Hitler's main mistake

On the next anniversary of the Great Victory, among other topics befitting this date, the question will surely be raised: why did Nazi Germany, a powerful state that had perhaps the most powerful and efficient army at that time in the world, suffer a defeat in the Great Patriotic War, forced to work for themselves, almost all of Europe, freely disposing of its raw materials, material, technical and human resources? The Third Reich, which made a vicious, sudden attack on our country, and at the initial stage inflicted crushing defeats on our army one after another, was ultimately defeated and defeated. Why? Can you name at least some of the most important reasons? Let's try.

Answering this question, Western historians, of course, will voluminously reflect on the “general frost” and the “eternal Russian slag”, which did not allow the Wehrmacht to complete the triumphal blitzkrieg in 1941, and then constantly confused the cards. They will not forget to mention, of course, “communist fanaticism” ... Domestic liberals, as usual, will lead a bagpipe about “dead bodies”, and with foam from their own unclean mouths they will begin to prove that the war was won solely thanks to penal battalions and detachments. Bullshit, of course - we, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the winners know this. So what is the reason ?!

In fact, the Third Reich signed a death sentence - final and not subject to appeal, exactly at the moment when the boot of the first Wehrmacht soldier stepped on our land. The Barbarossa plan, blitzkrieg, armored fists and flocks of vultures with black crosses on their wings - all this was very impressive. But ... The main, among the many fatal mistakes of Adolf Hitler (as well as the rest of the top elite of Nazi Germany) was that in their really very professionally and competently worked out military plans, directives and dispositions they did not take into account one single component - the Soviet people.

Having listened to their own pushed on the "postulate" about the superiority of the "Aryan race" over the whole world around ideologists and propagandists, the possessed Führer in all seriousness expected a fight with some "Russian barbarians", completely not realizing that he and his army would have to deal with something what this world has never seen and never knew! Some may be amused at any rate with the wretched attempts to scold Stalin and other leaders of the USSR for "insufficient preparation for war," however, only a madman will try to deny the fact that in several decades in the Soviet Union it was possible to create, melt, forge a previously unprecedented community of people capable of to create the impossible - both in civilian life and on the battlefield.

Adolf Aloizyevich, in principle, could start adding a gun to his own temple even when the Soviet border outposts and detachments, which were given up for exactly 40 minutes to suppress at Barbarossa, continued for days, weeks, and for months ... and that’s all! He lost this war when the words appeared on the walls of the Brest Fortress: “I am dying, but not giving up!” However, it is worthwhile to show condescension to the retired corporal who had landed in the supreme commanders - he could not have foreseen this. I could not foresee Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Matrosov, Nikolai Gastello, Panfilov’s heroes. They could not even predict Dmitry Ovcharenko, with one ax and three grenades, who had dispersed fifty “Aryans”, chopped down their officers in the cabbage, twenty soldiers and calmly set off to carry out a combat mission for the delivery of ammunition. Ovcharenko was not a special forces soldier - an ordinary riding ...

They don’t fight like that in Europe! Hitler and his generals expected another "war by the rules" - this is when the enemy units surrender, having landed in the environment or seeing the enemy clearly superior in manpower and equipment, when the state surrenders, having lost its personnel army, when military plants or other industrial facilities destroyed by bombing can discard. Instead, they got rams, battles of one Red Army against several hundred and boys who lay down with grenades under the tanks. They received the people's militia, partisans, plants that stood up for weeks in the bare steppes and ground the shells of schoolchildren in their unheated workshops. All this was - the Soviet people.

The above, in fact, is a common truth. However, within its framework there are also details that are no less important than the general. For example, these abnormal people from the Reich leadership completely sincerely believed that the “victorious German troops” oppressed by the Bolshevik dictatorship would rejoice and accept the invaders as liberators from “tyranny” when they entered the USSR. The Red Army soldiers will begin to massively desert from the army, along with strangling the “hated commissars”, and civilians will enthusiastically drag the “cock, milk, eggs” to the valiant Fritz and Hans, screaming with delight. But do not drag - it will be enough to shoot or hang a dozen or two to lead them to complete submission. Dreaming! Instead of the pickles and delicacies of the occupants, they “regaled” them with lead and TNT, while terror and atrocities designed to intimidate people in the occupied territories caused a wave of popular fury that spawned thousands of partisan formations.

