Air carriers demanded a thorough check of SSJ-100 aircraft

Discussion of the technical capabilities of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 after the tragedy in Sheremetyevo does not stop to this day. This is understandable, since not every time under such strange circumstances more than 40 people die.

The Association of Air Transport Operators (AEWT) asked the Russian Ministry of Transport to organize an audit of the aircraft for compliance with certification requirements.

The Association includes a number of large air carriers that use 19 SSJ-100 aircraft. And, for obvious reasons, the operators of this model are interested in the fact that various tragic incidents would not be repeated with their aircraft.

Therefore, the AEBT asked the Ministry of Transport to organize an audit of such critical systems as protecting the liner from static electricity, the strength of the wing box and landing gear, and protecting the cabin in an external fire. Separately highlighted the need to test the training programs of the crews of "superjets".

At the same time, the United Aircraft Manufacturing Company, which manufactures the SSJ100, considered that aircraft operators were thus trying to put pressure on the commission investigating the circumstances of the crash at Sheremetyevo Airport. After all, air carriers are much more profitable to shift the responsibility to the creators of the aircraft than to admit some of their own flaws.
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  1. +2
    28 May 2019 09: 54
    This is a very, very good reason about our Superjets. Boeing again had some misunderstandings in the management of their 727m, their sales collapsed sharply in the world air carrier market, and the United States will now cut our aviation industry in every way, as it was in the 90s with the IL-86-96, when they, the Yankees, a little they did not ruin at all on a far-fetched and falsified pretext about their great noise, energy consumption and non-environmental friendliness, but we, at all levels of power floors, everywhere have ardent haters of everything that is now being produced the newest in Russia, but mellow before the state-English junk, and even and paid by the State Department, so they put sticks in our wheels, according to the "order" of the United States ..... Air carriers need to better train their flight crews for one or another type of aircraft, and not hire "specialists" from the culinary college with the purchased crusts of an amateur, and not to decide the fate of this beautiful airplane in such a way, as it often happens with us.