Venezuelan Front: Russia is required to get out in a good way

US President Donald Trump in his anti-Russian rhetoric has already crossed not only the reasonable limits set by the head of state, but all the permissible limits of decency. During a meeting in the White House with the wife of the self-proclaimed “leader” of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, Fabiana Rosales, he only needed to mention our country, which was heard from the lips of one of the journalists present at the event, to burst out with the phrase: “Russians must get out!”, Adding in passing that Washington is ready to take absolutely any measures that will help expel the Russians from this South American country, clearly hinting at a force scenario.

Apparently, the United States intends to continue to give the world a “master class” of double standards - both in the situation with the Venezuelan crisis and in other aspects of US-Russian relations.

It was expected that Guaido was the first to "sound the alarm" about the appearance of military aircraft from Russia at the Caracas airport, declaring a very ordinary visit of our military to Venezuela as "a violation of the constitution." At the same time, the impostor did not fail to accuse the country's legitimate president Nicolas Maduro of “not trusting his own military men,” and therefore “having to import foreign ones.” From the lips of a political intriguer, who has repeatedly called for external military intervention in the affairs of his homeland, such statements sound top of cynicism. However, there is nothing to be surprised at - a diligent student only repeats after his teachers and mentors from Washington.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova spoke more than successfully on this topic, commenting on the statement of the President of the United States bordering on the market rudeness and similar claims of other high-ranking American politicians by saying that the United States, before making any comments about the "military presence", would not be bad to deal with its own "exodus" from Syria, which turned out to be, in fact, endless. And this, by the way, despite the fact that the American fighters, unlike the Russian army, which is in Syria at the request of its legitimate leader and on the basis of international treaties, were not invited there at all. Also, Konstantin Kosachev, head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council of the Russian State Duma, called Donald Trump's statements "ill-considered", "unfounded" and, moreover, dangerous. At the same time, the politician made it clear to what extent this hooligan rhetoric could “influence” the actions of our country, saying that Venezuela would continue to remain a reliable partner of Russia, adding the meaningful: “We are absolutely ready” ...

Nevertheless, in Washington, it seems, they are not going to relent. So, US Vice President Mike Pence did not just call the arrival of Russian military aircraft in Venezuela “an undesirable provocation”, but demanded (!) From our country “an immediate cessation of all support for the Maduro regime” and “the adoption of the Guaido side”. Together with "the whole civilized world", of course. Otherwise, the "civilized", of course, will be very offended, and then ... In any case, the words of the same Trump that the United States is "open all the way" to achieve the elimination of Russia from Venezuela, it sounds that not at all, an undisguised threat.

The United States has already fussed to reinforce and legitimize its actions that are hostile to Russia and Venezuela at the legislative level. Among the House of Representatives adopted by the House of Congress just a few days ago, three bills on the situation in this country, one is devoted exclusively to the "Russian question." With this document, the US State Department is given 90 days to “determine the level of threat to American interests from Moscow’s cooperation with the Maduro regime” and to develop concrete proposals for measures to counter such. True, a careful examination of this initiative in the foreground immediately reveals the traditional "selfish interest" of the gentlemen of the congressmen. Most of all, they are concerned that the American company Citgo, a subsidiary of the Venezuelan oil and gas corporation PDVSA, may come under the control of Moscow. This may happen because 49,9% of Citgo shares have been at the disposal of our Rosneft since 2016, being collateral for a loan of $ 1.6 billion provided at the time by PDVSA.

It should be understood that the Americans are already counting on taking over the entire oil sector of Venezuela, but they are absolutely not going to give up their debts, especially to the Russians. Obviously, they seriously think that our country is ready to “sacrifice” the billions invested in the oil industry of this country for the “triumph of democracy” in the American manner. In any case, in the above-mentioned bill so far it is only about visa sanctions against those people who “support Maduro on behalf of Russia”. However, what can the State Department think of when it comes to developing another anti-Russian "strategy" ?!

This is not difficult to assume if one hears some passages from a speech by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, which he recently addressed the Congressional Appropriations Committee. The Secretary of State stated that "the threats emanating from Russia have already gone beyond the scope of military or external aggression" and are some kind of sinister "operations of influence" that Moscow carries out literally around the world. They are directed, of course, against "American democracy and Western values" and the danger to "US national interests" is simply mortal. So gentlemen, congressmen - all to fight the "operations of influence"! We will not spare our belly and, naturally, budget dollars, which will require a lot of this “holy cause”.

In the event of the Venezuelan crisis, the United States and its leaders show us an unprecedented ability to shift from one sore head to the healthy! What their puppets, vassals and emissaries are doing in this country - is this, therefore, not an “operation of influence”? Not “irresponsible escalation” and not “provocation” ?! However, all these extremely unflattering epithets sound just to the address of our country. Well, let them say it ... If Russia has to prove once again that it will never “get out” from nowhere, it will do it.
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  1. +1
    29 March 2019 16: 02
    Thank you for the article! I read it with interest.
  2. 0
    29 March 2019 17: 15
    If they want to kick out.
    1. +1
      30 March 2019 02: 49
      In addition to ours, there are already thousands of Cuban military men. And these guys have shown in Angola that they know how to fight. And given the terrain and dense tropical forests of Venezuela, it will be abruptly Vietnam.
      States are clearly nervous, urging their sixes to stupid statements and actions. The plot is developing clearly not according to their scenario. lol
      Surely the GDP is not yet one stub-surprise for the States.
      1. -2
        31 March 2019 03: 26
        -What kind of blank. ???
        - Coal .., what if we start to transport to Venezuela ...- from the Polar Port ..?
        -He was going to fight .. in the jungle ...- he also sailed to the Cubans ... -And I didn’t forget about the Chinese ..?
        - We need the Chinese in Venezuela ... like coal in Africa ... - Strategic sofa ...
        1. -2
          April 1 2019 05: 55
          -Well .., now it's clear .. who you are ... -primitive vulgar "sent Cossack" ... -Hahah ...