Scientists predict the speedy death of human civilization

Australian researchers say the imminent disappearance of human civilization. Scientists from Melbourne suggest that global climate change with the complete inaction of governments will inevitably cause global social and economic crisis that will cause irreversible processes.

It is reported by The Independent.

It is hardly worth expecting that in the near future the level of burning of fossil fuels will decrease. Moreover, by 2030, a significant increase in this indicator is projected. Experts have calculated that by 2050 this will lead to an increase in average annual temperature by three degrees relative to the pre-industrial period.

It may seem that this is not much at all, but even such a slight increase can cause catastrophic consequences. Sea ice, reflecting the rays of the sun, will melt. This will be followed by thawing of permafrost in the Arctic and drought in the countries of South and Central America. The rivers of Asia become shallow, and North America is waiting for the most unexpected natural disasters.

It is difficult to predict exactly how, but the changes will affect the Gulf Stream, which largely forms the climate of Europe. By 2100, the average temperature on Earth will rise by five degrees.

Scientists suggest that after a two degree warming, about a billion refugees will rush north. And when the temperature rises by four degrees, this will have a devastating effect on global ecosystems and make the human community in its former form impossible.
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  1. 0
    5 June 2019 11: 03
    And where did you dig these (scientists).
  2. 0
    5 June 2019 12: 38
    I'd love to hear how the increase in temperature will affect the Gulf Stream.
    1. 0
      5 June 2019 19: 49
      They have already figured out that warming will affect the Gulf Stream, but have not yet figured out how.