Allowing services in churches banned by the Bolsheviks, reviving private trade and entrepreneurship, dissolving collective farms and executing local communists, the Nazis thought that the Soviet people would call them benefactors for this. But the priests of the newly opened churches and the elders appointed by the invaders over and over again became partisan liaisons, and indeed, nobody was eager to kiss the boots of German soldiers and praise the “new order”, except for a negligible number of degenerates and renegades. Of course, the main role here was played by the fact that the Russian people have never humbled themselves and will not reconcile to those who came to their land with uninvited arms. But the point was that too many people, the Soviet government at the time the war broke out, became native, gave a decent life and a really bright future. They did not want to categorically return to the past.

No less foolish was the myth, rooted in the heads of the Nazi elite, that with the outbreak of war, without exception, all the peoples of the Soviet Union dream of "dumping the Russian yoke" and, in addition, turn their weapons against each other, thereby ruining the USSR like a house of cards. Where did the Nazis get the expected collaboration with nationalist coloring on a more or less massive scale? In Galicia? The Baltic states? Well, yes - there were still Crimean Tatars and Chechens with Ingush ... All this is a drop of infamy in a sea of ​​heroism, self-sacrifice and Soviet internationalism, strengthened during the Great Patriotic War by fire and blood shed in general battles. Representatives of more than 150 peoples and nationalities living in the USSR fought on the fields of the Great Patriotic War. Those who were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union spoke 62 languages ​​for their exploits. Every third soldier who died in this war was not Russian by blood. They were all Soviet ...

The Nazi invaders unleashed a war, absolutely not understanding with whom and with what they would have to deal. After the terrible losses of the Red Army in the summer of 1941, after the first "cauldrons" and columns of prisoners, Hitler had already begun to set a date for the parade in Moscow and dream of how he would flood Leningrad. He really believed that he had won! It never occurred to the field marshals and generals of the Wehrmacht that, in place of the defeated units and formations, new ones would almost instantly stand up. The colossal system of military training that existed in the USSR before the war — this was precisely what made it possible for the Supreme High Command Headquarters to form new regiments, divisions, and corps, as if from nowhere. OSOAVIAHIMA cadets, boys and girls trained in the framework of the All-Union PVCO and TRP programs - these are the future victors of Nazism, those who stood up instead of those who died in the most terrible periods of the war. The Hitlerites, as they did not try, for all the years of the Great Patriotic War and could not come close to the level of sniper training of our soldiers. But it’s yesterday’s “Voroshilov arrows” that shot “supermen” like rabbits! By the beginning of World War II, there were about 9 million of them in the USSR ...

Of course, no pre-conscription training would mean absolutely anything, potential homeland defenders would scatter through the bushes at the first volleys of enemy guns or even before them, as happened in the vast majority of European countries. In the USSR, from the first days of the war, there were queues at call points, often around the clock. 328 thousand people in volunteer fighter battalions alone! More than two million in 60 divisions, 200 regiments and many other parts of the militia! This is only in 1941. And the nonsense that our liberal “whistleblowers” ​​simply adore to procrastinate about “unprepared and unarmed people” who were just “thrown into a meat grinder in thousands” is not really worth a damn. I repeat - the effectiveness of the militia units was precisely due to the military training system deployed in our country. Moreover, this concerned not only volunteers and militias - the movement of the 30s “Komsomolets - on a plane!” gave the air forces of the Red Army hundreds of thousands of pilots. Mass mechanization - an even greater number of future tankers, when the time came to replace the tractor cab with an armored fighting vehicle. There are no such examples.

What can I say if an extremely cruel joke with the Nazis was played by their attitude ... towards women! By German standards, the eternal destiny of those was “Kinder, Kirchen, Kyuchen” (children, church kitchen), and nothing more. In the Third Reich, if women were used in the army, it was exclusively in purely auxiliary roles. A certain number of Luftwaffe pilots and even, it seems, tankmen, whose photographs walk around the military-historical forums, are just an exception, confirming the rule. In any case, there was nothing close comparable to the limitless and universal heroism of Soviet women and girls. No less than half a million of them participated in the Great Patriotic War. Some researchers are talking about a million. Pilots, scouts, anti-aircraft gunners, nurses and nurses. For their feat it’s generally impossible to find words ...

And just do not need about the fact that "the Germans took care of their women," and we - no! At the end of the war, the Nazis drove their Frau massively into the Volkssturm. All doubts on this score are dispelled by a single photograph, in which the brave Herr officer attaches to the shoulder of an absolutely civilian look to the lady (in a thumb and hat) not Faustpatron! Obviously, he teaches how to handle this subject to the sound of the approaching “thirty-fours” ... And one more thing - where the women of the Third Reich really noted what is called “in full”, very massively, this is in the auxiliary units of the SS engaged in the protection of concentration camps. I will not comment ...

