Patriarch Kirill showed how Russia can overcome the demographic crisis

The solution to the demographic problem is one of the keys to the existence and further development of the state. One way to solve this problem to some extent is to reduce the number of abortions.

According to Patriarch Kirill, who expressed during the presentation of the “Ambassador for the Protection of Life Before Birth” Prize by the Women for Life Foundation, in order to increase the country's population, the scale of abortions that are characteristic of Russia today must be reduced in the first place.

According to the estimates of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, if every year a million children are born in the country who were not born, then in 10 years the country's population will reach 156 million, and in 20 years - 166 million.

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church noted that, despite the fact that the fight against abortion inevitably acquires political and sociological consequences, for the church and the clergy, the struggle for life stems from beliefs and is fundamental from a spiritual point of view.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the topic of the fight against abortion is acute in many countries and is also addressed in different ways: from a complete and unconditional ban to the issue of maternity capital, which should become an incentive for childbearing. However, a universal recipe for solving this problem does not exist.
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  1. 0
    20 May 2019 10: 19
    The patriarch is right, you can’t say anything. That's just not all listen to wise advice. If for a country children are demographics, then for a specific person, the meaning and content of life. Many people realize this too late.
  2. +2
    21 May 2019 07: 18
    The Holy Father pulled on the wrong song, and I think that he did it quite deliberately: his education is excellent, and he understands everything just as well. His "service obliges" such "songs to sing".

    The issue is very controversial, in the USSR abortion was banned from 1936 to 1955. Since then, all the information has been preserved, you can comprehensively analyze everything. But I know for sure - prohibitions do not give anything good, and our centuries are no longer "average".
    1. +3
      21 May 2019 08: 52
      Further. In the OBJ course for high school, there is a topic about modern methods of contraception. Therefore, to bring to an abortion is not necessary. Of course, the patriarch may come up with a proposal and prohibit contraception in order to improve demography ...
      One of our leaders was very fond of talking about the constant improvement of the standard of living of the Soviet people, but in those days it was not only said, but done; In the last 30 years, conversations have continued, but nothing is being done "for the people" in life, which is why the latter has become frankly bad to reproduce.
  3. +2
    21 May 2019 07: 37
    The patriarch did not start from that.
    People do not have abortions from a good life. Abortion is a consequence of low social security of the population. The effective and "peak" reproductive age for women is 18-26 years. And they are afraid to give birth - too uncertain prospects, lack of stability and self-determination of the state in solving the problems of youth formation - from education, providing stable and well-paid work to providing affordable housing.
    If these problems are solved, then the patriarch’s moaning is not needed. And without him, everyone understands everything perfectly.
  4. 0
    21 May 2019 08: 43
    All right. Abortion is the murder of the unborn, in the Russian Federation almost 600 thousand over the past year, i.e. the population of a small town. But not only this, but also the life of failed parents, poisoned by illnesses, torn by the psyche. When there are no restrictions, people understand this from their own experience, it is too late.
  5. +1
    21 May 2019 11: 23
    Bullshit of the patriarch of the billionaire. it’s necessary not to fight abortion to death, but to rob people less and to encourage large families more ... But we have child benefits - 3 bottles of good milk a month, but billionaires - without taxes, officials and security officials quickly become billionaires.