Why does the West hate Russia? In the Czech Republic found the answer

The hatred of the West for Russia, which has long moved from the category of simple deviation from the norm into pathology, was tried to explain by Czech journalist Jiří Kobza.

In his article published by the Czech publication Parlamentní Listy, the journalist notes that the hatred of the West towards Russia is due to a number of factors, but primarily the maintenance of traditional values ​​that have been systematically exterminated in Europe for a long time.

Equally important is the preservation of historical memory and the support of patriotism, which, unlike the West, is cultivated in Russia.

The journalist informs Czech readers that Russia is a federation of different peoples who live in peace and harmony, and this “means a lot” to ordinary Russians.

The author also talks about the fact that Russians do not support the popular “crazy genderism and extreme feminism” in the West, have refused to promote sexual minorities, drug legalization campaigns and gay parades. At the same time, he notes the equality of men and women in Russia.

Concluding his article, Jiří Kobza concludes that Russia provokes the West’s hatred by demonstrating traditional values ​​that Western liberals have managed to suppress and almost exterminate in their countries.
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  1. +1
    21 May 2019 13: 45
    -Yes, jiri Kobza writes rubbish nonsense ...
    -Russia is hated by the whole "west" and others for the very fact of its existence ... -I agree with the author ... -this hatred is pathological and it arose a long time ago and originates from time immemorial ... -Even when the Catholic Inquisition itself already in the Middle Ages she fought against heresy and burned all kinds of "non-traditional" ones at the stake ... - even then, all of Europe hated Russia and constantly made military campaigns against Russia ... - So homosexuals are out of business here ...
    -And today Russia is also hated by the descendants of those who hated Russia before ... -And this hatred is passed down from generation to generation ...- by inheritance ...
    -And they hate Russia for ... for admiration; for the desire to constantly please; for their readiness to hurry up with their "help" by taking these funds from their own needy Russians; for the eternal attempt to imitate; for ridiculous attempts to adjust and be similar; for striving to be good for everyone at once ... etc. etc.
    1. -6
      22 May 2019 08: 28
      Power in Tsarist Russia, especially in central cities, always belonged to immigrants - foreigners. Even the cult elite despised and plundered local nationalities, spoke in French, etc. Today, people management systems are more complex and tricky! - (Cyber-Marx).
  2. +1
    21 May 2019 15: 15
    This hatred is mixed with fear, they have repeatedly raked from Russia, and they are well aware that such a people can at any moment bang on the scoreboard, Russia, for their happiness, does not start a war, it ends them.
    1. -1
      21 May 2019 17: 53
      Especially smartly "knocked on the scoreboard" to the Mongols for 250 years, in the Livonian, Crimean.
      And the Turks in the Prut campaign of Peter I, the Japanese in 1904-05 and the Finns in 1939-1940 "raked".
      In 1979, Afghan barmaley tried to seize Moscow? Or did the Soviets take Kabul with a "concentric strike of tank columns"? Then they barely carried their feet away from the barmaley ...
      1. 0
        21 May 2019 18: 44
        Yes, I still remembered the words of a great man:

        It is impossible to defeat the Russians, we have seen this for hundreds of years. But Russians can instill false values ​​and then they will defeat themselves.

        Very true and deep thought.
        1. -1
          21 May 2019 21: 14
          Well, worship those who write this. Which, however, is noticeable.
          1. -1
            21 May 2019 22: 46
            Well, yes, well, yes, come on, inflate your flew, show them all that we, the great, still "hoo" and you can't take us with your bare hands, and we will show you all "Kuzka's mother" ...
            and if the dastardly enemies will be completely scared, then we will make them "ata-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta", like grandfathers in the forty-fifth :))

            By the way, that great man revealed the secret of the inflexibility of Russia and Russians: vast distances, climate and minimal needs. That is nothing particularly heroic.
            1. 0
              22 May 2019 12: 28
              In your words, there is just a rare anger against Russia and the Russians. Almost open. Do you write from Nesalezhnya? But to your chagrin, genetics called the Mongol-Tatar invasion into question, and the Brest Fortress was, and massive heroism in the first months of the war neutralized huge mistakes in the upper echelons of the General Staff and Supreme Command ... Blitzkrieg was not thwarted by huge distances - the Germans were not idiots, and thought excellently. Blitzkrieg was thwarted by those same "crazy Russians" about which soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht wrote home with surprise. There are a lot of them, these letters. If you wish, you could find and read. But you don't need it - you get paid for something else.
              1. -1
                22 May 2019 14: 08
                He is not paid, YUG, this is his "orientation" ... Someone, you know, likes to live in a chest in tight leather pants, with handcuffs and a ball in his mouth, and be sure to beat him with a whip 3 times a day. .. And this, apparently, has "moral-virtual masochism" ... Well, he likes to make everyone angry, so that he gets kicked ... Energy from this is gaining and buzz. I even got 3 "nicknames" here to collect more virtual "kicks" lol
                1. The comment was deleted.
                2. -1
                  22 May 2019 20: 32
                  Alexei, what are the other two?
                  1. -2
                    22 May 2019 21: 03
                    Kim Rum Eun and Basil Trampoline Instructor wink

                    there it is still below, with congratulations ...
                    1. -1
                      23 May 2019 20: 27
                      Wow, how angry they are! laughing
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            2. +1
              22 May 2019 20: 30
              Citizen MP, you are as stupid as you are evil.
      2. 0
        22 May 2019 15: 05
        I have listed well-known historical facts. Sofa patriots do not like them? - So these are their narrow-minded problems. And let them knock with anger on the wall with their copper foreheads. The story of this will not change.
        1. 0
          22 May 2019 20: 34
          Naturally will not change - the 1945th proved it. And you definitely won’t change it.
  3. -1
    21 May 2019 21: 28
    Parlamentni Listy in the Czech Republic, despite its name - "Parliamentary sheets", is actually a free portal, not a real publication. There people write what they like. Although this is at least some kind of window where you can read what people think, and it's good that it exists. Since in the official press everything is strictly carbon copy, along the line of the party, so to speak.
    When assessing what has been written, do not forget that this person looks at the situation from the position of a European, not a Russian. And in Europe, history and the modern situation are taught and presented in a completely different way. Even in connection with their mentality, the same Czechs, even the real ones, perceive the same historical facts in a completely different way than we do. This is not right or wrong, just from a different position. Europe inside itself was also constantly conflicted and fought, and "shook" everything from each other for centuries and with varying success, therefore the fact that they constantly "shook from the Russians" is not an axiom for them - from the Germans, and from the Swedes, and from the French and so forth, and they themselves periodically served in these armies ... But the very fact that a person in Europe thought about what was happening and came, in principle, to the correct conclusions, is already very good. Let these conclusions from the Russian point of view, and strongly defective, but they are CORRECT. And this is the main thing, as well as the fact that most of the problems described, that is, the departure from traditional values ​​and so on, worries the Europeans themselves, especially the Eastern ones, whose process of "decay" began recently and they are still trying hard to resist it ...
    That would be noticed by our politicians and special services - to open NPOs, hold forums, etc. In short, it is necessary to work with the people on the ground on sensitive issues that their governments do not solve. Apply soft power. To take an example from the same Americans who are deploying here, just using the protest mood of the population ... The best defense is the offensive, but somehow we have a hard time with this, it does not reach the right places ... It's a pity ...
