A quantum computer began to predict the future

Is it possible to predict upcoming events, for example, like the Marvel Doctor Strange from the film of the same name? You will be surprised, but yes. However, in real life, instead of a superhero, this "superpower" was received by a computer.

A joint development of scientists from Nanyang University of Technology (Singapore) and Griffith University (Singapore), which is based on quantum superposition, is able to generate all possible options for the future. As is known, quantum particles, unlike classical ones, can reside in different states at the same time. Like a Schrödinger cat in a steel chamber, which is both alive and dead. It is this principle that researchers used when developing a prototype of an innovative apparatus.

A quantum computer operates on a photon quantum information processor, where all the possible consequences of decisions are presented in the form of a specific position of the light particles. The result of the operation of the device is a superposition, where the proposed future options are arranged according to the probability indicator of each of them.

At the moment, researchers are studying the possibilities that a quantum computer would open to humanity. However, already similar technology can find application in modern artificial intelligence algorithms, many of which are still being trained through the analysis of events.
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  1. Ygm
    April 10 2019 16: 46
    Based on the "simultaneous" logic of this "computer", its forecast of the future will be as follows: