The international community is interested in the idea of ​​"floating cities"

The project of the futuristic “floating city” “Oceanix City”, designed by the architect Bjarke Ingels, aroused genuine interest among UN representatives. The concept proposed by the Dane provides for complete autonomy and combines the advanced achievements in the field of rational use of resources.

A large settlement consists of several surface platforms, each of which has infrastructure or residential premises for 300 people. Such a city can anchor, drift and even move in tow, leaving the path of hurricanes.

Separately, it is worth noting the material from which the aforementioned platforms are made. A new calcareous coating called Biorock, which is three times stronger than concrete, but much lighter than the latter, at the same time provides perfect buoyancy and reliable protection against shock waves. This substance is obtained by treating underwater minerals with electricity.

The most interesting thing is that not only surface infrastructure is functional. In the lower part of the platforms there are fish farms, "beds" for growing edible algae and mollusk colonies. All food waste is subsequently used for fertilizing and feeding fish.

There are no powerful units, vehicles or other energy-consuming mechanisms. People move on foot, on bicycles or boats. Houses in surface settlements are built of bamboo. Solar panels are installed on the roofs to generate electricity. The required amount of drinking water is provided by condensers of water vapor from the atmosphere. Household waste is sorted and sent for recycling.

The United Nations believes that such cities could solve the problem of hunger and housing shortages, especially given the population growth and the inexorable rise in sea level. In addition, due to its mobility, floating settlements could become a reliable shelter from natural disasters.
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  1. 0
    April 10 2019 10: 51
    The coast of the terrible USA is full of similar towns. Just do not swim, but carried out to sea + channels