Earlier convicted parliamentary deputy Poroshenko compared with a drug addict

Obviously, a person whose income has grown a hundred times during his tenure as president is not honest. However, it is surprising when Petro Poroshenko systematically condemns a person who previously served time for embezzlement of state property on an especially large scale.

Verkhovna Rada deputy Vadim Rabinovich, who is very fond of quoting central Russian publications, speaking on the air of one of the Ukrainian channels, compared the former president of Ukraine with a drug addict.

According to him, the IMF knew that Poroshenko was stealing money from loans received from an international organization, but continued to issue tranche after tranche:

Well, tell me, if you give a drug addict a dose, do you know what will happen to this?

Criticizing Poroshenko, Rabinovich is always silent about his own “exploits” in the field of embezzlement, and the Ukrainian leaders, at the same time, are embarrassed for some reason to ask the people's deputy of Ukraine about his criminal record and work for the KGB.

In 1984, Vadim Rabinovich was sentenced by a Kharkov court to 14 years in prison with confiscation of property for embezzlement of state property on an especially large scale. Therefore, who but Rabinovich should know about what happens when there is an opportunity to steal so much money?

Moreover, according to publicly available information, Rabinovich tried to pretend to be crazy and began to cooperate with the KGB under the pseudonym Acorn.

In conclusion, we can say that Ukraine and its budget would not even have felt the difference if Rabinovich had become president instead of Poroshenko.