The shooting of the Romanovs: tragedy or the greatest hoax?

In his speech, which caused a flurry of indignant emotions of residents of Yekaterinburg, the star of the blue screens of Russia Vladimir Solovyov said that the city “killed the last emperor” and therefore “bears a curse”. We will not evaluate the degree of correctness of the colleague’s statement - here, in the end, it’s not the commission on journalistic ethics ... But the question of whether it corresponds to historical truth is worth pondering. The death of the Romanov family is an event that seems to have a completely unambiguous interpretation, but at the same time represents a completely unimaginable tangle of contradictions, disagreements, ambiguities, as well as secrets not revealed to this day. Let's try to touch at least the main ones.

Regicide, which was not

Before proceeding, in fact, to the analysis and analysis of versions regarding the events in Yekaterinburg, it is necessary to decide on the main point of this story. Namely: even if we assume that in the basement of the Ipatiev House on the night of July 16-17, 1918 exactly that terrible event happened that today, tightly, like a nail in a board driven into an official historiography, will have to admit that there is no “execution of the Emperor and his family ”was not. The couple of Romanov nobles with their children and household were brutally killed! Russian Emperor Nicholas II abdicated on February 27, 1917 - more than a year before the events we are talking about. Moreover, which is characteristic - personally and voluntarily. His son Alexei absolutely did not have any rights to the throne at that time (Nikolai renounced for him too!), And even more so for his daughter. In general, after the transfer by the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, who did not want to bear the responsibility for the Empire for one day, to the Provisional Government, the cross was placed on both the autocracy and all rights to the Romanov throne.

In the case of a hypothetical victory of the White Movement in a civil war, power would surely be in the hands of either one of the self-proclaimed rulers in general (or admiral) epaulettes, or the next “interim government”. And if people with monarchical views were to take such a lead, they would have to convene a Zemsky Sobor to elect a new Sovereign. According to the results of this, which took place after the well-known Time of Troubles, by the way, the Romanov house reigned in Russia in 1613. About any "direct restoration" of the autocracy, and even with the restoration of the old dynasty, then there was no question. All this, of course, in no way reduces the horror and vileness of the execution in the basement of the Ipatiev House. Whoever they killed there - even a family of tramps, was a crime. However, one should not engage in a substitution of concepts and forget about the most important legal points - regicide, as such, was not in any case. Then Mr. Nightingale certainly gave a blunder ...

And who, by and large, could need this act of senseless cruelty? All the talk about the danger of Nikolai Romanov to the Bolsheviks, as a possible “banner of the white movement”, is, excuse me, utter nonsense - due to the reasons given above. And in truth, which of them was the banner ?! Rather, it’s a rag, forgive me, the "monarchists" that have fairly recently bred in our Fatherland. What of him was the Supreme Commander, it is better not to remember. Quite a lot of events of both the First World War, and, in particular, the February Revolution, demonstrate this. Moreover, a large number of eminent White Guards were ardent haters of Nicholas II. Their real attitude towards him is best characterized by the fact that not a single real attempt to recapture the imperial family from the Reds, to free her from imprisonment, was made by White.

Nobody needs it, but inconvenient for everyone

To believe that the execution of the Romanov family was beneficial to the leaders of the Soviet state does not allow the fact that the Urals regional council (in which, by the way, not the Bolsheviks, but the Left Socialist Revolutionaries and anarchists) had enormous power, Moscow did not gave. Moreover, there is historical evidence: Lenin personally demanded that not a single hair fall from the head of the royal prisoners. And the point here, of course, is not at all the philanthropy of the “leader of the world proletariat”. During this difficult time for the Republic of Soviets, the Romanov family presented a wonderful item for bargaining with representatives of the ruling houses of Europe - the same Kaiser Wilhelm II or the British King George V. Russia's exit from the First World War, the conclusion of the Brest Peace and the like were for those who much more pragmatists than fanatics of Bolshevik leaders are much more important than the "destruction of the personification of the autocracy." The Germans or the British would have demanded - and Lenin and Trotsky would have given the entire Romanov family to them as dear ones. But they did not demand ...

