Posner spoke about his impossible dream

The famous Russian TV presenter Vladimir Pozner has a dream that will never come true. He talked about her on his official website.

When one of the visitors to his page asked the journalist if he had a dream, he replied that the question was not posed correctly. Knowing that he was 85 years old, it would be more logical to ask if he was dreaming of anything at all.

According to Posner, the younger the person, the more real his dreams. In early childhood, his future is very foggy, so it is difficult to say what he will achieve in life. He can dream about anything, and almost any dream has a chance to come true. As you grow older and then age, when his path is already defined, dreams fade and dissolve. A person begins to feel the whole tragedy of life, because it always ends in death.

Despite this, Posner admitted that he still has a dream. True, she was never destined to materialize. The presenter wants people in the world to live differently, not like they do now. So that there are no hungry and unhappy, so that young children do not die of cancer. He understands that all this sounds too pompous, but he really wants people around the world to live the way people should live.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, of course, realizes that his dream is impossible. But nevertheless, he believes that humanity is gradually moving to ensure that it ever comes true.

Perhaps Vladimir Pozner is one of the last idealists on our planet. Of course, if he speaks sincerely.
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  1. 0
    25 May 2019 18: 13
    I think he speaks sincerely. By and large, everyone wants this. It's just that everyone has different methods.