What danger are the events in Yekaterinburg for Russia

I deliberately did not touch on this topic as long as it remained “hot”, until news feeds of all resources were filled with messages from Yekaterinburg, emotions went wild, on blogs and social networks spears “broke” and indignation raged - and from all sides. Now the “acute” phase of events has ended, passions have subsided, “they have distributed all sisters by earrings” or, in this case, by court sentences ... Even the president of Russia said his weighty word about Yekaterinburg, who tried to draw a line under what is happening. Well - now is the time to give assessments and draw any conclusions. Let's try…

“Eh, eh, without a cross!”

One of the key moments of the conflict turned out to be that the object, the construction project of which caused such a storm of “popular anger”, became the church of the Russian Orthodox Church. Is this a coincidence? Definitely not. Really, we would be going to build another tavern or a parking lot, so wide resonance would not be close. Most likely, there would be no protests themselves. Everything that happened in Yekaterinburg, and especially the instant “switching” of the information “wave” to an attack against the top hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church and the whole church, as such, irrefutably indicates that there was no place for chance here. Ordinary, in principle, the local level conflict was instantly inflated to the extent of “civil confrontation” precisely because it gave a chance to try to strike at one of the foundations of the Russian State - Vera, which is the fundamental worldview for most of our fellow citizens.

A Russian man without Faith is empty, blind and helpless. I do not reduce everything in this situation to the church, however, it is impossible to deny that today there is no alternative to Orthodoxy in Russia as a nation-wide unifying principle. It is perfectly suited to be part of the Faith in a broader sense - in its homeland, in its people, in the greatness of its own history and country. If it were different, we would not try with such incredible persistence to attack the souls of our fellow citizens of various sects, invariably enjoying the hottest support and protection of the West. And the fact that after Yekaterinburg "fighters against clericalism" started to pop out of the box with devils in Nizhny Novgorod, Vladivostok, Chelyabinsk, Ulyanovsk and other places, trying to arrange messes there according to the already worked out scenario, very clearly testifies in favor of the fact that we we have with no "spontaneous popular protests", but with an attempt to "saddle" those to organize mass riots of an all-Russian scale.

“Nothing holy!” - This is the motto of those behind the “color revolutions” and bloody conflicts around the world. Only having reached such a state - the complete absence of any things that in principle cannot be cried out, which are inconceivable to encroach, does man become the ideal material from which armies are created to destroy a normal world and establish a “new order” that is acceptable to shadowy “rulers of the world” . No Faith, no respect for their own ancestors, no memory - that’s all. The resulting fooled and embittered creature can immediately be recorded even in “Self-defense of the Maidan”, even in the “Right Sector”, quite rightly banned in Russia, even straight into the punishers for the murder of those who were united yesterday only with their values ​​and shrines. In the same Ukraine, over the past years, it was completely no coincidence that such a fierce attack was carried out against the canonical church, which is still one of the few links connecting this crazy house with a normal world.

Those who come up with “anti-temple”, anti-church protests in Russia should think hard: with whom exactly do they become in line. What are they doing? If someone thinks that the West has suddenly decided to leave our country alone or to limit itself in its hostile actions to sanctions and arms buildup alone, then he is deeply mistaken. They continue to test Russia for strength, looking for those weak spots, those "pain points", by pressing on which one can still try to plunge the country into chaos and, ultimately, completely destroy it. There is no question of the complete inadmissibility of expressing disagreement with certain decisions of the authorities - whether local or central. However, sometimes flaunting personalities who position themselves as “intellectuals,” who at least try to think about who and for what purposes use them, who flaunt their “fight against clericalism”.

“Note activists” and “children”

Why, in relation to those participants in riots such as Yekaterinburg, which Vladimir Putin very accurately called "note activists", should the state act as harshly as possible, without any discounts or concessions? Yes, because the mere appearance of such a layer of “professional wrestlers” is mortally dangerous for its existence. Very quickly, these subjects, having tasted the fruits of that very vain, empty and undeserved glory, from which the word “vanity” comes from, begin to perceive any protests (completely regardless of the reason and nature of those), clashes with the authorities and subsequent praise of all this, as the only worthy, vivid and, in general, possible way of existence for yourself. And if such an audience, which has one more “wonderful” ability - to instantly go astray, starts to work out something, they are very quickly found by people with an inconspicuous appearance and an almost imperceptible accent who can make extremely tempting offers.

From that moment on, “the struggle for all good versus all bad” turns for the “notebooks” already into a very profitable business (for their leaders), and a good part-time job for the extras led by them. And even in a strong social elevator, capable in the blink of an eye, bring to the top peaks of boys and girls with an extremely doubtful intellectual level and a complete lack of social responsibility. Let me give an example of those that are not known to too many: Avtomaydan, which played an important role in the coup in Ukraine in 2013-2014, began to form from the most ordinary groups of driver’s mutual assistance that spontaneously arose in Kiev after March 2013 he was struck by an unprecedented snowfall, plunging the city for several days in complete traffic collapse. Then the snow came down, but the desire to “move” remained. Some of those same “auto-activists” subsequently more than once “lit up” in their speeches against the illegal (or declared as such) development of the capital. And then they came to them ...