As a matter of fact, the “first layer” of riddles about the death of the imperial family begins with this. The former not only the crowned "colleagues" of Nicholas, but also his blood relatives, Wilhelm and Georg did not lift a finger to save, if not himself, then at least the children. It is explained easily. Useful to them, I'm sorry for the rude pragmatism of the wording, he couldn’t do it for anything, but to cause problems is as much as you like. First of all, the living Romanovs were categorically not needed by Britain. The reason is as simple as it is base, it fits into only one word: "money." Or, "mani" - in this case. Various historians and researchers call a different amount of Russian gold that has settled in the banks of Misty Albion as security for military loans, but many of them quite confidently call the figure of more than 400 tons! Yes, in addition, according to some statements, somewhere more than 5 tons of the Emperor’s personal gold were “lost” somewhere else. Yes, for such a lot of money, the Anglo-Saxons father and mother of their relatives will be plagued, not like some kind of “cousin Nikki”!

Of no less interest when considering this side of the issue is the “American trace”. Perhaps you should seriously think about the involvement in the Yekaterinburg tragedy of the Rothschild house, which was behind the creation of the US Federal Reserve System, into which, according to some researchers, the Russian Empire and the Romanovs house were supposedly funded initially. So far, no real evidence of such exotic allegations has been presented, but they have a fairly wide circulation in certain circles. Be that as it may, but the complete reluctance to save the Romanovs, manifested by all the countries of the West, which at that time were completely hostile to Soviet Russia, is a historical fact. It may well be financial interests that stand behind him - and, specifically, the desire to get rid of the return of the colossal sums that were transferred to these countries by tsarist Russia precisely as payment for military orders, the vast majority of which have not been fulfilled.

No less logical is the behavior of Admiral Kolchak. This leader, not trifling, declared himself the "Supreme Ruler of Russia." With a living, albeit renounced autocrat, his actions seemed somehow not too acceptable. In any case, if not from a legal, then from a moral and ethical point of view. Many civil war historians simply shrug their heads in amazement: why didn’t White capture Yekaterinburg before the execution of the Romanovs? They could do this without any problems. The "garrison" of the city at that time consisted of some hundred Red Guards, armed with anything. Having subsequently taken (8 days after the murder!) Yekaterinburg, Colonel Wojciechowski reported that he had not defeated, but simply “scattered” his woe-defenders. From the end of May to the end of July 1918, the White Guards and their Czech allies captured more than a dozen cities in the Urals - but not the one where the royal family was kept. Why?! There is no answer and will never be.

Questions and versions

According to the available memoirs and documentary evidence, investigators in the Ipatiev House conducted investigations of the events in the Ipatiev House pursuant to the personal order of Admiral Kolchak, investigators Nametkin and Sergeyev, stated that there was actually no execution. There was an imitation - and no more. Such a result (obviously due to the reasons given above) was categorically not satisfied by the “Supreme Ruler” and “slow-thinking” were removed from the case. However, the third investigator, Nikolai Sokolov, came to the same conclusions as a result. And only after a serious “infusion”, possibly carried out by Kolchak personally, did he “give birth” to the version that had since become official - about the corpses “dumped in the mine and filled with acid”. By the way, the further fate of all those who clarified the circumstances of the Romanov’s death a few days after the tragedy, then turned out, to put it mildly, not in the best way: Nametkina was burned down, Sergeyev and Sokolov were completely killed under rather strange circumstances. But these very people, most likely, could know the true truth!

In the end, due to the huge number of "white spots" and simply screaming contradictions in this story, an unimaginable multitude of alternative versions were born. There is not enough space to retell even the main ones, so I will confine myself to a brief extract of the most common passages. So, nobody thought of shooting the royal family in the Ipatiev house. (Perhaps their counterparts were killed.) In fact, the Romanovs were evacuated from there by the people of Leon Trotsky, who wanted to use them for some of his cunning political intrigue. But, on Stalin's initiative, the royal prisoners were kidnapped from under the noses of the "demon of revolution" as a result of some kind of "special operation." Joseph Vissarionovich needed access to the tsarist money that ended up abroad, which he received thanks to Nikolai Romanov. This money subsequently went to industrialization in the USSR. Some of the members of the Romanov family eventually happily left the world, and Nikolai Aleksandrovich himself lived peacefully in the Soviet Union until 1958, died and was buried in Nizhny Novgorod.

