Maternity capital payments want to extend until 2024

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation proposed that the government extend the maternity capital program until 2024. The extension of the program, according to experts, will have a productive effect on the demographic situation in the country.

Recall that maternity capital is a measure of state support for Russian families in which a second child was born or adopted in the period from 2007 to 2021.

Currently, the amount of maternity capital is 453 rubles. Maternity capital funds can be spent on housing, including as part of a mortgage payment, on the education of a child, on the funded part of a mother’s pension and on the social adaptation of a disabled child.

For many Russian families, maternal capital has indeed become a very significant help, primarily in the acquisition of their own housing. Of course, in large cities and, especially, in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the amount of 453 thousand rubles for the purchase of housing is extremely small, but Russia does not consist of only megacities. In the Russian province, in small towns and rural areas, you can sometimes buy your own isolated housing for such money.

The maternity capital program has contributed to a certain increase in the birth rate in the country, as well as an overall improvement in the social climate. After all, Russian families have received evidence that the state is ready to help them.

Now the Ministry of Labor is analyzing the efficiency of spending maternity capital funds and is considering a more detailed plan for extending the program. It is hoped that the government will not reject the initiative of the ministry and will extend the program in its current or modernized form.