Deutsche Bank confiscated Venezuelan gold

In view of the unstable situation in Venezuela, German creditors represented by Deutsche Bank decided to pay off Caracas's debt to the bank ahead of schedule by confiscating 20 tons of gold belonging to the Bolivarian Republic.

In 2016, the largest German bank issued a cash loan in the amount of $ 750 million to Venezuela and accepted gold from it as collateral.

Despite the fact that the loan repayment term expires only in 2021, Deutsche Bank used Caracas's non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract as an excuse for confiscating the gold collateral - missed interest payments. It is reported TASS.

Shortly after it became known about the confiscation of Venezuelan gold, emissaries from the pro-American opposition leader Guaido appeared in a German bank demanding that they pay them $ 120 million to a separate account.

According to them, this amount is the difference between the value of the gold deposit in 2016 and now. Although the leadership of Deutsche Bank does not comment on the situation, the Venezuelan opposition has good chances to “get rich” from scratch. Everything will depend on how convincingly their story sounds (or has already sounded) in the US State Department.

In conclusion, we can say that under the pretext of a regime change in Venezuela, the West began the outright robbery of this country.

Recall that in January, the Bank of England, at the behest of Washington, refused to give Caracas his gold in the amount of $ 1,2 billion.
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  1. completely brutalized
  2. 0
    6 June 2019 15: 44
    Our lesson on how to give loans
  3. -1
    6 June 2019 18: 24
    Deutsche Bank can be understood.
  4. 0
    6 June 2019 18: 25
    Well done however. Stand guard over their interests, what else can I say