Some people, in their assumptions on this subject, go even further, and, for example, undertakes to declare that the well-known chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Alexei Kosygin is, in fact, the saved Tsarevich Alexei. What is characteristic is also Nikolayevich ... There are bolder seekers of truth, who find enormous external similarities between Nicholas II and the current Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. Those who decide to argue that this is not by chance at all, and, consequently, the Romanovs didn’t get anywhere from ruling Russia .... We will probably leave such “versions” to professional science fiction writers - or comedians, as you like. But let us dwell on the fact that the Yekaterinburg events today nevertheless remain largely a contradictory and insufficiently reliable historical fact, largely based on indirect or extremely doubtful evidence. For those who were not convinced by the arguments set forth above, I will offer a short list of questions that need to be answered unequivocally, before talking about the execution of the Romanov family in the basement of the Ipatiev House, as a proven fact:

- Why did the Russian Orthodox Church, which ultimately canonized Nicholas II, for a very long time flatly refused to recognize the human remains found in Yekaterinburg as the ashes of the royal family?

- Why did the numerous expert groups from around the world who conducted the DNA examination of these remains did not agree on their identity, while a number of researchers (for example, the Japanese, who possessed 100% genuine samples of the Emperor’s biomaterials) denied the kinship of those killed with the Romanovs?

- why did these remains reveal a mass of discrepancies with the alleged indisputable signs of those to whom they theoretically should belong - such as a dental card, the lack of a trace from a saber strike on the skull of Nicholas II or the growth of “Princess Anastasia”?

- Why are a number of documents supposedly written by the hand of the “chief regicide” Yurovsky (list of firing squad, note indicating the place of burial, etc.) subsequently, after conducting relevant examinations, were recognized as fakes?

- and what, in the end, will you order to do with the preserved evidence and testimonies received by Kolchak’s investigators from people who claimed that they had seen Nicholas II and his family members safe and sound after the “execution”? And also - with the stubborn reluctance of some priests of that time to serve a memorial service for the Sovereign, as for the deceased, based on a firm belief that he was alive?

When the answers are found - then we'll talk. In the meantime, let's not blame Yekaterinburg and its inhabitants for at least something that may never have happened.
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  1. +10
    25 May 2019 09: 17
    ... Nikolai Alexandrovich lived peacefully in the Soviet Union until 1958 ....

    Bullshit, for short.
    While there was the Union, while there was the CPSU, it made sense to keep this secret. But modern Russia has no reason to hide such a fact (if it really was). Yes, and to hide this for a long time is impossible. There will always be those involved in this, who will sooner or later speak (write memoirs, hint). In extreme cases, their descendants. But nothing of the kind happens. A lot of people have since gone abroad. Including the daughter of Stalin. And no one even once hinted a word.
  2. +9
    25 May 2019 15: 08
    There is a trend - you can and should write any garbage in order to distract people from the struggle for a better life.

    That Solovyov, and extreme historians and lie, lie, lie ...
  3. +1
    25 May 2019 20: 01
    What does it mean "personally and voluntarily" renounced? those. there were no conspiracies, uprisings, revolutions, betrayal of responsible persons that led to the overthrow? and who seized power on March 1? are they not soviets of workers 'and peasants' deputies? and the Duma leaders, taking advantage of the moment, they say, power has already been seized, forced the Tsar to transfer powers to them.
    As for the daughters of the emperor: each of them had every right to the throne, if the male line leading from the emperor was cut short, see succession laws.
    At the expense of the Zemsky Cathedral: and here the author is wrong - he took place in Amurye in 1922, in which he decided to recognize the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich as emperor (at that time there was no reliable information about his murder).
    The author is again disingenuous about attempts to free the Tsar. There were at least four such real attempts!
    1. +2
      26 May 2019 01: 10
      "Delirium", say, dear ?!
      Well, how then to characterize your, with permission, say, statements?
      What can I say about you, if, arranged by the undead White Guards in the Amur Region, God forgive me, the booth, whose legitimacy was equal to zero, you, sir, are trying to declare a full Zemsky Sobor? The Zemsky Sobor is a “council of the whole earth” consisting of “three necessary parts”: 1) “a consecrated cathedral of the Russian church with the metropolitan, later with the patriarch at the head”; 2) boyar duma; 3) "Zemstvo people, representing various groups of the population and various localities of the state." (S. F. Platonov) Or is he also not your authority?
      And no one "Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich (who ceased to be the Grand Duke at the time of his own abdication and was killed in 1918!) Was not recognized as emperor! Here is the text of the decision for you, if you please:"