Nazi Germany and all its allies and satellites did not lose the war because they did not have sheepskin coats and felt boots. And not because tanks and trucks with soldiers, rushing forward in an exhaling blitzkrieg, stuck in impassable mud. Certainly, the reason for their defeat is not that behind every Red Army soldier there was a feisty “special agent” or an employee of the NKVD with a nagan sent to his head. Not enough for everyone ... They lost by starting a war with a people that could not be defeated in principle. To nobody. Never. The path of the Soviet people to the inevitable and inevitable Victory began on June 22, 1941. I just had to go a long time ...

Happy Victory Day!
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  1. +4
    9 May 2019 07: 38
    HAPPY VICTORY !!! Thanks for the article, Alexander !!!
  2. +5
    9 May 2019 08: 24
    Happy Victory Day!
  3. +2
    9 May 2019 09: 26
    ... Nazi Germany is a powerful state that had perhaps the most powerful and efficient army in the world at that time ...

    The article uses cliches and stamps that have long been refuted. The economy of the USSR on the eve of the war (1940) was comparable to the economy of Germany, coupled with countries controlled by it. If Germany had an advantage, then it was not critical. https://rep.polessu.by/bitstream/123456789/9505/1/157.pdf
    As for the armed forces, the Red Army surpassed the Wehrmacht in all respects. And even the experience of fighting was available.
    In general, a good article is spoiled by a fly in the ointment about the "incredibly powerful" Reich.
    1. -1
      10 May 2019 23: 45
      Oh yeah. A weak country bent over all of Europe! It is strange why "the mighty USSR did not do this. Teach materiel, young man, or Wickepedist? However, you are unfamiliar with the dry lines of statistics. Meet, if you are not a liberal, everything will fall into place at once. There is no place for slogans in the economy, it either exists or it is not.
      1. +2
        11 May 2019 04: 10
        Oh yeah. A weak country bent over all of Europe! It is strange why "the mighty USSR did not do this."

        Although you froze stupidity, but I still answer you.
        First, where do I say that Germany was a "weak country"? Have you seen it? Well, what happens. This is not a crime. lol
        Secondly, why did the USSR have to "bend" Europe? Who and when set such goals for the USSR?

        Learn materiel, young man, ...

        By the way, good advice. Apply to yourself. It will not hurt you. It will not be worse. crying
        1. -1
          12 May 2019 15: 38
          You are not aware of why imperialism created Hitler Germany. And at your age, you already needed to know this.
    2. 0
      12 May 2019 21: 58
      Who is refuted? You? Well, be touched ... The article on your link is a complete fraud and a direct distortion of the facts. For example, the industry of countries such as Czechoslovakia and France is excluded from the industrial potential of the Axis countries. Nothing to say about the rest. Almost all of Europe worked on the Reich. The USA throughout the war through Spain and other countries supplied him oil and other resources.
      Euroreich produced steel, coal, and fuel twice as much as the USSR. And the final product is less! Despite the first place in the world in terms of machine tool fleet, as stated even in this biased article. Why? And because in the Reich there was "National Socialism", and in the USSR - just socialism. This means that people are different. But you will never understand this. It's good. This means you will always lose to real communists.
      1. +3
        13 May 2019 17: 41
        So you will always lose to the real communists

