The life of a fighter will save metal foam

Good old army body armor has been protecting the lives of soldiers on the battlefield for many years. However, Technology do not stand still, and in the battle of the sword and armor, the latter took the next step forward. The composite foam metal, developed jointly by scientists from the University of North Carolina and the US Air Force's Applied Technology Office, has proven itself to be an order of magnitude better in defense than conventional army armor.

The new material is stainless steel foam. As a basis, a mixture of two different metals, for example, steel and aluminum, is used. A stream of hot gas is passed through the metal melt. The resulting alloy is poured into the mold with hollow balls of steel, ceramic or titanium. In terms of its protective characteristics, foam metal exceeds army body armor, and at the same time has a significantly lower mass (a property that can hardly be overestimated in combat conditions).

The life of a fighter will save metal foam

Composite Metal Foam Device

The battle was tested using new material using 23 mm high-explosive incendiary projectiles. Two foam sheets of 9,5 and 16,75 millimeters thick and 25 cm long participated in the tests. The targets were located behind an aluminum plate 2,3 mm thick. Both plates withstood the impact of the shock wave, but the 9,5 mm was broken by fragments. Thus, the result of the army standard-type armor was surpassed, which under similar conditions could not contain the fragments, although it resisted the shock wave.