In the United States will build a supercomputer with record performance

Last year, at the Supercomputing18 conference, Intel announced the development of a “secret architecture” called Intel Xe. All that was possible to learn about the "mysterious" brainchild of the IT giant is that it will implement fundamentally new technological processes and apply an innovative way of silicon packaging. Not much…

And so, on the eve it became known that the "secret architecture" will be used for the first time in a supercomputer that Intel and Cray are working on. The device was called Aurora and should be tested at the Argonne National Laboratory (a research center of the US Department of Energy) in 2021.

If you believe the statements of the developers, then the performance of Aurora will exceed 1 exaflops. In other words, the supercomputer will be able to perform more than 1 quintillion operations per second, which will be an absolute record.

The Computing Monster, which will cost $ 500 million to build, will consist of two hundred Cray Shasta unified cluster systems equipped with the latest Intel Xeon Scalable CPUs and Intel Optane Datacenter Persistent Memory. In addition, Aurora will have a modular design, which will allow you to understaff it at any time in order to further increase computing power.
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  1. 0
    April 9 2019 18: 00
    Do not stomp on the spot however. Well done Merikos, what else can I say