        I don't know where to get "real communists" now. They were merged as unnecessary after 1985 and their own partaigenosse did it :))
        1. 0
          9 June 2019 14: 37
          It is impossible to merge real communists. They themselves will merge anyone. It is enough to look at China or the DPRK.
  4. 0
    9 May 2019 11: 41
    All with the Victory Day! Peace and prosperity! Today is the brightest day of the year!
    1. 0
      9 May 2019 12: 15
      And you with such a cliche on the holiday were not mistaken for an hour? Hunther? It is written with an error, but the name is known ...
      1. -1
        9 May 2019 12: 25
        Not a mistake. Names do not have exact spelling rules. From his torpedoes, Soviet people did not die!
        1. +2
          9 May 2019 12: 43
          Well, the name of a specific person still has an exact spelling rule, and in your case it is difficult to make a mistake - a very well-known character, for those who are interested in history. And on May 9, this person would hardly be a holiday. Here and therefore, I directly name this and your congratulations eyes cut one complete discrepancy to one another.
          By the way, I have no problems with respect for the enemy, if he deserves it, whoever he is. But many of your thesis that if you didn’t kill the Soviet people, then it means a good guy, will most likely not be understood here. It turns out that in the Wehrmacht, the SS, the Gestapo, the police, the Air Force and the Navy of the Reich, etc. on the Western Front, in Italy, Africa and so on, some good guys fought in German uniform, and the bad - the Nazis, that is, as they like to call them, only those who are against the USSR ...
          1. -2
            9 May 2019 12: 55
            I did not name myself by the name of a specific person! What would you understand. Otherwise, you're right. This is exactly what happened. At the beginning of the war, German submariners displayed a spirit of chivalry, for which many of them paid. It was the British who were the first to shoot the drowning German sailors. That would know. So you are right. The Germans who fought on the territory of the USSR are bad, and those who fought against the Anglo-Saxons are conditionally "good". )))))) You give double standards.
            1. +1
              9 May 2019 12: 59
              They were both there and there, in fact. Like the British, and the Americans, and on our side, in fact. But not everyone likes to hear it.
  5. +1
    9 May 2019 21: 09
    Happy Victory Day!
    Thank you.
  6. +2
    10 May 2019 06: 45
    We celebrate Victory Day on the 9th
    Let the defeated woodpeckers whine on the 8th ...
  7. +2
    10 May 2019 10: 40
    1. The model that Hitler planned to create in the event of his victory was no longer viable by the middle of the 20th century. It is outdated. Hitler wanted to build a German empire in the image and likeness of the British. But the British itself, being created at the end of the Middle Ages, after World War II began to crumble - India, Africa, etc. And there was no return to the system of relations "metropolis - colony".
    2. If we compare the material and human resources of the USSR and Germany, it becomes clear that Germany could not win, giving way to the USSR in almost everything.
    1. -1
      10 May 2019 16: 54
      Just one question. By what indicators did Germany yield to the USSR?
      Immediately I will outline my point of view. Germany could defeat the USSR, but the main reason is correctly indicated in the article.
      So, by what indicators is Germany inferior to the USSR?
      1. +2
        10 May 2019 20: 04
        If there was a discussion now, I would prove to Pyotr Aleksandrovich ...
        I'm sorry, you want to open a discussion this minute?

        M.A. Bulgakov, Dog Heart, 1925
        1. -3
          10 May 2019 21: 35
          No I do not want to. Just in all respects, Germany had an advantage over the USSR.
          1. +1
            10 May 2019 21: 47
            How many people, so many opinions.
            And here is a place where everyone can carry whatever he wants.
            1. -2
              10 May 2019 22: 25
              In coal, steel, cast iron, electricity production, the chemical industry, the number of machine tools, and labor productivity, Germany was MUCH ahead of the USSR. There are statistics. In terms of population, not everything is clear. A united Europe stood against the USSR (it seems 400 million people). And if they did not serve in the army, then they worked in factories. Say, at Skoda factories, labor productivity was higher than in Germany. And they served in the army. Austria, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Finland, Italy, Spain, France, the Netherlands. Who else is there?
              You are right, there is such a place that everyone can "carry whatever he wants."
              1. +1
                10 May 2019 22: 47
                Tell the children a fairy tale about "united Europe in 400 million against the USSR". They will believe.
                1. -1
                  10 May 2019 22: 58
                  Well yes. You are not a child. In the Czech Republic, half of the Wehrmacht armored vehicles were produced. Almost 80% of self-propelled guns. But did bread and butter appear in Germany by themselves? And grain production in 1941 in the USSR fell from 95 million tons to 30 million. By the way, at 45 million there was a famine of 1932.
                  Well, yes, the Lord is with you. So what is the USSR superior to Germany? In population? The strength of the Wehrmacht on June 22 was more than 7 million people (on the Eastern Front 4,5 million plus satellite totaling more than 5 million people) of the Red Army, the total number of 5,5 million people, in the Western Districts about 4 million people. Start to give me data on tanks, aircraft and other equipment? Do not work, I know them. People serve the equipment, but they were just not enough.
                  A few believed in the victory of the USSR in 1941. Did not believe such informed people as Churchill, Roosevelt and almost the whole world.
                  Continue to carry nonsense further. The discussion is getting boring. It will become interesting to me when you give specific facts about why Germany could not win the war. What is it inferior to the USSR?
                  1. 0
                    10 May 2019 23: 11
                    ... Nazi Germany is a powerful state that had perhaps the most powerful and efficient army in the world at that time ...