    1. -1
      22 May 2019 20: 40
      Alexey, and immediately these NGOs-NGOs will be closed - at the behest of the Amer embassy. Otherwise you don't know about it. Yes, with the expulsion and yelling about "Russia interferes." They don't howl only when the Americans turn them around. They are amers' satellites, their sixes. And mark my word - they will still clean up everything on this portal, give the necessary bias - "along the line of the party." Oruel Freva and this (as it turned out) is not the USSR!
      1. 0
        22 May 2019 21: 39
        Everything is not so simple with Eastern Europe, as it seems from Russia. They are more likely not satellites, but "weathercocks". These are several different positions. I have already used this term more than once. And the West knows this too. We have already changed direction more than once, either by force, or voluntarily to where it is more profitable. They can change again. Real freedom, both speech and action, in the countries of the Visegrad Four is now much more than in the west. The people know how, again better than in the West, various prohibitions and bypass ... And governments, no matter how pro-Western they may seem, do only what is profitable for them, and not profitable - they nod their heads, but "blow their tune" quietly glanders ...
        There are no refugees from the south, as there are no, there is no American radar in the Czech Republic, but oh, how I wanted ... but no, Western "values" also somehow do not take root ...
        And, I guarantee, an organization officially engaged in the promotion of healthy family values, for example, no one will close ... the Czech Republic or Hungary, this is not Holland or Norway, fortunately ...
        1. 0
          23 May 2019 07: 13
          You know, Alexey, I had to live in the Czech Republic (when it was still Czechoslovakia) - the city of Olomouc. So there were enough of these "values ​​with tolerance" even then - I saw it with my own eyes. Including on TV. Because you are in vain telling me about this people - those are still tolerasts with perverts. The only one who is more or less normal is Zeman. But this is also the one from the Soviet past. And modern leaders are often brought up on "Western values".
          1. 0
            23 May 2019 09: 26
            Everything must be considered in comparison. In the Russian Federation, for example, in comparison with the former USSR or Central Asia and the PRC now, with "tolerance" everything is also strongly "advanced". But this does not mean that Russians en masse accept these "values". Olomouc is a university city with the largest concentration of students per capita in the Czech Republic, that is, accordingly, "freedom and tolerance" is widely represented there, and students in general, as a "class" smile like to flaunt different things, protesting, so to speak, against established norms smile ... In Soviet times, this was not an exception either, especially in the late 80s, when the "thaw" was felt. Anyway, Czechs and East Germans from the entire socialist camp have always been the most "liberated" in terms of sexual freedom. Now, in the east of Europe, all this, naturally, has also "advanced" even further, but one cannot compare the same Czech Republic with the Netherlands, France or Scandinavia, for example. Yes, there are gay pride parades in Prague, but the attitude of the overwhelming majority of people to this is far from positive, as well as to the minorities themselves ... And the leadership, like the entire existence of this country, lives, adapting to what surrounds them , in order to survive, and even in relative comfort is desirable. There are those who are for the pro-American course, there are pro-Europeans, there are those who are for rapprochement with the East, but the overwhelming majority of them, in reality, are still pro-Czech politicians. And they, for the sake of observing their own interests, will easily "throw" both East and West. And this is correct, in principle.
            1. 0
              23 May 2019 20: 22
              ... yeah, especially looking at the statements of their government ... well, rightly pro-Czech-pro-Czech ... only Russophobia has nothing to do with them?
  4. +4
    21 May 2019 22: 42
    -Yes, Sweetest Guy (Sweetest Guy) ... -You are right ...
    -This WWII exalted the soldier of Russia ...- and erased all the jambs of previous failures and defeats ...
    -After the war with Napoleon, the whole 19th century, Russia was not particularly distinguished by military victories ..:

