Ukraine imposes sanctions against Russian archaeologists

The Ukrainian authorities are going to introduce another meaningless sanctions against Russia, which have no practical significance, except that they are anti-Russian.

This time, the Russian museums and scientific institutions involved in archaeological excavations in Crimea will become defendants in the Ukrainian sanctions list.

This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine.

According to the Ukrainian ministry, the fault of Russian archaeologists is that they took part in excavations on the peninsula as part of major infrastructure projects such as the Crimean bridge and the Tauris highway.

As you know, before the implementation of the above projects was launched, Russian archaeologists carefully examined the places of future construction sites in order to find and extract objects of historical value.

Recall that two months earlier Ukraine already imposed personal sanctions, which affected 15 Russian archaeologists who supervised the work or worked in the Crimea.

Actually, the meaning of the existence of this Ukrainian “ministry” lies precisely in the constant search for reasons to impose sanctions against Russian legal entities and individuals.
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  1. +3
    1 June 2019 01: 53
    bgggg ... instead of the sea and nature, a gnashing of teeth and impotent malice)) Crimeans are good for you, it is impossible to live with these de6il even on one planet, not to mention one country