                    The article uses cliches and stamps that have long been refuted. The economy of the USSR on the eve of the war (1940) was comparable to the economy of Germany, coupled with countries controlled by it. If Germany had an advantage, then it was not critical. https://rep.polessu.by/bitstream/123456789/9505/1/157.pdf
                    As for the armed forces, the Red Army surpassed the Wehrmacht in all respects. And even the experience of fighting was available.
                    1. -3
                      10 May 2019 23: 20
                      If we compare the material and human resources of the USSR and Germany, it becomes clear that Germany could not win, yielding to the USSR in almost everything

                      And who is talking nonsense here?
                      Good night
                  2. 0
                    10 May 2019 23: 16
                    Continue to carry nonsense further. The discussion is getting boring. It will become interesting to me when you give specific facts about why Germany could not win the war. What is it inferior to the USSR?

                    And where did you get the idea that I'm going to argue with you here? I expressed my opinion. You do not like it? - So THIS IS YOUR DIFFICULTY. Lull yourself further with different tales.
                    Good night.
                  3. +1
                    10 May 2019 23: 20
                    ... Nazi Germany is a powerful state that had perhaps the most powerful and efficient army in the world at that time ...

                    The article uses cliches and stamps that have long been refuted. The economy of the USSR on the eve of the war (1940) was comparable to the economy of Germany, coupled with countries controlled by it. If Germany had an advantage, then it was not critical. https://rep.polessu.by/bitstream/123456789/9505/1/157.pdf
                    As for the armed forces, the Red Army surpassed the Wehrmacht in all respects. And even the experience of fighting was available.
                    In general, a good article is spoiled by a fly in the ointment about the "incredibly powerful" Reich.
          2. 0
            10 May 2019 22: 30
            ... especially in the directions of the main attacks - tenfold excellence ...
            1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        11 May 2019 04: 26
        So, by what indicators is Germany inferior to the USSR?

        So here you are from yourself and begin to bring at least some evidence.
        There are none in the article.
        1. -1
          11 May 2019 06: 56
          Comparison of Economic Potential

          1. +1
            11 May 2019 14: 29
            Comparison of Economic Potential

            For starters, Japan was among the allies of Germany. And it has nothing to do with this comparison. There was no trade relationship between them at such a distance. I came across this table.
            Data on the occupied territories was taken before the moment of occupation. And just added up. After the occupation, these are certainly not the same numbers.
            The second one. Data for the USSR before the military. With the outbreak of war, production increased many times over. During the war, the USSR far surpassed both Germany and its allies in terms of production growth rates. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_production_with_time_Second_World_Wars#Grounded_weapons
            PS. I put you a plus in response to the disadvantages put by someone. I think that this is not a topic where you need to contrast yourself with each other. We all honor our victorious ancestors alike.
            But the truth still needs to be sought. The history of the Great Victory has many gray spots.
            Main question. Why, practically without yielding in anything to the Wehrmacht, the Red Army retreated to Moscow and the Volga?
            1. 0
              11 May 2019 15: 54
              The cons don't bother me. I am worried about superficial judgment on serious matters. Pay attention to the passage of the "discussion". Invalid information is thrown in without a single supporting document. And you have to prove that you are not a camel. Despite the fact that the opponent does not answer at all on the merits.

              In tables of this kind there is no Japan. But there is no Sweden either. Up to 30% of armaments are made on supplies of Swedish ore. No data on imports and exports of Portugal, Spain, Switzerland. This is also a very interesting topic.

              Arms production in the USSR has increased multiply. But this is after the outbreak of hostilities. The debate began with the fact that Germany allegedly conceded to the USSR in all respects. This is not true. Germany, along with the occupied countries and allies surpassed the USSR. Hitler had every reason to count on victory. Especially in the blitzkrieg. In the world, practically no one believed in the victory of the USSR. Churchill did not believe even in 1942. Ambassador Cripps did not want to return to Moscow at all, because he believed that the USSR would capitulate by fall.

              Why was the Red Army retreating? They talked and wrote about this so much that to start over again is to re-chew what was said. My opinion is that Germany could have won the war. There was every chance. But she could not realize her chances. As Morphius said in "The Matrix" - knowing the path and walking it is not the same thing.
        2. -2
          11 May 2019 07: 08
          Sergey Drozdov "In the Service of the Third Reich"

          And thousands of our tank crews burned with thousands in 1944 and 45 from the fire of these damned Hetzer, created on the initiative by wonderful Czech engineers and workers ...

