Pentagon refused to fight with Iran

Recently we Reported, as the belligerent Pentagon said it was ready to send up to 120 thousand troops to the Middle East to deter Iran. Many believed in the proximity of war, even China got nervous. And so, on May 21, 2019, the acting head of the Pentagon, Patrick Shenahan, announced that the United States was not going to fight Iran.

This Shenahan told reporters, specifying that the United States will protect its interests in the Middle East.

This is not about war. We are not going to fight. It is about protecting our interests in the Middle East and carrying out missions

- said Shanahan.

He added that the Pentagon prevented possible attacks on American targets by deploying forces in the region, albeit without details.

We were able to prevent attacks thanks to the regrouping of forces, restrained attacks on American targets. At the moment, we focus on miscalculations of Iran

- said Shanahan.

It should be reminded that throughout May 2019, in the media of the United States and its allies around the world, the topic of Iran received great attention, sometimes turning into outright hysteria. This is due to the fact that during the year (since May 2018), when the owner of the White House, Donald Trump, confidently pulled the United States out of the "nuclear deal" with Iran, the Americans have not been able to achieve at least some results. Tehran stands firmly and worthily defends its own interests. Now, on May 21, 2019, Trump made it clear that he was “ripe” for negotiations with Iran.

I want them to call if they’re ready, and if they’re not ready, then you don’t need to bother me

- Trump said exclusively confidently.

Well, at least I didn’t demand to crawl, and that’s good. After that, Trump, in his favorite manner, warned Iran against provocative actions and threats against the United States, although he immediately corrected himself that so far there has been nothing like this from Iran. Such statements look especially “diplomatically” and “peacefully” against the background of the US Navy strike carrier group and the US Air Force bombers sent to the region to defend “democracy”, as well as the signals sent by Trump before that. For example, more recently, he admitted the possibility of war and even wrote on his Twitter that Iran was waiting for an “official end”.
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  1. half a million soldier fans is power! And they’ll buy weapons in Russia!
  2. +1
    22 May 2019 12: 52
    The Pentagon has come to ... fight with Iran, because it can be raked worse than in Vietnam or Korea - and not yours there, they trawled-felled a cat !!!
  3. +1
    23 May 2019 18: 22
    I would not trust the statements of the Americans. They will not lie dearly.
    And the result of such a war is secondary to them. Well, they won’t win, they’ll at least sacrifice from the heart. Namely, they will destroy industry and infrastructure.
    Moreover, the main initiators of such wars are not Pentagon generals or State Department hawks, but the owners of weapons-producing corporations. This is their voice that will be decisive. Even if the American army loses, they will still win (earn).