      "1. The Amur Zemsky Sobor recognizes that the right to exercise the Supreme Power in Russia belongs to the dynasty of the Romanov dynasty (207 votes in favor and 23 against).
      2. In this regard, the Zemsky Sobor considers it necessary and consistent with the desire of the population to head the national statehood of the Amur Region as the Supreme Ruler of the members of the Romanov family, the dynasty indicated for this (175 votes “for” and 55 “against”).
      3. For these reasons, the Zemsky Sobor considers it necessary to report on the above to Her Imperial Highness Empress Maria Fedorovna and His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, expresses his wish that the government enter into negotiations with the dynasty of the Romanov House on the subject of inviting one of the members of the dynasty to the post Supreme Ruler. "

      And where is the late Mikhail Alexandrovich ?! Take the trouble to learn the materiel before arguing and criticizing. The "cathedral" was dear, the only achievement of which was the proclamation of Lieutenant General MK Dieterichs as the next "supreme ruler"! Two months later, the Reds came and drove everyone to such and such a mama.
      The rest of your fabrications, venerable - of the same quality. "The sovereign was forced to transfer the powers of power" ... How exactly? They kept the revolver at the temple, or something else? I will allow myself to assert that the true Emperor is just different from the one who is not worthy of this title, in that it is impossible for anyone and under any circumstances to FORCE him to do something against his own will and to the detriment of the state.
      I won't even talk about "attempts at liberation" - it's you, dear cinematography, you've seen enough.

      I wish you health and all the best! Author
      1. 0
        26 May 2019 03: 55
        Thank you, you yourself have confirmed my words with your comment on the basis of the Zemsky Sobor. Namely - the Supreme Power in Russia belongs to the dynasty of the House of Romanov. Regarding Mikhail Alexandrovich, according to the law on succession to the throne, it was he who, first of all, could claim the throne. Obviously, you did not carefully read my comment, in which I wrote "at that time there was no reliable information about his murder."
        And about the abdication, about the emperor’s daughters, who could rightfully take the throne (you claimed that you couldn’t), as well as about the attempts to release you have something to say?
  4. -2
    26 May 2019 05: 48
    the introduction and the first two chapters are clearly on science, then conspiracy theology went on ...
  5. -3
    26 May 2019 08: 49
    Well, yes, how simple it is to declare all nonsense. No one killed the king’s family. They gave access to accounts and lived quietly, some in Nizhny, some in Georgia ... But the Bolsheviks knew how to clean witnesses. Take the attempt on Lenin: who organized it? Who performed? Blind half-crazy woman?
    Everyone knows that $ 10 billion was dumped for Yeltsin for the collapse of Russia, but where to get witnesses to this fact? The daughter washed away abroad with her husband, the wife lives in esteem and bliss ...
  6. DPN
    26 May 2019 14: 06
    He didn’t want to leave on time, so he got what he deserved, Gorbachev followed his example and became the best German and traitor to the country, now Yeltsin took a quick glance or prompted now in honor and the center received no worse than the mausoleum. What is there to dig into, normal people or something?
  7. +2
    26 May 2019 19: 50
    Another attempt to rewrite history to please current ghouls
  8. +3
    27 May 2019 06: 21
    What could be worse than a civil war? Now it continues in the minds of people. And pay off this
    crazy fire no one. There is simply no desire. In some countries they managed, for the sake of a simple desire to survive, to appeal to the people with an appeal to the inner world.
  9. +1
    28 May 2019 10: 55
    Of course, many now want this mediocrity and coward Nikolashka to be a saint. But I would have him and his family only for January 9, and the hand would not flinch. Thanks to the author for the details that many do not like.
  10. 0
    3 June 2019 13: 55
    What doesn’t happen in Russian history: For example, until now no one really knows if Elder Fyodor Kuzmich was emperor Alexander Pavlovich or not?
  11. 0
    25 July 2019 13: 07
    I don’t know the reason why some people procrastinate about such, and about such topics .... It should be a shame, by definition, to engage in "washing the bones." Yes, the tsar had a "catastrophe", brought the country to a collapse and he is guilty, according to his position, as a commander who destroyed a unit, as a captain who ruined a ship. But we are unlikely to find out the truth about the causes of death of him and his family, this "dirt" affects too many, the secrecy label will never be removed as long as the royal house of Britain exists. In order to understand this, it is necessary to study the biography of "comrade" Sverdlov, his relatives, and especially his death. If anyone does not know - it was this "comrade" who gave single-handed sanction for execution
  12. +1
    30 July 2019 02: 46
    I ask the author of the article to explain the words:

    Russian Emperor Nicholas II abdicated on February 27, 1917.

    Show at least one document that confirms!