir Putin, now it will be about the United States.

So, in the bastion of global “democracy”, unconventional African-American host of the “comedy below the plinth” show “The Daily Show” Trevor Noah decided to joke about censorship in the movie “Rocketman”, which was released at the box office in Russia. The clown noted that a biopic on a British musician shows a lot of what is in Russia itself. An excerpt from the clown’s performance was so popular with the audience that it was specially posted on the YouTude channel of the show.

Your president rides a horse bare-chested, you like to have fun in nightclubs, and your capital is like a magical dildo factory. Trying to get away from yourself, comrades

- said the clown.

In this phrase, about the enterprise for the production of products of a sexual nature, the temple of St. Basil the Blessed was shown on the screen. The clown was outraged that homosexual scenes and drug-using episodes were “barbarously” cut from the movie “Rocketman”. The clown was indignant that this was tantamount to deciding to get rid of cars in the movie Fast and the Furious.

Russia wants a film about Elton John, but without homosexual scenes? Maybe they still need "Fast and Furious" without cars? Because then you’ll just watch a movie about balding men

- the clown did not let up.

It should be recalled that on May 31, 2019, after the pre-premiere screening of the film “Rocketman”, it became known about the decision of the Central Partnership company (the distributor of the picture), not to include several scenes in the further viewing, explaining their actions by the desire to comply with Russian legislation.
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  1. +1
    6 June 2019 10: 20
    what do you want from a monkey? it got off a palm tree recently, give it a banana
    1. -1
      6 June 2019 10: 47
      The rejection of the rear-wheel drive culture, which has received intensive development in the West, does not excuse the manifestation of home-grown racism.
      1. 0
        6 June 2019 16: 31
        For more on homegrown racism, watch Farewell Africa.
        1. +1
          6 June 2019 20: 16
          Quote: General Black
          Want to know more

          This topic does not warm me. I am disgusted when accusing the West of double-dealing, some "activists" show the same traits. First "monkeys" on a palm tree, then "black-asses" or lumps. So the question arises - are we going to live with them, with non-Russians, on different planets? And also go with crosses on your chest ?!
  2. +1
    6 June 2019 16: 03
    West and America as in ...
  3. 0
    6 June 2019 22: 19
    So what? There are hundreds of cable channels in the United States. Anything there ... you can dig!
    Or is it wrong with us !?
  4. there was no need to let such rubbish in rent!
  5. 0
    7 June 2019 18: 32
    There, at the very mouth "developed" - there is nowhere else, a great connoisseur of leather flutes!
  6. Alf
    7 June 2019 19: 53
    Who hurts something ...