Nvidia showed a mini-computer the size of a "credit card"

Artificial intelligence is increasingly being introduced into our daily lives. And in order to speed up this process, Nvidia announced the release of the Jetson Nano device, which is nothing more than a "computer for robots."

An embedded computing board, the size of which is comparable to a credit card, connects to the device and gives the latest AI. So, thanks to this mini-computer, the device equipped with it will receive autonomous navigation, the ability to recognize objects and other functions without connecting to the cloud.

Jetson Nano as standard will cost the buyer $ 99. The miniature PC will receive a quad-core ARM A57 CPU, an Nvidia Maxwell GPU and 4 GB of RAM. The device is also equipped with: standard connectors, including USB-A and B, a slot for microSD memory cards and supports a number of AI platforms, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, and MXNet.

In addition to the base board, the manufacturer offers modules for commercial companies starting at $ 129, as well as a JetBot robotic kit. The latter includes a Jetson Nano mini-computer, a robot chassis, a battery and engines. The kit allows you to assemble your own robot with AI and costs $ 250.
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  1. Ygm
    20 March 2019 17: 44
    Already got these conversations about AI.
    A calculator appeared - forgotten how to count in the mind.
    AI has not really appeared yet - but I don’t feel like thinking anymore.
    The trend however!
  2. +3
    22 March 2019 00: 40
    An embedded computing board, the size of which is comparable to a credit card, connects to the device and gives the latest AI.

    Bullshit! How was such schizophrenia missed for publication?
    Having a brain is not proof of intelligence.