The abolition of the Schengen zone: France is ready to take a step towards the collapse of the EU

The Schengen area is one of the main symbols of a united Europe. The abolition of border controls on roads, railways and airports has become a real “engine” of European integration. To date, the Schengen area includes 26 countries, of which 4 are not EU members. And now their number may begin to decline. This initiative was made by the President of France. Does this mean the beginning of the end of the European Union?

What is the reason for the desire of Paris to revive the walls within Europe, the unification of which the Old World has been going on for so long?

The reason lies on the surface. Migrants. Immigrants from extremely disadvantaged countries in Africa and the Middle East are increasingly seeking a “sweet life” in Europe. And they are not interested in South or Eastern Europe, but the richest countries in Western, Central and Northern.

On the one hand, migrants and especially refugees can be understood. But, on the other hand, the massive invasion of religiously and culturally intolerant migrants into Germany or France seriously threatens their national identity. The migration problem was the last straw that outweighed the patience of the British who voted for Brexit. In more tolerant FRGs and France, the popularity of right-wing parties in favor of a radical solution to the issue of the flow of refugees is growing sharply.

As a "recipe" in the Old World, an even distribution of newcomers is proposed across all countries of the European Union. However, this is met with an extremely disapproving reaction from less affluent countries. Thus, the Visegrad Four (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) directly expressed their disagreement with the rules for the distribution of migrants within the EU. The Baltic countries expressed their concern and doubt about the possibility of getting along with representatives of Arab and African cultures. The Italian authorities completely prohibited ships carrying migrants from entering their ports.

And what does Emmanuel Macron offer to do? The idea of ​​official Paris is to exclude from the Schengen zone those states that refuse to accept their share of refugees. That is, this is not a solution to the migration problem, but an attempt to punish the countries of Southeast Europe that do not agree to “multiculture”. The consequences will be serious. Economic there will be losses from exclusion from the Schengen zone, but they will hardly outweigh all the charms of “tolerance”.

In fact, the proposal of President Macron, if implemented, will stop the very “European integration engine” and may serve as a prerequisite for the subsequent disintegration of the EU. We note an amazing coincidence. With this proposal, the head of the Fifth Republic was to appeal to the nation on April 15. But on the same day a world-wide tragedy occurred: Notre Dame Cathedral, which is considered to be a symbol of "old France", burned down.
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  1. +2
    April 28 2019 14: 45
    The Vyshegrad residents took a walk ... It's time to go home.)
    1. 0
      April 29 2019 06: 30
      Yes, they took a walk, the black man won’t be beaten.
  2. +2
    April 29 2019 11: 09
    The joke is that even if you imagine that Macron’s idea is being implemented in some form, which I hardly believe, the worst would be the French, Germans, etc., and better the Czechs, Hungarians and all other anti-immigrant countries. Citizens of all Europe, even with the introduction of borders, still do not need visas, neither for travel nor for work. But these same migrants will be just closed in the countries that are so actively accepting them. So, hold the flag, Mr. Macron ...
    1. 0
      April 29 2019 18: 59
      And a drum around the neck☺️
  3. 0
    April 30 2019 10: 27
    Macron likes the boy on the left.
  4. +1
    1 May 2019 08: 04
    Quote: fevralsk.morev.75
    Macron likes the boy on the left.

    Rather, Macron liked the guy on the left. And Macron looks scared, despite the guards and journalists.