What is behind the arrival of Russian and Chinese aircraft in Venezuela

Arriving at the Simon Bolivar airport, first Russian, and then Chinese aircraft, not only loaded “to the eyeballs”, but also delivered military specialists to the troubled Latin American country, it was not without reason that Washington drove to a white heat.

What is behind the arrival of Russian and Chinese aircraft in Venezuela

Not just completely open, but even rather demonstrative actions of Moscow and Beijing aimed at actively supporting the defense capabilities of Venezuela make the implementation of the usual US scenario (especially in this region) a scenario of military intervention aimed at overthrowing an undesirable regime by the Americans, is extremely difficult. However, you should not think that such drastic measures taken in a timely manner guarantee the preservation of this country from the chaos of a coup d'etat and the ensuing civil war. The hottest phase of the conflict seems to be just beginning ...

The events that took place in Caracas the other day, on March 31, once again serve as confirmation of a long-standing postulate - all scenarios of the “color revolutions” have the same folder in their origin. With an unfriendly eagle crowded out on it, long ago cracking all the olives and recognizing exclusively arrows as a tool to solve world problems ... The shots from the Venezuelan capital against demonstrators painfully resemble the events of the end of January 2014 in Kiev, to tears, to the grinding of teeth. that turned lasting for several months political outdoor show in a bloody and merciless coup. It was then that the first protesters were killed, and, which is typical - not citizens of Ukraine.

In the five years that have passed since the tragedy, its “investigation” has not advanced a single step. The clique that came to the blood of these and many other participants of the Maidan to power continues to insist that they were "killed by law enforcement", however, no evidence has been found of this statement. For the simplest reason that finding what is not is impossible. But over the past years, a lot of evidence has been received that says that these killings were a pre-planned provocation of those who needed a “sacred sacrifice” and a reason for inciting violence. What all this led to is well known - to a sharp escalation of the confrontation, the numerous deaths of law enforcement officers who performed their duties and the execution of the notorious "hundreds" executed by order of the same sinister puppeteers that were behind the first deaths of the "Maidan".

We observe the very same picture today in Venezuela: some "extremists" shot at a crowd of protesters, injuring one or two people. “Oppositionists”, led by Juan Guaido, immediately stated that “members of pro-government paramilitary self-defense units,” the so-called “collectivists,” opened fire. There is no evidence - that is, not a single one, even indirect. In the shooters' photographs suspiciously quickly spreading on the Internet, we see some faces of a criminal rather than military kind. Neither form, nor, naturally, insignia, nor generally any signs of belonging to power structures. And the weapons are clearly not of the army or police type. But the "opposition" has already decided everything, it "knows" everything - the "supporters of Maduro", of course, shot at the "peaceful demonstrators", in the name of the triumph of democracy, blocking the streets and setting fire to tires. How familiar all this is!

Today it is already completely clear that the United States will not be left alone with Venezuela. Diversion at the critical infrastructure facilities of the country follows one after another, its inhabitants are forced to do without electricity, and recently began to experience problems with drinking water. This is natural - pumping stations do not work without electricity. The legitimate government, led by President Nicolas Maduro, is doing everything possible to restore order and minimize the negative consequences of endless “blackouts”, however, the situation is heating up. The calculation of the Washington scriptwriters and directors of this chaos is understandable - as many people as possible brought to the extreme with everyday problems and acting on the principle: "Better a terrible end than horror without end!" Should join the ranks of protesters. The personalities of Maduro and Guaido will not matter to the crowded crowd - at a certain stage, it will simply turn into an uncontrollable monster that destroys everything around.

The self-proclaimed "president" of Venezuela has already appointed the day of the overthrow of the "criminal regime" - on April 6, the "operation" Freedom "announced by him should begin. At the same time, Washington’s protege does not hide the fact that “the collapse of the country's life support system” should be to drive people out onto the streets and become “the main motive for participating in the protest”. Its American masters are trying their best, destroying this system with cyber attacks and other sabotage. The fact that Guaido, having come to power in such a scenario, will look like a vulture, who has sat on the corpse of the country, does not bother anyone in the United States. They are ready for anything in order to gain access to Venezuelan oil again, without which American oil refineries are choked. And also - to inflict a geopolitical defeat on Russia and China.

Not surprisingly, the sound of slapping in the face of Washington by Moscow and Beijing still rings in the air. The American media is increasingly urging Donald Trump to “finally speak out openly against Putin” (quoted by The Washington Post), and the hawks from Congress and the State Department are rushing about with plans to “punish Russia” for daring to support the rejected USA Maduro. Elliot Abrams, US Special Representative for Venezuela, made the most recent statement on this occasion, claiming that "at the highest level in the presidential administration there is a clear understanding that Russia and Cuba must pay for supporting the Venezuelan regime." It’s scary to fight the Russians, but new sanctions are just around the corner!

