With Panasonic's Hitokoe gadget, you won’t forget what you need at home

How sometimes it is insulting when you have to return home for a forgotten thing. Especially if you're already late somewhere. However, now you have the opportunity to avoid such "troubles" thanks to the new from Panasonic, dubbed Hitokoe.

With Panasonic's Hitokoe gadget, you won’t forget what you need at home

The device is a warning system that will take care of the availability of the necessary accessories. The control panel of the device is mounted near the front door, and RFID tags are attached to all items that should not stay at home.

At the same time, using a special application from Panasonic, you can set individual rules for specific positions. For example, you need an umbrella only in rainy weather, and a subscription to the pool on certain days.

At the moment, the prototype of the device is, so to speak, in a "raw" form. The developers intend to expand the functionality of the warning system. So, Hitokoe will be able to warn you about possible traffic jams, and also, relying on weather conditions, recommend closing windows or using an appropriate wardrobe. Moreover, in the future, the “smart” gadget from Panasonic will learn to track the current status of electrical appliances, which will save you from an obsessive thought about the iron turned on.
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  1. 0
    26 March 2019 19: 57
    Further debilitation of the Homo Sapiens population temporarily occupying the Earth continues ...