    -Long and "very unprofessional military operations in the Caucasus;

    - Shameful losing "Crimean Company";

    - "Pyrrhic" bloody victory in the war with Turkey, backward in all respects;

    -A shameful defeat on land and at sea (and surrender) from semi-feudal Japan;

    -Very unsuccessful hostilities of the most powerful, well-armed and equipped Russian army in WWI, which forced Russia to a capitulant separate peace;

    -Defeat already soviet Russia in the war with the lordly Poland;

    Tortured by colossal losses of the cadre of the Red Army, the victory over the small "forest ski battalions" of Finland ...

    -All this was "erased" by the victorious results of the Second World War and lifted up the Russian Russian soldier ... -It was quite deservedly ... -But it was our Russians who erased the military failures of previous wars .., and all the other states have all this that was " before and after "put in their memory ... -From here and the" difference "in assessments and priorities ...
    1. -5
      22 May 2019 00: 10
      Irina, an interesting view on "erasing" the memory of failures by winning the Second World War. In this, perhaps, there is some truth. But about "unsuccessful actions in the First World War, etc." I fundamentally disagree. Firstly, the state of the army was not really the best - even there were not enough rifles - they were ordered in France and the USA, and they also fought with single-shot "Berdanks" of the 19th century, there were no artillery shells, there were few machine guns, there were no tanks, there were few aviation, and a lot what else (look at the statistics, if interested), and that they fought at the same time cannot be badly said, no worse than the others, secondly, the shameful Brest Peace was not concluded as a result of the actions of the troops on the fronts, but comrade Lenin inside the country, etc., not to me tell it to you. In the Russo-Japanese War, when "semi-feudal Japan" fought against exactly the same Russia, the main victory was won at sea - in the Battle of Tsushima, and there the technical superiority of the Japanese fleet was simply undeniable, the feudal lords were not feudal lords, but industry and engineering thought. they were on a level even then, but even so our sailors and soldiers fought heroically, here the commanders, this is another question ... The Caucasus is also a difficult question, but here I would look just at the result, not the process ... If you look only for the process, then there will be many questions from the Second World War ...
      So it's not so clear ...
      1. -1
        22 May 2019 20: 51
        Alexey, did not put a minus on you, but he does not agree that grandfather Lenin is guilty "in the shameful peace of Brest-Litovsk" ... Imperial Russia also made a major contribution here (embezzlement - that was also with supplies for the army - as in Crimean campaign, and RYaV), and after the overthrow of the tsar in February by the generals and the bourgeoisie - theft and corruption (the bastards never dreamed of what was happening at that time!) Reached such heights that the people were only happy to overthrow these scum in October (though not everything was good then). And what got the Bolsheviks - from that and molded politics. There, in general, everything was different - everything was confused: the mistakes of the Bolsheviks and the legacy of the collapse of the post-Tsarist leadership, and the "tsarist legacy" backfired.
        In general, one cannot consider history in isolation from the interconnection of all parts and all participants of those times.
        1. 0
          22 May 2019 21: 15
          Naturally, everything is complicated. I said that I do not like the subjunctive mood in history. What would happen if there were no revolution ... we don’t know and don’t know. But Lenin concluded this world, nevertheless ... We blame Gorbachev and Yeltsin for the collapse of the USSR. It is clear that it was not the two of them who took it and collapsed like that, but there were many factors, nevertheless, this does not remove responsibility from the leaders. This is their cross. For a lost battle, not the soldier is punished, but the commander. Here I have the same approach, especially knowing the background of October 1917. Not for nothing that the Germans participated in this? They are pragmatists. And basically they got what they wanted.
          This is my personal opinion, Alex. I do not consider him the ultimate truth. But that’s why we are communicating here, so that everyone can express what they think, listen to the reaction of others, for example, yours can think again ...
          1. -1
            22 May 2019 21: 31
            The problem is that people like you and me and others - we perceive our history in its continuity and perceive it as a whole. But the "figures" listed by you - they can only find fault. If there is something good, then only not here, not in Russia. These are the same ones who drool over everything Western (or their descendants) even during the Soviet era. A little more, and in psychiatry, there will be a name for such a diagnosis, in which worship is before the one who is actually the enemy of his people (from where he himself came out). And what is most interesting - they do not accept any criticism, or requests, or demands. They can NEVER provide reliable information or documents, for them the argument and truth in the final instance are either themselves, or the same as they, or those who supply them with the rules (including from where some of them were trained to conduct information a war that does not provide for truth at all). The main rule for them in the dispute is the postulate of one not unknown figure of the twentieth century

            The monstrous lie ... the faster they will believe in it
            1. 0
              22 May 2019 21: 49
              I agree. The worst thing is that the education system and the organization of free time and children and adults are aimed at maintaining this today - just about anything, if only they would not think deeply. Then they shit any shit ...
              And then, later, it will even be possible to admit something, for example ... "Huh? ... What? ... there were no chemical weapons in Iraq ... sorry ..." And where is Iraq? "Himataka in the Duma staged, sorry ..." and the missiles have already flown away, etc.
              1. +1
                23 May 2019 07: 15
                Everything is done according to the laws of the "Overton Window". ... Well, it's not for me to explain to you what it is - they also do it here.
                1. 0
                  23 May 2019 09: 28
                  Yeah, there's nothing to argue about ...
    2. 0
      22 May 2019 00: 10
      There are two nuances.

