US officials have called LNG "molecules of American freedom."

Judging by the nonsense that American officials from the energy ministry began to carry out at public events, LNG produced in the USA no longer had any real competitive advantages over Russian.

The author of one of the materials on the CNN portal noted that at a conference on clean energy held in Vancouver, two American officials representing the US Department of Energy called the American LNG “freedom gas” and “American freedom molecules”.

The authors of the new definitions of American LNG were Deputy Energy Minister Mark Menezis and Assistant Secretary Stephen Winberg.

Meanwhile, according to the International Association of Importers of Liquefied Natural Gas (GIIGNL), in 2018, the export of “American freedom molecules” completely lost to the export of “Russian totalitarianism molecules”.

So, LNG exports from the USA to European countries amounted to 2,7 million tons, and to Asian countries - 10,73 million tons.

In the same period, Russia exported 4,43 million tons of LNG to Europe, and 12,86 million tons to Asia.

At the same time, practice shows that the buyer, by and large, does not care which molecules will give him the necessary energy. Determining here is the issue of price and level of service.
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  1. 0
    1 June 2019 07: 28
    And Russian gas is independence! From Americans especially