Actually, Avtomaydan designed and united the son of Anatoly Gritsenko, the very graduate of the American military academies who, after the first Maidan, became the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, and not so long ago called for the organization of terrorist acts in Russia. The fact that the structure is “ruled” by professionals of special operations remaining in the shadow was evident from the effectiveness of its actions from the first days of the coup. Subsequently, some of this company even made their way not only into parliament, but also into ministerial seats. In them, however, political the marginals did not stay too long. Originally created in one of the Kiev pubs, Avtomaydan, which was left unnecessary by the owners, quietly conceived, although, according to rumors, it officially still exists ... So it was - and it all started with noble, seemingly outbursts. Alas, the dull and self-confident “power” of Yanukovych did not want to point out almost openly the “protest groups” and even the assault groups that had formed for her overthrow - before it was too late. Russia should not repeat this mistake.

It is impossible not to say about the participation in the Yekaterinburg events of adolescents, in fact - children. As always, belated “debriefing” is conducted with local schools and colleges, whose students instead of gnawing at granite of science enthusiastically galloped on “protests”, the meaning of which, without a doubt, remained unavailable to most of them. But he was not interesting to them! The main thing is fun, noisy and you can make “cool selfies”. Today, almost all countries of the world are faced with a similar problem. Yes, in fact, it has always been like this - the youth was the main "combustible material" of any unrest, unrest and revolution. Just now, due to acceleration, the age limit of the snotty people has dropped dramatically, excuse me, “protesters” and even smartphones with access to social networks have appeared that allow you to put together a ready-to-use crowd from them.

Today's teenagers, physically reactive, but with each generation becoming more and more infantile spiritually, just want to play. Into something bright and loud, so that everything is crowded, and the world would be clearly and unequivocally divided into “ours”, which are good, and “theirs,” which, of course, are bad, evil and wrong by definition. Of course, the ugly guys in police uniforms and batons are best suited for the role of the latter. Some in Russia undertake to scold Putin and Shoigu for "Yunarmia", accusing them of "militarization of children." As a rule, these are the same individuals who most zealously jump on anti-church and other similar gatherings. So - if the teenagers are not given the right, useful and fascinating thing, which is really preparation for the defense of the Fatherland, there will certainly be those who offer them completely different “games” - first with bad “chants”, and then with "Molotov cocktails." Here it’s one of two things - either to Yunarmia, or to Navalnya, from which it’s not even a step to the “Right Sector”, but exactly half a step.

And one moment. You do not like Orthodox churches under construction near your house? Well, be prepared for your children to pray in the mosque. Notice, I do not scare anyone with such a future, as if a universal catastrophe. I simply affirm that this will happen inevitably. Do not agree? Does not the example of a well-fed Europe playing in “religious tolerance” and “multiculturalism” before the complete loss of its own religious and then national cultural identity? Well - continue to be in a happy confidence about the absolute infallibility of their own opinions. You will definitely be informed of its fallibility - from the nearest minaret ...

Whether anyone wants it or not, the world is again entering an era when states, nations, ethnic groups will have to prove their right to exist. And, first of all, by the presence of those things that are the essence, foundation, soul of one or another people. Anyone who cannot rely on these fundamentals at a critical moment, or, if you like, the braces over which gentlemen liberal "intellectuals" love to make fun of, will be doomed forever to disappear in the darkness of History, as has already happened with many imagining indestructible tribes and empires. Parks and squares are needed, no doubt. But only in the “fateful minutes”, the golden domes and crosses of its churches can act as a saving support for Russia, rather than green alleys and convenient benches for an idle public.
21 comment
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  1. -4
    22 May 2019 08: 38
    There are no problems there on this patch, drug dealers and pimps are pushing, and these are problems of cops or as they are called there now.
    1. 0
      17 August 2019 14: 48
      Why are you lying? I live 500 meters!
  2. -2
    22 May 2019 09: 00
    Building temples is a good thing, but why do it at the expense of other structures. And if you approach this from a different point of view. This is also not financed by the poorest people, and they also have "living space" abroad. Yes, the rally was organized by the residents, but they were not the reason.
  3. -1
    22 May 2019 09: 01
    Goblin said that this is not just a temple.
    This is a temple + a shopping center + 2 residential buildings ... And everything in the park ... "St. Sophia LLC" ??? cool

    And + pumped up "defenders of Orthodoxy" + provocateurs.
    + inactive specially siloviki ....