      This WWII exalted the soldier of Russia ...

      The "Russian soldier" began the Second World War in September 1939, when, in pursuance of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, he cleaned up the eastern regions of Poland, called "Western Ukraine and Western Belarus". This was not a particularly heroic act, so it would be more correct to talk about the Great Patriotic War (WWII).

      ... it was "erased" by the victorious results of the Second World War and lifted the Russian Russian soldier ...

      Sorry, during the Second World War there were 16 union republics in the Union, and it would be dishonest to talk only about the victory of a Russian Russian soldier. Soldiers of very many nationalities fought and won, and not only Russian Russians.
      1. -1
        22 May 2019 18: 10
        Then there was no division into nationalities, and then the soldiers were not Russian but Soviet, and the army was not Russian, but the Soviet Red Army.
    3. -1
      22 May 2019 12: 45
      Speaking of the Crimean campaign as shamefully lost, you reveal a poor knowledge of history. What is considered a won war, what is a lost? What goals did the allies set for themselves in that war, and how did their efforts and losses end? You also lose sight of the fact that the main forces of the Russian army, moreover well armed, remained on the western borders. Do you know why? The "winners" of that war were very dissatisfied with the results, which, moreover, were abolished in record time.
  5. -1
    22 May 2019 01: 38
    Russia has no friends, they are afraid of our vastness ...

    Russia has only two reliable allies - its army and its fleet.

    Alexander III
  6. -2
    22 May 2019 05: 11
    Quote: Sweetest Guy
    Well, yes, yes, come on, blow your bruins, show them all that we, high-bonded

    The problem of your kind is that even your "scrap" did not rot in the fourth generation, so you agree to substitute S.SH.P. and their sixes, their scoreboards and poop for a bottle of Pepsi.
    1. 0
      22 May 2019 07: 26
      )) If someone disagrees with you, then you immediately shout that he is a six of the United States, and the same superfluous chromosomal ones like you, they will immediately believe you. And you cannot have other "thoughts": what normal people call a brain has long since evaporated under the onslaught of port wine and similar drinks.
      1. -1
        22 May 2019 18: 25
        The brain is different because everyone thinks differently, but one thing is absolutely clear: to merge your country to the joy of all kinds of Western liberals is the height of abomination and cynicism, there is nothing to justify it, much less to agree with it.
  7. +2
    22 May 2019 05: 59
    even rifles were not enough - they were ordered in France and the USA, and they also fought with single-shot "Berdanks" of the 19th century, there were no artillery shells, there were few machine guns, there were no tanks, there was little aviation ...

    - What do you mean ??? -And you tend to blow this dudu ...- Hahah ...

    -There you can write so much .., but -just a little "touch" ..

    -In 1913, the Russian professional army personnel totaled 1 million 423 thousand people; including more than 40 thousand officers (the officer corps ... are completely professionals ... = graduates of the cadet corps, cadet schools, military academies, etc.) ... -Then the army was mobilized to 5 million 338 thousand people ...
    -And in 1913, these 1,5 million soldiers served in the army of the Republic of Ingushetia, with each rifle (and not 1 rifle for 10 people) ...
    - It was then that the "Chubais of that time" began to eat all over the world, make orders for weapons for the army and buy up all kinds of junk ... - Winchesters, Arisaka rifles and so on ... - You can only imagine how they stole and profited ...
    -But, meanwhile, when, as trophies, Russia got excellent Mannlicher rifles (more than 200 thousand rifles and a huge number of cartridges), our soldiers quickly began to "use" them ... -they broke the butts and forend of these rifles and .. . and ... and ... used them as firewood for fires ... -This was then "realized" and the Petrograd Cartridge Plant even began mass production of ammunition for captured Mannlicher rifles ...
    -There was a stay in heavy artillery, but there was a wonderful field light artillery (three-inch) ...- and by 1916, Russian plants began to supply enough shells ... -Air bombardment park in Russia was then the largest .. .
    -At the beginning of World War I, the Imperial Air Force was the largest in the world and had 263 airplanes (of which 224 were part of 39 aviation units and 14 airships.
    -And what equestrian park did RI possess in 1914 ...:
    -Russia - almost 35 million number of horses;
    -Germany - 6 500 000;
    -Austro-Hungary - 4;
    - In Russia, one workhorse per seven people, in Germany - fifteen, in France - twelve, in Austria-Hungary - twenty nine people. -This is Pupkin's arithmetic ... -Hahah ...
    -Besides, the RI army (in addition to cavalry) also possessed unique, professional troops ... -cossack corps ... -It was a "prototype of the Airborne Troops" ... -that was not in any army ... - everyone had a cavalry, but no one had such "VDVeshnikov" ...