The fate of Venezuela is likely to be decided in these hot April days. Russian specialists at the S-300 control panels, of course, this is wonderful. However, let us recall that in the spring of 2014 there was no American intervention in Ukraine. The local rabble, with the support of Western curators, did a great job by itself. Now the most important thing is to prevent a repeat in Caracas of events similar to those in Kiev - a street battle with snipers that came from nowhere, shot down demonstrators, and everything that followed. I really want to believe that those Russian specialists, on whose shoulders today lay the heaviest burden of providing assistance to a country that has become another victim of Washington’s international robbery, understand this and are ready to take appropriate actions, working ahead of schedule.
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  1. -3
    April 2 2019 16: 52
    -Very bad ... -Just the United States and China can trap Russia and deal with Russia together ...
    -In Syria, this hasn’t happened yet ... -China just hasn’t climbed into Syria yet .. -there hasn’t worked out until the situation (or until it is "ripe"). Interesting for China ... -But in Venezuela, just such the situation exists ...
    - As for the United States, they do not need Russia's influence in Venezuela at all ... - after all, Russia has a lot of its own oil (and in terms of quality it is much better than the Venezuelan one) and Russia is unlikely to be able to "dispose of" rather quickly and somehow or something objective to offer Venezuela how "in which direction" to deploy its entire oil field ... -Besides, Russia itself, as always, can simply be "squeezed by sanctions" ... -And Russia, first of all, will have to think how and where sell their own Russian oil ...

    -For the United States and China's influence in Venezuela ...- is also completely unnecessary .., but .., but., But China can start selling the extracted Venezuelan oil much faster and "more objectively" ... -China can very quickly come to an agreement with USA and start delivering Venezuelan oil to the states ... -The USA will immediately flood Venezuela with all kinds of products (hungry Venezuelans will simply be delighted and "agree to any president" ..) ... -All administrative and political power will be concentrated in the hands of China .. - the rapid construction of modern terminals, ports for oil tankers, pumping stations, pipelines, etc. will begin.

    -Unable to quickly and independently build modern modernized terminals., Ports., Warehouses., Industrial facilities .., - the impoverished and backward Russia, the United States and China will simply be quickly squeezed out of Venezuela ...
    -Yes, both the USA and China will also then begin to conflict and divide the subsoil and the territory of Venezuela ... -But it will be later, not immediately ... already after Russia is forgotten in Venezuela ...
    -And it will win ... China ... Venezuela will simply become Chinese ... -Hahah ...
    1. +1
      April 2 2019 17: 19
      -Just the United States and China can trap Russia and deal with Russia together ...

      Where to lure? To Venezuela? All of Russia? How?
      What are we smoking? lol
      1. -3
        April 2 2019 18: 59
        Where to lure? To Venezuela? All of Russia? How?

        -Hey .., we will collect brains in heaps ...- if there are any ...
        -Explain once ...

        -Russia in Venezuela falls into a real trap ...
        - Without international support ...; without supporting political structures (parties or any semblance of a "pro-Russian lobby" in this state itself) in an underdeveloped Latin American country that does not have a political organizational vertical of power in a country ... - Russia is trying to inject large economic investments into the economy of such a state wha ...
        -Also, the two largest .. that have no shortage of financial and material resources and have the most powerful armed forces of the state .. that have very deep economic relations., Trade relations and agreements (in the hundreds of billions) extend their political and economic interests to this country. dollars), as well as fairly overlapping political interests ...
        -Russia is an alien, secondary and "undesirable" element in the allied trade and economic relations between the United States and China ...
        -Simple ..:
        -If the United States and China are forced to endure each other and agree ... no one will agree with Russia ...
        -Russia, as always, will fall under the next sanctions ... and ... and ... and ... -the whole world these sanctions, as always support .., China., As always silent ...
        -And ...- good bye., Venezuela ... -Russian costs., Political fiasco .. and so on ...
        - Well, someone "Vlad Dudnik" can get off the couch. and declare himself the newly minted "Che Guevara" and lead a guerrilla war in the Venezuelan jungle ... -Hahah ...
    2. +3
      April 2 2019 19: 41
      You, Irina, have come from the wrong end - Russia needs Venezuela only for what the United States needed Crimea for, because with the help of your partaigenosse Gorbachevs, Goizmanov, Yavlinsky, etc., our, once militarily powerful country of the USSR has lost many strategic bases in the underbelly of America - Cuba, Nicaragua, Vietnam, and now it is vitally important for us to "From here we will threaten ...", which is why all this European-US camarilla comes out in hysterics, and Venezuelan oil is just a by-product, but you don't need to give up on it either. And about "Poor and Backward Russia" - you already see the "landing" of "effective managers" who grabbed and legalized their stolen fortunes from our people, keeping them in foreign banks and offshore , and there there are trillions of these "green" ones, and they are not yet available to our country, because they have illegal "legitimate" rogue owners, that is, our domestic oligarchs, and they are not going to share with us, that's why Putin announced them an amnesty if all this stolen money was returned go to our country, and this was the last warning, because. people are already on the verge of explosion from this impoverished Russia with its incalculable natural resources.
      Everyone sees all this, and understands, and draws conclusions, but this is not done quickly, and it takes time .... And he will never come to an agreement about China, with America, such a confrontation has never led to "friendship", even to the momentary , Washington does not know how to be friends against someone, it is only used to destroying the destinies of other states, and not otherwise, which the Chinese are well aware of, and not by hearsay.
      1. -3
        April 2 2019 21: 51
        Well ... you can see how to read something ... -But understand what you read ...- this is not your destiny ...
        -It's rather yours ... "Gorbachevs, Gozmans and Yavlinsky" ... -This is precisely this liberal-Manilov brotherhood naively imagines and hopes that suddenly a galaxy of "effective managers" will change their minds and return the "trillions" back to our Fatherland .. ...
        -This is how to wait for the Americans to suddenly return Alaska to us ... -Hahah ... -What age we are waiting for ...- 200 years will soon come to this expectation ...

