SpaceX tested thermal protection for Starship interplanetary ship

Inspired by the successful flight of the new Crew Dragon, SpaceX designers focused on their future Starship interplanetary spacecraft. Recall that the Raptor engine, designed to launch the Starship, has already passed fire tests. And, according to Ilon Mask, in the coming days, the ship will make a test "jump" on one engine, and later - a suborbital flight with three units.

In addition, the founder of the corporation shared a video from recent tests of the protective coating of the spaceship, which will not allow it to “burn out” in the atmosphere when it returns to Earth. It is worth noting that, according to the developers, Starship will become a “reusable” ship, which will be ready to make its next flight immediately after the previous one, without additional repairs.

As for the "heat shield", it will be located on one side of the interplanetary spacecraft and will be a collection of hexagonal tiles. By the way, the form of the latter was not chosen by chance. Engineers stopped precisely at this option, since it leaves no direct paths for heated atmospheric gases.

For additional protection of the parts most exposed to heat, which will be identified during the tests, a method of transpiration cooling is provided. The latter consists in the supply of refrigerants (methane and water) through 10 micron pores on the back of the coating. When re-flying, it will be enough just to refuel the corresponding tank.

According to the information received, during the tests, the “heat shield” withstood heating to temperatures above 1300 ° C. This is quite enough for the ship to survive the return to Earth absolutely painlessly.