Trump considers himself the toughest of US presidents in relation to Russia

The 45th president of the United States of America, Donald Trump, said that of all the American presidents who have ever ruled this country, it is he who leads the toughest policies in relation to Russia. He credited himself with introducing sanctions against the Russian Federation that she had never encountered before. In addition, he mentioned his opposition to the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, through which natural gas from Russia will flow to the countries of the European Union.

All this he expressed before flying from Washington to Colorado Springs.

According to the American president, not one of his predecessors took such an extremely tough stance against the Russian Federation as he did. But despite this, Donald Trump is open to dialogue and cooperation. He is a supporter of good neighborly relations with China, Russia, Europe and even with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Although in his statement it is difficult not to notice obvious contradictions, it does not seem to be somehow extraordinary. After all, the 45th American president has repeatedly demonstrated his unpredictability and inconsistency. The world community is so used to this that it ceases to be surprised.
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  1. 0
    30 May 2019 19: 04
    Trump considers himself the toughest-UNBREAKABLE in the deepest sense.
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