    And so, of course, Navalny is to blame for everything, "onizhedeti", and the agents of the State Department ... who for some reason are beaten and imprisoned ...

    and here is the ordering.

    But only in the “fateful minutes”, the golden domes and crosses of its churches rather than green alleys and convenient benches for the idle public can act as a saving support for Russia .....

    ABOUT! - Build a park, save Russia ...
    1. 0
      22 May 2019 13: 20
      And in the case of the construction of a shopping and entertainment center, would there also be such protests? To be honest?
      1. +2
        23 May 2019 09: 40
        In the center of the park? Surely, IMHO
      2. 0
        17 August 2019 15: 01
        In fact, nothing was planned there, except for this ugly typical reinforced concrete religious building. And in Yekaterinburg, not "the people", but only 3% of the Orthodox, according to the estimates of the church itself, and quite official, held back in the XNUMXs, within the framework of an international UNESCO action. Stop lying all the time! Isn't it disgusting to yourself? This is not about an anti-church action, but about saving the last green patch in the center, which is already completely built up with churches that are constantly empty. And the temple to the glory of Altushkin and Kozitsin had nothing to do with it, why are you forcing, agitating the situation again and kindling?
  4. +4
    22 May 2019 09: 06
    in any outcome, the situation is in the hands of the US State Department ...
    after the collapse of the USSR Zbigniew Brzezinski said:

    the USSR is over, Orthodoxy is next in turn
  5. 3vs
    22 May 2019 09: 10
    Stop pumping, shit!

    There is no oppression of the Orthodox there!
    People want the green patch of land at the drama theater to be left alone!
    Stop looking for the State Department’s hand!

    A normal person understands that the temple there is neither to the village, nor to the city!
    If you want to build a cathedral church - build a TV tower on the site.
    There is just enough space for such an impressive structure, there will still be a square.
    They say that the land was bought there, so let's see how Orthodox the owners of the site,
    what is more important to them - a moshna or a good memory of people for many decades!

    In place of the city authorities, I would think about ennoblement of the square at the drama theater, it looks wretched and unworthy of such a city - to plant a living fence around the perimeter from noise and dust, to break flower beds, put forged benches, replace lighting lamps, so that everything matches the drama theater.
  6. +2
    22 May 2019 09: 28
    When the Yeltsin leper colony was built, all this Navalninskaya riffraff was silent in a rag.
  7. +6
    22 May 2019 09: 54
    The question is, and because of what is all the fuss? Yes, you take the Yeltsin Center to a single hair dryer, and build at least temples there, at least mosques, at least synagogues, only consecrate the place with all religions, so that this Yeltsin carrion does not stink anymore in our country.
    1. -1
      23 May 2019 21: 57
      The synagogue just right .... (joke)
  8. +3
    22 May 2019 11: 06
    We will soon have more churches and temples than schools, and more priests than teachers.
  9. +4
    22 May 2019 11: 42
    Harmful propaganda article. The authorities' disregard for the demands of the people evokes the support of people who are planning color revolutions. The church in Russia builds everything practically at the state’s expense (the state makes all donations), and it works 90% in black. Therefore, it is beneficial for officials to cooperate with them. Theft has been elevated by the authorities to the main Russian value of the new period. This led to the fact that listening to people completely stopped (they will not bring anything). And those. Who require to listen to the needs of people, they are of course enemies of the thieves state and the church. Which today corresponds to this state. For the authorities and their owners, billionaires are wealth, and for the people of the Rosguards.
  10. 0
    22 May 2019 13: 19
    Yes, not what.
  11. +2
    23 May 2019 06: 44
    Danger - a horde of rioters, Svidomo type, sponsored by the West. And there can be any reason.
  12. +1
    23 May 2019 16: 35
    The small-town administration screwed up in such a simple matter. I think not long to wait for how they fly from their posts. So inflate a simple question to a state conflict
  13. +3
    24 May 2019 05: 50
    The author disappointed. The facts are distorted. The logic is broken. Warm with soft mixed up. Judging by the minuses of comments, something is not right here.
  14. +2
    29 May 2019 21: 23
    The fact that in Yekaterinburg has surfaced, largely thanks to Roizman, is ripening throughout Russia, the authorities cannot help but see this, perhaps even indulge in this by arranging "political talk shows" on state TV channels, not at all afraid of the situation getting out of control , as if relying on someone's foresight of the future ..))
  15. 0
    4 June 2019 10: 14
    Religion is opium for the people however recourse
  16. 0
    5 June 2019 07: 45
    There is no doubt that people will continue to fight for every tree in cities. But that's not the point. The main thing in the current press is that articles are published that cause very hot emotions. We are ready to discuss and the headdress of the first lady of the United States. We have forgotten how not to notice some details, let’s say, trivial. Prilepin once said about readers that some of them "would be better if they could not read." I will add. the same can be said for writers. It would be better if they could not write.