    2. 0
      10 May 2019 23: 52
      I do not agree. The whole world, except for a few countries, lives under British (albeit implicit) control. Direct arithmetic in human resources, works only in the calculations of Western historians and a rezun. So Hitler was a fan of Great Britain, believed her, for that they raised him.
      1. 0
        11 May 2019 04: 28
        Direct arithmetic in human resources, works only in the calculations of Western historians and a rezun.

        Where did you get this nonsense?
        Arithmetic is generally outside of politics and any historical discussions. And she doesn’t work for anyone. crying
    3. 0
      12 May 2019 22: 06
      On the contrary. Germany and its allies exceeded the USSR at the front at the beginning of the war by twice the manpower. What should be multiplied by advanced methods of maneuver warfare and troop control in real time. The sides at the front were only in the second half of 1942. Countries controlled by Germany had a population of 400 million people, and the USSR, after losing the European part, only 140 million people. Germany's excellent machine tool park was the largest in the world. Plus France, Italy, Czechoslovakia, and others.
      So one thing is clear: the Fritzes should have won, and the Ivanes won! Therefore, in Germany, Russians are still respected.
  8. +2
    10 May 2019 12: 51
    Good post by the author.
    A deep bow and eternal memory to Soviet people for the exploits that they performed at the head of the great Stalin.
    Happy Victory Day!
  9. 0
    10 May 2019 20: 34
    Happy Victory Day, Alexander!
  10. -2
    10 May 2019 23: 10
    Happy Victory Day! But the Russian people have always been so heroic, and it is not worth saying that it was the Soviet government that made them such. Russia even endured many wars before the USSR, and there were no fewer heroes; do not appropriate this to Stalin. I have no doubt that they would have won without him.
  11. 0
    11 May 2019 10: 47
    Here is a curious archival document - a list of prisoners of war who surrendered to Soviet troops during the war. Recall, a prisoner of war is one who fights in uniform with weapons in his hands. So:

    Germans - 2 389 560,
    Hungarians - 513 767,
    Romanians - 187 370,
    Austrians - 156 682,
    Czechs and Slovaks - 69 977,
    Poles - 60,
    Italians - 48 957,
    the French - 23,
    Croats - 21 822,
    Moldavians - 14 129,
    Jews - 10 173,
    the Dutch - 4,
    Finns - 2 377,
    Belgians - 2 010,
    Luxembourgers - 1652,
    Danes - 457,
    Spaniards - 452,
    gypsies - 383,
    Norwegians - 101,
    Swedes - 72.

    President of the Academy of Military Sciences, Army General Mahmut Gareev gave such an assessment of the participation of several European countries in the fight against fascism:

    During the war years, all of Europe fought against us. Three hundred and fifty million people, regardless of whether they fought with weapons in their hands, or stood at the machine tool, producing weapons for the Wehrmacht, did one thing. During the Second World War, twenty thousand members of the French Resistance died. And two hundred thousand French fought against us. We also captured sixty thousand Poles. Two million European volunteers fought for Hitler against the USSR.
  12. +2
    13 June 2019 07: 12
    It is foolish to consider Hitler's mistakes, because in the first days of the war there were practically none. By signing the non-aggression pact, Stalin had no illusions about Hitler. He knew perfectly well what kind of enemy he was going to face. T-34. How many of these tanks were there at the beginning of the war? And Rychagov's statements about the most modern aviation in the world were simply exaggerated. Voroshilov's idea of ​​launching an offensive from the Black Sea to the Baltic did not succumb to any criticism at all. And he said this five days after the outbreak of the War. They write a lot about the defenders of our country. And they do not write at all about the thousands of refugees who fled from the "liberators" and who later worked in our rear. The Soviet people are the main force that was able to overthrow Nazi Germany. Having given numerous sacrifices for this Victory.
  13. +1
    14 July 2019 08: 02
    It is often written that fascism directed its forces against Bolshevism. It was a beautiful sign by Hitler, with which some Western circles agreed. And now it is supported in the former republics of the USSR. I'm not talking about the occupation of Europe. And what, they flooded into Africa to free countries from colonial oppression? Hitler's main goal was to dismember our Soviet Union. And here he miscalculated.