Russia will launch the world's first production of nanocomposites

The Krasnoyarsk Nanotechnology Center, the Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the SB RAS, KRITBI and the Estonian company plan to create a cluster of composite materials in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The basis of the association will be the world's first production of the latest nanofibers based on nafen (aluminum oxide). According to scientists, the inclusion of this substance in other materials will significantly improve their properties. For example, the strength of metal parts printed on a 3D printer will almost triple, and concrete will be 60% stronger.

Nafen, consisting of alumina fibers with a diameter of 10 nanometers, is significantly superior in quality to the same carbon nanotubes. Unlike the latter, its fibers do not “tangle” during production and create a stronger structure. In addition, the manufacture of new material will be much cheaper. For comparison: 1 kg of nafen will cost about 60 euros, and the same amount of carbon analogue will cost almost 6000 euros.

The use of the latest nanofibers in industry will make it possible to obtain materials with fundamentally new properties. The developers are already announcing the appearance of: polyethylene, which will be stronger than metal, durable car tires, powder for 3D printing of high-strength composite parts, modified concrete, wear-resistant workwear, etc. In addition, nafen will also be useful in medicine in the manufacture of reinforced biomaterials for prosthetics.

As it became known, the Krasnoyarsk nanotechnology center is already financing 3 projects that produce products using nafen. It is about manufacturing: powder for 3D printing, paints for durable road marking and refractory ceramics.
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  1. 0
    April 26 2019 19: 26
    Krasnoyarsk nanotechnology center is already financing 3 projects

    Information in the public domain (
    average number (2017) - 7 people; finance: 2016 - minus one million rubles, 2017 - minus two million rubles. I didn’t even look at the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (ibid.). Good luck guys, you hold on there.
  2. 0
    April 27 2019 15: 31
    Is this again a redhead with an Estonian brothers forever? Not even funny.
  3. 0
    April 27 2019 15: 36
    Paint for the roads, yes. More asphalt. And the roads. Well done. Water would sprinkle a saint on them. Maybe even the money will remain intact.