Washington suspected Moscow in conducting nuclear tests

The offender often gives himself out as his behavior, because it is not for nothing that they say that “the hat is on the thief”. And so the United States, betrayed themselves by their behavior. As soon as Tehran and Moscow asked Washington what their nuclear weapons in Europe were doing and why the US was violating the NPT (Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons) by teaching Europeans how to handle nuclear materials, the sharp-sighted “democratic” public was immediately interested in Iran’s nuclear program, and Now, they have also taken up Russia.

The US military, with the help of obedient media, has already created a "sensation." But she, like most fakes, does not last long, so you need to use the opportunity and study.

So, the American newspaper The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) informed its readers that the head of the Military Intelligence Agency (Pentagon intelligence agency, i.e. the US Department of Defense), Lieutenant General Robert P. Ashley (Jr.) made an extremely important statement . He said that Russia could carry out nuclear tests prohibited by international treaties.

We believe that they have the opportunity to conduct such tests, judging by how they are arranged (relevant objects)

- said Ashley.

However, he did not answer one interesting question. Does Russia really conduct such tests? However, WSJ is not interested in such "little things." For them, the words “can” and “spend” are the same.

So it is not surprising that on March 7, 2019, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, informed the public that the American media was preparing the US population and Western society as a whole for the need to resume natural underground nuclear tests, inventing various justifications. Moreover, according to the CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty), such tests are prohibited. And the United States, although they signed this agreement, however, they did not ratify it.
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  1. +2
    29 May 2019 18: 49
    American media is preparing the population of the United States and Western society as a whole, for the need to resume natural underground nuclear tests, inventing various justifications

    Why should the US invent something if they really:

    The United States, although they signed this agreement, did not ratify it.
    1. +2
      29 May 2019 19: 46
      Quote: commbatant
      US media prepares US population and Western society at large for renewed natural underground nuclear tests

      For a long time already I think that it would be time to "zhahnut" 150 kilotons on Novaya Zemlya. To ostracize partners and demonstrate that "steel is strong". To test the competencies of old scientific personnel and train new ones. To build confidence in our partners in our ability to strike back - if necessary.
      1. -1
        29 May 2019 21: 03
        why in the New Earth, who will see? Maybe in Voronezh to see all the results.
  2. +2
    29 May 2019 19: 21
    While it is generally known, by the magnitude of the "earthquake" in the Pacific Ocean, that the tsunami that killed the Japanese nuclear power industry was caused by a nuclear charge placed in the nearest break in the bottom crust ... Igor Nikolaevich Ostretsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, specialist in nuclear physics and atomic energy. He also explained why the United States was interested in the closure of Japanese nuclear power plants.
    So was there a nuclear explosion or not?
    They can!
  3. 0
    30 May 2019 01: 29
    And I suspect Trump of homosexuality with Obama! "Suspects" were found! No facts - shut up and don't blather! And so you can blame the destruction of entire galaxies :)
  4. +1
    30 May 2019 01: 35
    Quote: pafegosoff
    While it is generally known, by the magnitude of the "earthquake" in the Pacific Ocean, that the tsunami that killed the Japanese nuclear power industry was caused by a nuclear charge placed in the nearest break in the bottom crust ... Igor Nikolaevich Ostretsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, specialist in nuclear physics and atomic energy. He also explained why the United States was interested in the closure of Japanese nuclear power plants.
    So was there a nuclear explosion or not?
    They can!

    Well, you still tell fortunes on a camomile: it was, it was not! .. :) America is the Country of idiots! They constantly accuse them without facts on the basis of "their suspicions" and "we decided so!" You can't say without a mat! Unconventional orientation there everything in general! .. :(