    -And what ??? -Where are the results .. ??? -Where are the victories .. ??? -Some stupid "Brusilov breakthrough", which ended very sadly for the Russian army (but it is still extolled ... as a brilliant offensive) ...
    -The traitor General Bobyr N.P. hands over to the Germans a fortified area of ​​more than 200 square kilometers, which, in addition to the citadel, included 33 powerful reinforced concrete forts with numerous artillery. -23 Russian generals, 1200 officers and more than 83 thousand soldiers of the Republic of Ingushetia surrendered ... -All the fortifications, weapons And in Novogeorgievsk the Germans got 1204 guns and more than a million (!) Shells to them. The Germans then actively used these guns on the western front and the ammunition was transferred to the Germans intact ...

    -What's this??????????????????

    -That is it a valiant officer who then passed the king and his whole family (despite the oath) ...

    -The territory of Ingushetia is captured hundreds of kilometers "deep" ... -Ukraine begins to feed impoverished Germany and its army to the end ... -Then a separate peace ... -Arrived ... -You can blame the Bolsheviks, you can blame the Pope, more blame someone ... - but the fact is on the face ... - Sad Hahah ...
    1. +2
      22 May 2019 07: 18
      Soooo ... already more interesting.
      But I know what will happen next: excuse 1 - the tsar prevented the glorious Russian army from fighting,
      excuse 2 - dirty Bolsheviks stirred up water there,
      excuse 3 - all of Europe + Turkey (semi-Europe) fought against us.
      However, despite this, we are heroes forever and ever! Amen!
      1. -1
        22 May 2019 08: 16
        According to Lev Gumilyov and current political scientists, a totalitarian state with a rigid vertical wins in long wars, but plays in peacetime in the development of the economy, freedom and quality of life of the people
        1. 0
          22 May 2019 08: 44
          1. This is the private (personal) point of view of "Lev Gumilyov and current political scientists." The latter, for the appropriate payment, will be able to prove that white is black, and black is white, and everything depends only on lighting.
          2. Personally, I cannot remember when Russia "won" in the development of the economy or the quality of life of the people, even without regard to wars (with the war there generally a complete "akhtung" began). And since the 16th century, thinking people have noticed that what we today call "Russia" is always KGBE lagging behind.
    2. -1
      22 May 2019 10: 19
      Irina, I won’t argue with you about the pre-revolutionary “Chubais” (by the way, it’s cool - the name has already become a household name for embezzlers, but he’s all there ...), and I won’t analyze the 1MB in statistical details, it’s not here, in debate on the site ... In some ways you are right, in some ways not. In 1913, the army really amounted to about one and a half million, after mobilizing more than five, but I will say more - in 1916 the total number of people “under arms”, including reserve, auxiliary and rear units, already totaled more than 9 million people. Russia has always had a huge mobilization potential for manpower, which can not be said, unfortunately, about industrial production, either then or later ... You are right, in 1913, 1,5 million served in the army and was fully provided with weapons and everything else, problems began precisely when the army sharply numerically increased several times. There were not so many weapons (and the rest) in the warehouses, but they could not provide for their own industry, so foreign orders went. Who “heated their hands” on them is a different question, but the need for them was objective. The Manlihera example is good, this is a typical Russian disorder, but, by the way, do not forget that we also lost hundreds of thousands of guns and that we had to make up for something. By the time of the Second World War, by the way, our trophies were also estimated in millions of trunks, but I don’t remember something for anyone to massively arm our soldiers ... and it would be possible. Our opponents did this in both 1 and 2 MV. We have instead German rifles and others still lying around in warehouses ... The Berdan rifles indicated by me, the Austrians also had in trophies in huge numbers, tried to somehow remodel them in an industrial way, the maximum was a signal weapon, in the experimental version, they didn’t give to the troops like rifles - they were so morally old, it’s the same thing that now they equip the MTR of the Russian Federation with “Mosinki” and send them somewhere in Syria with a bayonet against barmalei with missiles ... and them, “Berdanok "Of these, in the Russian army was still full then, for Nime iem another. But this is only one part of the mosaic ...
      The Russian army fought no better, but no worse than all the other participants in the hostilities. Compared with the Germans, of course, the effectiveness of the use of troops in Russia, as in other Entente countries, was significantly lower. By the way, in the Second World War it was no better with this than with the generals and officers ... Nevertheless, I do not like the subjunctive mood with respect to history, but I’m sure that if the October coup in 1917 hadn’t happened, Russia would have been like that but among the winners of 1 MV and successes would later be glorified as well, "washing away" in memory the failures, which were also ... All statistical data and strategic positions confirm this. This is also confirmed by the fact that by 1917 all the main participants in the battles in Europe were "exhausted" and close to internal collapse, and here the United States entered (as usual), with its huge economic potential, and entered the Entente side .. The October 1917 revolution and its consequences simply “extended the life of Germany and Austria” for a year, and Russia was deprived of all the victories of the winner ... Although it was not the losing side in WW1.
      I’m all about the fact that it’s far from all clear. Well, they say, before that we always fought badly, but in the Great Patriotic War we won and against this background everything else seemed to be forgotten, and it’s like we always “give it in the face” to everyone, and from this, “they” should be with us communicate ... Yes, of course, this is not so, but much more complex in the complex. Therefore, at the beginning I wrote that this very Czech is looking at all this from the point of view of his history, as Europeans see it. And this view is very different from the Russian one. Therefore, it is extremely positive that he saw in Russia today, as well as the fact that he publicly wrote ...
  8. 0
    22 May 2019 08: 26
    Quote: Sweetest Guy
    If someone disagrees with you