        - I write that the United States and China are forced to endure each other and agree. -Where did you get this about friendship ... -Themselves came up with ...
        - Actually ... read carefully and somehow strain your brains ...
    3. +1
      April 3 2019 00: 35
      The vaccine has been around for a long time, we are not being fooled by this nonsense. Even your Pompeo was ridiculed.
      At SGA oil at least fill up, but half the world was flooded with blood. And all is not enough for you. Think everyone thinks in the same categories? It’s ridiculous.
      "Poor and backward Russia" your masters have already "squeezed" out of the Crimea.
      Let's laugh? Yes, and according to the Morse code, three dots and dashes mean "F", and three dots "C".
      As I read your comments, I only hear F and S, the mosquito, such a nasty, wretched one.
      1. -3
        April 3 2019 04: 46
        -One more ...- and also "about nothing" ... -You at least understand yourself ...- write about what ... -interrupted incoherence ...
        -Some "vaccinations", "owners"., "Morse"., "SGA" (this is the USA, or what)., "My Pompeo" ... -This is your personal speculation. ??? -What kind of weird innuendo ...- and it became an obsessive trend ...
        - The impression. That under three nicknames one person registered ...
        -All, supposedly, these "three sites" shine here as identical elementary three points ... -There is no difference and no difference between these "points" ...

        -In general ...- personally, I express my opinion clearly and clearly ... -If "you three" do not understand something., Then at least ask ...- I will try to answer ... -You do not understand about Venezuela., About Syria., About China ... ??? -First, just use your brain and think ...

        - Regarding the fact that "At least fill up the oil at the SGA." I would like to remind you "all three." 7,4 million barrels per day ... - Make your own conclusions ... - Think "for you" ... - personally I'm not going to ... - Hahah ...
  2. 0
    April 4 2019 04: 46
    Russia did the right thing ... in Venezuela, it protects its investments in the amount of $ 17 billion, and also saves Venezuela from the United States and its puppets ... and China in this case plays together with Russia against the United States .... if the USA is to be donated, then Russia warned them that it would make of them the Stalin Strait, since today Russia is ahead and stronger than the United States in military technology
  3. 0
    April 5 2019 09: 16
    -It is very sad that many of those present here do not want to see beyond their own nose and put cons on their own mmmm ...., to put it mildly naive ...
    -But everything looks very serious and you should think about it.

    - So that Russia is falling into a trap in Venezuela - I’ll repeat it again ...

    -USA is very simple, without special expenses and very easily played its "Venezuelan gambit" ...
    - Yes, the United States "sacrifices Venezuela", but in return it acquires incomparably more ...
    -US gaining confrontation between Russia and China ...
    - It was here that the United States managed to withdraw and focus this one-on-one confrontation (Russia-China) ...
    -What actually happens ???
    -And the following happens:
    -First, Russia, spending its resources, financial resources, material resources and even some insignificant military contingent (which can then be increased); gradually enough firmly involved in "Venezuelan affairs" ...
    - At the same time, China is doing the same. -And .., ah-what a "pastoral" - two "friendly" and "partner" states are doing one thing, which is very beneficial to each of these two states ...
    -And at first everything is so fabulous and looks ... -But., This "fairy tale" ends very quickly ..- after all, China does not need anyone else in Venezuela ...- after all, China wants to be there only one full-fledged owner ...
    -And a very serious confrontation looms ahead between Russia and China ..., with a rather unpleasant ending for Russia ...
    -As a result, Russia is losing a lot:
    Previously invested resources + new invested resources + new very serious sanctions against Russia (which will be supported by China) + losses from this local confrontation with China (taking into account the most "sparing version" of this confrontation) + all the funds spent by Russia go to China + Russia "receives" the most negative reputation in the world political arena ...
    - "The trap slammed" ... - And the United States and China are acquiring a new form of relations in which Russia acquires the image of a common enemy for them ...
    -Well, and then the "curve will display" ...