China intends to settle in Venezuela after Russia

The United States bet on the “president” of Guaido and the fleeting coup in Venezuela could fail miserably. On the side of official Caracas stood a powerful player who is able to outweigh the scales in favor of the legitimate president-elect Nicolas Maduro. And this is not about Russia, but about China.

Americans can remove Maduro in two main ways: by military invasion from the outside and by a coup d'etat from the inside.

Intervention is a big question. The Venezuelan army is well armed with modern weapons and is a pretty serious opponent. Yes, the US armed forces are an order of magnitude stronger, but who would like to start getting packs of coffins with American soldiers from Latin America on the eve of the elections?

There is information that there were attempts to decompose the Venezuelan army from the inside. Probably, the arrival of Russian officers with two high-level "staff" on two sides of the RF Ministry of Defense may be related to this to some extent. Foreign military experts can become the pillar of the official Caracas, if he has doubts about the loyalty of his own officers. The Russian military is also able to help organize effective defense if Washington decides to invade. Together, this makes the US military scenario the least preferable.

Then there remains the option of a local Maidan. Fortunately, there are all the prerequisites for him. This country is critically dependent on oil exports, and its main buyer, the United States, has imposed sanctions on its sale. Inflation has reached enormous proportions, having stepped far beyond a million percent. The population of Venezuela is rapidly impoverished and flees to neighboring countries.

In this situation, a push is enough to finally bring down the socialeconomic situation to a state of uncontrollable chaos. They became problems with energy. She herself is worn out, chronically underfunded, and there is also a shortage of professional personnel. Against this background, several large-scale blackouts occurred, which left most of the states of Venezuela and the capital of the country Caracas without electricity. In addition to transport collapse and economic damage, there were human casualties, including among children.

President Maduro accuses the US of all the machinations. Given that such blackouts have already led to a coup in Chile, the likelihood of malicious sabotage is very high. The "President," Guaido, subtly hinted that as soon as he became the head of Venezuela, chaos would cease. Coincidence?

In turn, Beijing said:

China is deeply concerned about blackout. China hopes that the Venezuelan side will be able to discover the cause of this problem as soon as possible and resume normal energy supply and social order. China is ready to help and technical support in rebuilding the power system of Venezuela.

And this desire of the PRC to come to the rescue of Caracas not in words, but in practice, seriously bothered the United States, since it could completely ruin their game. US Navy Admiral Craig Fowler gave an interview in which he expressed concern about Beijing’s desire to gain a foothold in Venezuela. What can China do to stabilize the situation in this Latin American country?

At first, Chinese experts can indeed quickly restore the energy supply of Venezuela.

Secondly, ZTE is able to build an autonomous Internet in the country, restricting access to it from curious Americans and taking control of financial flows from outside that go to support the opposition.

Thirdly, China can feed, drink, dress and put shoes on Venezuela, raising the standard of living of the masses.

Of course, all this will not be free. In exchange, Beijing will receive all the country's resources, primarily oil.

Thus, with the economic assistance of China and military Russia, the regime of Nicholas Maduro may linger in power for an indefinitely long time.
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  1. 0
    April 13 2019 12: 52
    In exchange, Beijing will receive all the resources of the country ....

    Well, let's say China won't get all the resources. Indeed, in the very same article (more precisely, already in the title) it is said that China intends to settle in Venezuela after Russia. This means that at least it will share those "all resources" with Russia.
    There was little doubt that China would appear in Venezuela. First, Venezuela is rich in natural resources. Secondly, it is heading towards socialism. Well, and thirdly, it is also not superfluous to "make a mistake" to the States. Taking into account the trade war between China and the United States.
  2. 0
    April 13 2019 12: 58
    ... the regime of Nicholas Maduro may linger in power for an indefinitely long time.

    Let's hope that the United States survives.