    I do not care whether you agree or not, I just recorded a fact, if you have complexes it’s just your problem, don’t turn the arrows on the people and the country, due to which you parasitize.
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  9. +2
    22 May 2019 08: 44
    And how the West hates its neighbors !! The Hundred Years War of England and France, Wars for the Spanish Succession ....

    We just see only our surroundings, and that all Italians and Spaniards just do not care .... what a blow to the conceit of Internet patriots.
    1. -2
      22 May 2019 11: 11
      Here, it's hard to disagree. I wrote about this in the very first comment. "They" have a completely different view of all these things. It is the Russians who think that in the West they only look at everything that we have and how ... They do not look, they have their own problems, and, which is also true, they do not see them as globally as we do. And they have their own propaganda, and they like it or not, but listen ... Therefore, the views on everything are very different. And they consider theirs to be correct, but they are surprised at our views. Therefore, it is necessary to use for the development of contacts those things (a few, unfortunately) where our views converge with the same Europeans ...
  10. +2
    22 May 2019 09: 36
    -Ha ... -But no ... no ... and again no ... -No tsars, Bolsheviks and other "excuses" ...

    - To my great regret (and contrary to popular belief) ...- the Russian people, in itself, is one of the most unsuitable peoples for waging wars and generally military operations ...- Well, our people are not suitable for wars ... -always huge losses and sacrifices ... -And nevertheless, if Russia fights with all the people, then it wins ...

    -Yes, Russia wins only when it fights not with the army, but with all its people ... -When Russia tries to fight only with the army .. then it always loses ... -Well, and when with the whole people ...- this when almost the entire male population (and most of the female) is mobilized and moves to live in the trenches .. then by the monstrous colossal irreplaceable victims Russia can defeat ... -just so ...

    -That was during the war with Napoleon, when Russia fought with the French army as a whole people ...- won ...

