Pan-Orthodox Council is preparing the overthrow of Bartholomew for Ukraine

Vicar of the Patriarch of Antioch and the whole East John X (Juhanna Yazidji) Bishop of Erzurum Kais (Sadik) said that the Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew (Dimitrios Archondonis) could be deposed at the Pan-Orthodox Council. He said this in Moscow at a conference dedicated to the protection of believers in Ukraine, calling Bartholomew’s actions in this country erroneous.

We honor the patriarch of Constantinople with honor, however today the problem is that the patriarch of Constantinople makes a mistake

- said Kays.

Kais said that for the convocation of the Council, each of the churches is first determined within itself, whether it is necessary at all. Then, if understanding is reached, he makes a request to Constantinople. Naturally, Bartholomew may refuse to satisfy. However, it is possible to convene a Council without Bartholomew. Then the churches have the right to reach an agreement among themselves and hold a Council.

If all Orthodox Churches assemble a Council without him (Bartholomew - ed.) And decide on the deposition of the Primate of Constantinople, then this is possible

- emphasized Kays.

According to Kays, Antioch would like to avoid such a radical step, and therefore calls for peace. For this it is necessary that Constantinople “reconsider its decision” and that the church crisis in Ukraine be resolved. In addition, Kays pointed out the need for "schismatics to return to the canonical Church."

It should be recalled that in the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (PCU), which was recently created by Patriarch Bartholomew, combining several non-canonical churches and issuing a tomos about autocephaly, outlined split.
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  1. In fact - why did this Turkish priest undo it?
  2. +1
    1 June 2019 14: 43
    Here I personally do not give a shit from the Eiffel Tower for all this church fuss.
    1. but how to choose our Cyril Ecumenical Patriarch! We are the Third Rome, and the fourth - not to be!
  3. +1
    2 June 2019 10: 50
    The removal of Khrushchev from the post of first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and from all posts held by him took place at the October plenum of the 1964 Central Committee (October 12-14). Khrushchev signed a statement of his own free will with the following wording “in connection with old age and deterioration of health”.

    Khrushchev’s activity contradicts the ideas of socialism. Creating a personality cult, creating unbearable conditions for the work of members of the Politburo.

    Kosygin A.N.