    -I fought in the Crimean War of 1853-1856 only by the army ...- shamefully lost ...

    -War with Turkey 1877-1878 , when the huge army of Ingushetia, having numerical, technical and professional superiority ... somehow achieved a Pyrrhic victory over Turkey, after which it could not take advantage of the results of the victory and had to be content with what Europe allowed it ... -Bosphorus and The Dardanelles have remained a ghostly dream, and the "brothers freed from the yoke" have since fought only on the side of Russia's opponents ... -Is that ..- victory ..?

    -War with Japan ... -Yes, of course ...- Japan, which never took part in sea battles ..- had no idea ... -in the history of Japan and there were no naval battles by fleets ...- And Russia already very skilled in naval battles, suffers a crushing defeat ... -Ah, yes ...- after all, Japan's ships were "better than ours" ...- And who commanded them ..? -Who was in command of the Russian ships ..?
    -And the meaning of an experienced "sea wolf" ...- does not mean anything.?
    -About Port Arthur I’ll keep silent ... -shame on the purest water ... -And Russia tried to fight the army and navy with Japan ... -Result ...- defeat ...

    -PMV ...- well, here I just don’t want to repeat myself ... -the powerful, professional army of the Republic of Ingushetia shamefully lost the war ...

    -There is really a wonderful triumph of Suvorov in Italy against the French ...- when it was the Russian army that won ... -But Suvorov then went wrong (as such an experienced commander could not see the villains of the Austrians) and almost the entire army died when crossing the Alps ... -this is the end result of the actions of the Russian Suvorov army ... -Hannibal was much more successful when he crossed the Alps ...- and led the whole army and even transferred elephants through the mountains ...

    - About Afghan, Chechnya ... - I won't write ... - there "the army repeated itself" ...

    -So ... -the worn-out saying "Russia has only two allies ... is the army and the navy" ... is absolutely wrong ...
    -And in the next war the war of Russia will have to fight again with all the people ... -Only how it is possible in the current conditions .. ??? - It’s sad ...
    1. -1
      22 May 2019 10: 41
      Well ... again, I do not agree in detail with examples of various battles and wars, not quite so ... But here is the conclusion that

      Russia wins only when it fights not with the army, but with all its people ...

      hard to call wrong ...
      Although, on the other hand, if you look at the same WW2, when the situation has really become serious, all the real participants have already fought with "all peoples", again - we, Germany, and Britain ... There it was called "total war "we have" national or domestic "... So, and again, all this is ambiguous ...
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  11. +1
    22 May 2019 11: 49
    We just see only our surroundings, and that all Italians and Spaniards just do not care ..

    -Of course...

    - Yes, they all have a violet-drum ...- what do Russians think and say about them ...
    -And here (even on this site) the same thing is constant ... -that's an American woman who said about Russians; the Englishwoman liked this and that with the Russians; here is a Frenchwoman praised the Russians for the fact that "the weather is good in Russia" ... and so on. and so on ... -What kind of joy for us for all ... -Hahah ...
    -What kind of inferiority complex ... -right horror ...

    -Yes that Italians, that Spaniards, that Germans, that British, that Papuans ... and so on ... -Will be laughing for a week if they suddenly ask ...- Is it important for them what the Russians say about them. .. -Hahah ...
    -And when do we start to laugh at it .. ??? -Hahah ...
    1. -2
      22 May 2019 12: 47
      Here, Irina, there’s nothing to argue ... Yes
  12. +2
    23 May 2019 04: 48
    The West went to war with us many centuries ago, but then there were no Western "values" at all. Everything is much simpler, "You are only to blame for the fact that I want to eat." Land and resources are what the West needs. And we are fools, having ruined the USSR, we are now supplying resources for free.
    1. 0
      23 May 2019 07: 19
      And here you are, Nikolai, right. Here are just some here who quickly disagree with you and stick you cons ... if you have not already jumped to other branches to crap.
    2. 0
      23 May 2019 11: 21
      ... well, not that for free. But a narrow circle of people gets the maximum profit from this ... sad
      1. 0
        23 May 2019 20: 25
        laughing wassat Yes good and so on to the heap - drinks wink